AN: Please enjoy? ^__^

"ARRGH! Damn these stupid mosquitoes! They. Just. won't die."

"Al, that's not doing any good. Come over here and try and help us start a fire."

"Amerika looks very foolish waving his arms about, da, Canada?"

"Russia. Could you at least set the tent up."

"Don't let that…" splat. "Red…" splat. "set up the…" splat "DAMNIT LEAVE ME ALONE! …tents. He'll mess it up with his commie-ness"

"Russia is a democracy now, Amerika."

"Why are you even here anyway?" Splat.

"Canada invited me, Amerika."

"Ah! I got the fire guys."

"Isn't it kinda puny Mattie?" Splat.

"I-it'll get bigger…"

"Da. Amerika, you have to build it up slowly."

"Whatever creepy bastard! Mattie why are you blushing? DAMN GO AWAY! Why aren't they bothering you, commie!" Splat.

"A-al don't be like that, eh?"

"Mattie. Is the fire ready yet? I wanna make s'mores!" splat.

"You have to be patient Al."

"They need to be red and hot before you can do anything with them, Amerika."

"But I'm hung- WHAT THE HECK! It's not suppose to rain!" splat.

"Quick get in the tent"



"Al… that's my stomach."

"Move your hand already Russia."

"That is not my hand Amerika"


"What is it Mattie? You're all red again."

"C-could you please g-g-get off of me?"

"Oops. Sorry."

"Would Canada like to get off from me?"

"S-sorry Russia."

"We should have checked the weather before we came, da?"

"Whatever Red… Let's just order some pizza or something"

"But Al we were suppose to rough it."

"Forget roughing it, we've already been through enough shit. …Damn no service." Splat! "SERIOUSLY LEAVE ME ALONE!"