Like Father, Like Daughter

He had flings before. He knew he had the perfect life all laid out for him. A daughter however, was not in the picture. She's just like him in every aspect. Watch as Hikaru and his daughter ease into a less than typical father/daughter relationship.

By Adaelie

I didn't hate this school so much as I was amazed by it. It was certainly bigger than the other schools I've attended. I stared upward in awe, mouth hanging open slightly. "Airi, wake up! We're going to be late!" I blinked, staring in a rather confused manner of my half brother. He simply shook his head before running his hand through his hair, one placed on his hip. "I forget you were poor sometimes, Airisu…" He mumbled to himself, and I narrowed my eyes. "What was that supposed to mean?" He merely picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and rushing into the building. I kicked and flailed about like a complete spaz, demanding that I be put down. I was certain of course, that it had caught the eye of the students. I paled slightly, imagining all they could be thinking about me already.

I gave in, at least until Kosuke put me back down onto my feet and sighing. He rolled his shoulder slightly before looking down at me and grinning from ear to ear. "You're pretty strong for such a little girl." I was about to punch him again before he merely ruffled my hair before running off to his own class. I smoothed it back down, although a rather obvious cowlick remained upward much to my disdain. It curled up slightly, hovering above my head before twisting slightly into a simple spring looking thing. I brushed the folds out of my pleated skirt, and looked myself over again.

Apparently, they had changed the girls' uniform some time ago. It now was a pinstriped blue vest that went over a long-sleeved white dress top. We were also obligated to wear a tie. A plaid (although surprisingly stylish) skirt went underneath the top and the ladies were supposed to wear stockings underneath with a pair of black mary-janes. The girls still had the option of wearing the old one, but obviously no one had. The boy's uniform still looked the same from the pictures I had seen. I looked at my uniform, all of which in order. I wore a pair of knee-high white stockings and had braided my hair prior to leaving. I adjusted the barrettes in my hair, breathing in and out to clear the nerves.

It had been a while since I was at a school like this, but even then I had to leave not even half way through the year.

My hand went to the gilded doorknob, turning it slightly to enter the room. A man looked up at me from his desk, at least before offering a small smile at me. He got up, pushing the glasses up the bridge of his nose before moving to help me inside. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Kyousuke Tatsuya. I'll be your teacher this year." He grinned, moving aside so that I could move past him into be introduced to the rest of the class.

I walked up to the front of the room, standing there a bit awkwardly as they all just stared at me with curious eyes. I found a few familiar faces however, and I smiled at them quietly. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" Tatsuya offered, sitting on his desk quietly and swinging his legs. I crossed my arms, staring at them before opening my mouth to speak.

"I'm Hitachiin Airisu, nice to meet you all." I said simply. Tatsuya paled behind me, clearly wishing that my introduction had been a bit longer. I could only imagine how much time he had allotted for me to speak. Was this normal for his class? "Any questions…?" I said, watching from the corner of my eye as my teacher let out a relieved sigh.

One hand waved above the crowd, and I pointed at them. "So, you're Kosuke-senpai's sister?" I nodded slowly. "Technically, half sister. I'm cousins with Kokoro and Ritsuka too." Some of the girls swooned at the name, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the act. "Airisu-senpai," I tilted my head to look at one rather extremely girly-looking person. "Yes…?" I answered, blinking slightly. She shook her head dismissively, changing her mind.

"Why don't you sit next to…?" He scanned the room for an empty desk, vividly noticing the flailing of arms in one particular area. He chuckled to himself at least before spotting a seat next to the girl who had changed her mind on the question. "Yes why don't you sit next to Naoki?" I paused, blinking quietly. "…isn't Naoki's a boy's name?" Naoki grimaced. "I am a boy though." My eyes widened, my hand clapping to my mouth trying to hold back my snickers.

"Erm, pfff. Alright." I stammered, getting my bag and walking to the desk and plopping down. "Honestly Naoki, I think a lot more people wouldn't mistake you for a girl if you just didn't wear those clips in your hair all the time kiddo." Naoki pouted, crossing his arms. "DAAAAAD." Tatsuya could only wave it off before going back to teaching class. Naoki slumped into his seat and I merely smiled quietly. How amusing.

Class continued without a hitch and lunch soon came.

I got up from my seat, walking to the cafeteria with my own packed lunch. Personally, I didn't care much for the expensive food that they served. It was much too overly priced and impractical. I ate quietly, watching as the Host Club began to crowd around me. "Can I help you?" I said bluntly, taking a bite out of my rice ball. "We've never seen peasant food before!" I snorted. "What makes you think you're better than me?" Miyoru reached out, grabbing one of my sushi rolls. "Hey!" I protested, although the girl bit it hesitantly before her eyes widened.

She grabbed me by the collar and shook me like a doll. "YOU MUST TEACH ME YOUR WAYS, OH GREAT SUSHI LORD." …what? Sushi lord? …god these people were bigger idiots than I thought. "Miyoru, put her down before you kill her." Akira said gently, watching the girl ease me down onto my feet. Dear god. Was the room spinning or was it just me? I stumbled backwards, the Suoh catching me in his arms. "You okay?" I nodded numbly as I watched Miyoru pounce onto Ritsuka's back. "Onward, good steed!" She proclaimed, pointing out into nothingness.

"HEY. THAT'S MY RIDE, WOMAN." Kokoro suddenly demanded, stomping her dainty little foot on the ground. "Well too bad Koko!" Miyoru suddenly cackled, nearly falling off the poor cat boy's back. "GET OFF MY BROTHER." "Never!" "GET OFF!" "I'M TAKING OVER THE WORLD WITH RITSU CRACKERS AT MY SIDE!" "SHUT UP FOO, THIS IS MYYYYYY BROTHER." "SHUT UP!" "NO YOU SHUT UP!"

E- Eh, this was confusing. Poor Ritsuka being caught in the middle of it all.

"What about you both ask Ritsu Butt Munch what he wants?" I said simply, joining in on the lame names they were giving Ritsuka. "Pffffffffffft! RITSU BUTT MUNCH. That's a good one." They both drawled, laughing quietly as Ritsuka merely paled in the corner. I scratched the back of my head. "I don't really think so but uh…" I blinked quietly as I was suddenly dragged off across the lunch room to the club room. I frowned. Was this how my life was going to be like every day for the rest of my life? Oh dear god.

I was going to die here wasn't I?


I could have sworn, the very moment I set foot (er… dragged foot) into the third music room I saw all sanity be stripped away from me.

Author's Note; Sorry I haven't updated anything in so long! And I apologize for dropping many of my stories but hey I'm sticking with this one. Hopefully I'll actually get to finishing it. ._. Anyway. Again, I apologize for the shortness of this chapter but I hope you found some amusement in my lame humor.