Aizel: Hello, minna- san. I hope you guys had a wonderful week…
Sapphire: …Coz Aizel's here to ruin it.
Aizel: Great. You ruined a perfectly good intro.
Sapphire: You're welcome.
Aizel: Hmph. At least I had a good week.
Sapphire: Really?
Aizel: Yeah. Last week, my two friends in Facebook and I were talking about a lot of things. We even rp-ed.
Sapphire: Don't you mean rap?
Aizel: No. RP means role playing. You were even there.
Sapphire: I was?
Aizel: Yeah. We even had tea with Mistress, Reina-chan, Chloe-chan, Rima-chan, Wai-nii, and Kuro-chan. And no, the Kuro-chan I'm talking about is the royal side of Wai-nii.
Sapphire: Who is this Mistress, you are talking about?
Aizel: She's Reina-chan's royal side.
Sapphire: …
Aizel: She's the one who keeps calling other people commoners.
Sapphire: Nope. Doesn't ring a bell.
Aizel: She's also the one who never gets tired of drinking tea.
Sapphire: Tea?...Oh. You mean the weakling I'd like to call fake hime.
Aizel: Yes.
Sapphire: Wait. I thought we were talking about your fic.
Aizel: Huh?... Oh. I almost forgot about that. In today's chapter, Tsuna and the other two will finally be reunited. This chapter will be a bit boring though so please bear with it.
Sapphire: Ha. I knew you were going to ruin it for them. XD
Disclaimer: Aizel doesn't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn nor does she own any of its characters.
Somewhere in the forest…
' Where are they? ' Mukuro was pacing back and forth. Apparently, when he opened the book his tutor gave him; two maps fell out of it. One of them was a map of the castle. The castle had a lot of escape routes. He used one of them so he could leave the place inconspicuously. The other map was the map of the whole place. He found out that not every place was taken over by the creatures. When he escaped, he decided that he could use the opportunity to meet up with his friends. Good thing he knows how to draw well, otherwise he'd had a hard time thinking up another plan. After making two copies of the 2nd map, he used the animals in the forest to deliver the map to Tsuna and Hibari.
After twenty more minutes of waiting, Mukuro saw someone approaching him.
" Took you long to get here. " Mukuro smirked.
" It's not my fault. I was busy being yelled at by my parents. " Hibari calmly said.
" What did you do? "
" The castle almost got burned to the ground. "
" You… burned… your own castle? "
" That was also not my fault. " Hibari said. " Blame my sparring partner. He was a show-off and real a pain in the neck.
" Did they punish you or something? "
" They confiscated my tonfas. " Hibari clenched his fists in annoyance.
" How are you going to train without your tonfas? "
" They said I'll have to learn magic for a while. "
" Hm? That's good. Maybe you can bite your enemies to death with magic. " Mukuro grinned. " I wonder what's taking Tsu-chan so long to get here. "
Suddenly, they heard some rustling behind the bushes.
" Who's there? " the two said in unison.
" H-Hey. It's just me. No need for you two to get violent or anything. " the figure said, coming out of the shrubs.
" Oh. It's just you, Tsu-chan. We thought you… were an…. " Mukuro trailed off when he and Hibari saw their friend….. wearing another dress.
" Hmm? What is it? "
" … "
" Is there something in my hair? "
"… " Hibari and Mukuro just stared at the person in front of them. Suddenly a thought came in Tsuna's mind.
" …Okay. Now I know what's going on. You guys are probably thinking why I'm wearing this stupid thing, huh? " Tsuna pointed to the clothes he's wearing. Tsuna was wearing an elegant strapless snow white dress with an orange sash. The sash is not only stunningly regal, but also very flattering to the hips. The elegant strapless lace bodice is accented dazzling sequins and beading which give this sophisticated formal dress just the right amount of pizzazz. In other words, Tsuna was looking really HOT as a girl. " Honestly, I don't know why kaa-san likes me to be in a catwalk. It's so embarrassing. Tou-san even took pics. "
" … "
" Kyou- chan, Kuro- chan. You two are drooling again. " Tsuna pouted. Then suddenly, Hibari and Mukuro woke up from their trance. " H- Huh? " Mukuro looked around. Then he noticed Tsuna staring at him. " Tsu-chan. You look…um… "
" … Beautiful? " Hibari finished his sentence and smirked. Tsuna blushed heavily.
" I- I'm not. " he stuttered. " I didn't even want to wear it. "
" If you don't, why are you wearing it? " Hibari asked.
" Well… "
xx Flashback xx
" What kind of training involves running 15 laps around Albero, doing 200 push- ups, and 200 curl-ups; With 5 kilogram weights on each foot? " Tsuna said to himself. His body was tattered with bruises and cuts. Thankfully Tsuna's new friend, Hershee, was there. Otherwise, he would've been dead before he could do 3 laps. Tsuna sighed. He decided to go to his room and have a change of clothes since the attire he is currently wearing was filled with holes.
When he entered his room, Tsuna's eyes went wide. His room was just like those you see in fairytales. His bed can be slept in by at least five people, the ceiling had a big chandelier and the walls had pictures of him with and /or without his parents when they were still living in the human world. ' I wish I was back to my normal life… with them. '
He was about to walk towards the closet, when he forgot he was supposed to take a shower first. ' I wonder what the bathroom look like. ' he thought. Tsuna expected that the bathroom wasn't as grand as the room. But he was wrong. The bathroom was half as big as his room. The floor was made of white ceramic tiles. The bathroom mirror's frame had lots of gemstones on it. And the bathtub was made of gold. ' What's next? Diamond soap? '
After a few minutes of bathing, he wrapped a towel around his waist and went towards the closet. When he opened the door, Tsuna's eye twitched. " Does life really hate me that much? " he said.
Suddenly someone came into his room. " Tsu-kun. How do you like your new room. " Nana said, walking to his son followed by Iemitsu. " Hm? Tsu-kun. Why aren't you still in your clothes? "
" You're gonna get sick. " Iemitsu look concerned.
" Now come on. I'll pick the clothes you're going to wear. " Nana walked closer.
" I- I don't t- think that's necessary, k- kaa-san. " Tsuna stuttered, trying to block the closet.
" Don't be silly. " Nana gently pushed his son out of the way, but when she looked what is inside it, her eyes widened. Iemitsu got worried so he took a look at what's inside as well. His reaction, you ask? Let's just say, Nana was taking this better than Iemitsu. " Why did you replace your clothes with dresses and gowns? Are you going gay? "
" I didn't replace them. And I'm not GAY! " Tsuna half shouted.
" I can't believe my Kawaii son is in love with guys. " Iemitsu tried to hold back the tears in his eyes.
" I'm not gay. And I'm not bi too. "
" Then why is your closet filled with these? "
" I have no idea. "
" Then we better call the seamstress. " Iemitsu said before he snapped his finger, revealing a young maiden, the same age as Tsuna. " I'm glad you're here. Care to tell us why you gave our son girl clothes? "
" Hahi? Your son? " the seamstress gasped. " I thought your child was a girl desu. "
' She thought I was a girl? ' Tsuna thought.
" Hahi? Is this him? " she examined the prince before him. " He…. "
" I what? "
" He… "
" What? "
" He looks.. "
" I look what? "
" ….He looks so…. KAKKOI! " she squealed.
" Of course he is. He is my kawaii son. " Iemitsu proudly said while Tsuna just sweat dropped.
" May we get back to the problem at hand? " Nana asked.
" O- Of course, your majesty. " she bowed.
" Why did you thought we had a daughter? "
" I- It's because King Iemitsu gave my mother and I a picture when he was little. "
" What picture? "
" This one. " she took something out of her pocket and gave it to Nana.
When the seamstress gave it to Tsuna's mother, she squealed. " No wonder she thought Tsu- kun was a girl. "
" Hm? Can we see too? " Tsuna asked. When he and his father looked at it, Tsuna blushed like a tomato. It was a picture of Tsuna blushing when he was six years old hugging a lion stuff toy. " W- Where did you get these? I thought I burned all of them. "
" You thought you burned all of them, but your father and I made copies for every picture we took of you. "
" They were too kawaii. We had to make copies. " Iemitsu grinned cheekily.
" D- Does this mean I'm off the hook? " Haru asked.
" Yes. " Nana turned back to the maiden. " But in two conditions. Number one, you have to make new clothes for my son. "
" Hai. The clothes will be ready in a few days. " she bowed.
" Number two. You have to help me organize a fashion show in a few minutes for Tsu-kun. " Nana said happily.
" EEEHHHH? " Tsuna exclaimed. " I don't want to do it again. "
" Tsuna, it'll be a waste if you didn't at least try out all of the clothes you have. " Iemitsu patted his son's back.
" I can't believe life hates me this much… " Tsuna said mostly to himself before he was pushed into the bathroom with one of the dresses in hand.
xx Flashback ended xx
" … And that's why I have to dress up as a girl for a few days. " Tsuna sighed.
" Can I have some of the pictures? " Hibari teased.
" No need to scream, you know. " Mukuro said.
" …So why haven't you guys changed clothes yet? " Tsuna asked after calming down.
" I was too busy planning our ' reunion '. "
" And I was too busy being scolded because I burned my parents' castle to the ground. " Hibari said with a cool voice.
" You… burned … your own castle? "
" That's what I said. "
" You did? " Mukuro nodded.
" That's right. And I don't want to talk about it right now. "
" Fine. " Tsuna said. " So. Do you guys know about the war going on? "
" Yeah. I can't believe the people of Leone accused your kingdom's first kings for the death of ours. "
" Yours too? " Mukuro and Tsuna said in unison.
" … You mean to tell me that your kingdoms also thought the same? " the two nodded.
" I blame that mysterious creature for all of this. "
" Do you think he's dead? "
" …That's highly unlikely. "
" Why'd you say that? "
" Listen. Nobody said that they found that guy right? Not even our tutors? "
" … "
" Then if no one found him, no one killed him. " Mukuro explained.
" … I guess you're right. "
" … "
" Hm?... Kuro-chan. Is that book yours? " Tsuna asked, pointing at the book.
" This? It's not mine. It belongs to Daemon Spade, the first king of Scuro. "
" The first king? "
" Yeah. It's his diary. "
" The king has a diary? " Hibari asked.
" My tutor say it's a journal, but I say it's a diary. " Mukuro smirked.
" So what's it about? " Tsuna asked.
" I have no idea. I haven't actually read it ever since my tutor gave it to me."
" … "
" … "
" … "
" … "
" Why didn't you just read it while you were waiting for us? "
" Well, I kinda forgot about that… "
" Then let's read it now. " Tsuna said.
" We can't. "
" Eh? Why not? "
" It's already past midnight. Our parents will suspect something if we're half-asleep during breakfast. "
" … " Tsuna turned silent.
" Don't worry. We'll just come back here tomorrow and talk about it. " Mukuro said.
" …Alright. " Tsuna smiled and bid his goodbye to his two close friends before they parted ways.
A few minutes later...
" Good thing no one noticed I was gone. " Tsuna happily said after he jumped through his window of his room.
" Oh really? " a mysterious voice said.
Tsuna gulped. He couldn't believe someone knew he sneaked out of the castle.
" So. How was your first date? " he smirked before turning around to face Tsuna in his swivel chair.
Aizel: Well that's it. I hope no one was bored reading this.
Sapphire: I was.
Aizel: I wasn't talking to you.
Sapphire: I don't care. I just like annoying you. That's all.
Aizel: Hmph. Baka gemstone.
Sapphire: Mental Emo-san.
Aizel: Please Read and Review, minna-san :3