Disclaimer: The Reborn manga or anime series does not belong to me

Chapter 8

Tsunas blinked and stared at the building in front of her. Ryohei had dragged her and Gokudera across town, chatting throughout the entire journey. The cheerful boy seemed completely oblivious to the glare directed at him by the silver haired teen. What Tsuna didn't see was that when she looked away he would glare right back. She just shrugged her shoulders at the tension between the two, boys were one of the many things in the world she didn't understand.

She could feel Reborn's eyes on her but she had no idea where he was. Somehow she just knew that he would be judging what job she got, and probably whatever else she was doing. Each step she had taken she had half expected some weird trap to spring. The baby was making her paranoid. A tiny voice in her head whispered that a boss had to constantly be aware of their surroundings and to never let their guard down. She grit her teeth in frustration; the voice in her head was starting to sound a lot like Reborn. Gokudera had spent the journey trying to talk to her but Ryohei had always managed to grab her attention. This meant that he was now very angry and his hands were twitching rather worryingly. It had occurred to Tsuna that her possible boss wouldn't like it if Gokudera blew up the street.

Turning her eyes back to the building she read the sign on the front. Kawahira's place. She turned to Ryohei.

"You never told me what this place was Ryohei." He scratched the back of his head,

"I'm EXTREMELY sorry Tsuna but if I wanted to get you here as quick as possible otherwise I may have forgotten." She heard Gokudera mutter idiot under his breath.

"That's fine Ryohei. So what is this place exactly and what job are they hoping to hire someone for?"

"This building is EXTREMELY special. It serves as a tea shop but also as an apothecary. The owner is a really cool guy who like ramen...a lot. I know him because of my EXTREME training. See I usually end up slightly injured and I get most of my first aid from here. He's friends with my dad so I get a slight discount. Anyway his assistant left town a week ago on some adventure and he needs a replacement."

She smiled, an apothecary, that was something that she may actually be able to work in. She felt a little nervous about the tea shop bit though, knowing her she would trip and break every cup and plate in the building. Taking a deep breath she readied herself.

"Don't worry Juudaime-hime he'd be an idiot not to hire someone as talented as you." Gokudera smiled and she nodded slightly. She had mentioned her apprenticeship in the walk over but he seemed to exaggerate everything she did. Not to mention the dynamite still made her very nervous. It wasn't that she disliked Gokudera, far from it, he was just so forward and seemed desperate to please her. She didn't know how to react to it.

"I hope I do get it. It doesn't seem too far from my house and we didn't have to pass through any shady areas to get here." She examined the building again. The walls were a faint green colour and the paint on the sign was faded. She asked Ryohei and Gokudera to wait outside, the last thing she wanted was a fight in the middle of a job interview. The door had a crack running down it and looked like it would break down with one punch. She gently knocked on the door. There was a spooky creak and it swung open. Gulping she stepped inside, it was quite nice and was cleaner on the outside then the inside she saw with relief.

"Who are you?" She jumped slightly at the voice, which seemed to come out of nowhere, that pierced the silence. Her head swung left and right until she saw who she presumed was the owner. The man was eating a bowl of ramen and was watching her with eyes behind a pair of glasses. His clothes looked slightly shabby but what caught her attention was the ring on his finger: it was a black band with snakes coming out of it and something about it sent a chill down her spine. Shaking her head she bowed slightly.

"I'm sorry for intruding sir. My name is Tsunayoshi Sawada." His eyes flashed slightly and reminded her a little too much of a certain infant. "I-I heard that you were looking for an assistant." He put his head in his hands cocked his head left then right without taking his eyes off her making Tsuna feel like one of the bugs that the healer would sometimes dissect. There was a long awkward silence and she began to wish that she had let Gokudera and Ryohei come with her.

"Oh! Your the girl that Sasagawa told me about." It took him that long to figure it out she thought. Still keeping her face composed she nodded. He stepped towards her and used his chopsticks to lift up her face. Now feeling really nervous Tsuna just focused on breathing maybe she should look somewh-

"You're hired." The man exclaimed and let her face go.

"EHHH? What!?" She jumped back eyes wide. Just who was this strange man? Then again she only seemed to meet strange people these days. He put down his ramen and clapped his hands together.

"You can start tomorrow at 7am I'll tell you what I want you to do and give you a tour of the building." She looked around, there was only 1 room. "See you tomorrow Tsuna-chan!"

Startled she began waving her hands around. "W-wait a second, don't you even want to know what skills I have and what I can do. I don't even know your name."

He stuck out a hand. "You just call me Mr Kawahira OK." Had he had a personality switch when she wasn't looking? He was so different from the scary man who had stared at her for ages. Well he was still slightly scary now only in a different way. "As for why I'm hiring you....I'm not sure." She nearly face palmed. He smiled at her expression.

"Actually there are 3 reasons why; one Sasagawa is a good kid and he recommended you, two there's something about you that is interesting and intrigues me and three...it's a secret." Her eyebrow twitched a little; how was she going to survive working for this guy. "If that's all your questions then I'll see you tomorrow at 7." He pushed her out the door as her mouth opened. "Bye." The door shut in her face.

She stood there, her mouth still open to ask a question, staring at the door. What on earth had Ryohei gotten her in to? She turned around to see him and Gokudera on the other side of the street. Seiing her he raised his hand and waved.

"OI Tsuna. Did it go EXTREMELY well?" Gokudera just sneered at him.

"Don't be stupid turf-head. What idiot wouldn't want to hire the boss?" He turned to her with a brilliant smile. "Isn't that right Juudaime-hime?" She rubbed the back of her head.

"Well he said I had the job, but I didn't ven get a chance to disagree or agree and he was a little odd." She didn't know how to explain what had just happened.

"Did he hurt you Juudaime-hime? I'll exterminate him for you." She shook her head quickly.

"No no. N-nothing like that he just didn't interview me like I thought he would. Still at leasts it a job and it's a tea shop right?" She directed the question at Ryohei.

"Yes. Mr Kawahira makes the best tea in town, at least that's what he says, (Of course he'd say that she thought) but he also sells EXTREMELY good herbal medicine. It's cheaper than the doctors and most people around here aren't that rich." She nodded and looked back at the shop, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. "AH I'm EXTREMELY late!" Ryohei yelled. Stunned by the volume of his voice, she'd thought she'd gotten used it, Tsuna covered her ears.

"My sister wanted me home by now. I'll see you tomorrow Tsuna, octopus head." With that he ran off ignoring Gokudera's angry yells behind him. Tsuna giggled slightly and then her eyes fell on the large clock-tower; it was nearly 4pm. She looked at Gokudera who was still scowling in the direction Ryohei had gone, he might have to go home too but was just staying with her to be polite.

"You can go home too if you want Gokudera." She said. The bomber's dark green eyes met hers with surprise.

"With all do respect Juudaime-hime I must stay with you to ensure your protection at all times." She was about to argue when a familiar weight settled on her head.

"R-Reborn! What are you doing here?" She'd known he was near. The dangerous baby jumped onto her shoulder and she turned her head only to see him dressed as a crow. "Why are you dressed like that?" He extended his arms. (wings?)

"No-good Tsuna, someone like me, whose life is in constant danger, must be a master of disguise."

"Are you sure it's not just that it makes it harder of me to see you?"

"That too."

"Don't just admit it." He looked unconcerned and she gave up trying to scold him "Anyway why are you here?".

"I wanted to see if you'd be able to get a job. Our food supply is running low."

"What would you have done if I hadn't?" Somehow she could already hear the clicking of the crossbow.

"Killed you." Was it strange that she had known that he would say that? Keeping her comment to herself she turned to a perplexed looking Gokudera and smiled slightly.

"Well if you don't want to go home would you mind (her face turned a little red) t-taking a w-walk ar-around with me. I want to have a look at the area." He straightened up military style.

"Yes Juudaime-hime." She looked away embarrassed and missed the hint of red on his cheeks. She looked at her shoulder only to find Reborn had disappeared. Her eyes scanned the sky but she couldn't see anything.

"L-let's go then." The pair walked off down the street, watched by a pair of dark eyes. Reborn stood on the roof observing his student speaking to the bomber. She was hesitant and slightly tense which only reinforced the idea that he had that she was scared. Scared of letting someone in. From what he'd learnt she'd never had any real friends at the castle only two strong mother figures: her own mother, Nana Sawada and the castle healer Nataleya Dubra. They had become her lifelines and had both been shattered; her mother had apparently abandoned her and Nataleya had died trying to save her. It was natural that she would act like this. He only hoped that Hayato and Ryohei could repair the damage done, if they made it worse he would cheerfully put a bullet in their heads. Though from what he'd seen both teens already wanted to protect her and be her friend. She already had a right hand man and Ryohei had potential. He had seen a couple of others who could also be good editions to the family but he'd have to wait and see.

He smirked slightly at the boys reaction to her request. If she wasn't too careful she'd soon have a league of admirers he chuckled imagining how the shy girl would react to that. However, it might cause infighting within the family so she'd have to deal with it soon.

His eyes turned to the tea house and narrowed. Kawahira; the name was familiar to him and he felt a strange presence; it wasn't malicious but it worried him for some reason. He'd have to do some research. The tiny hit-man jumped after his student unseen as she walked along the streets of Namimori.

Behind a curtain a man with a bowl of ramen in his hand smiled at the two teenagers. He set the bowl down and pushed a stone on the wall. A section of it moved back and he pushed the hidden door open. The room was nearly black. He moved forward and looked at a small miniature portrait on the wall.

"So the wheels of fate have finally started turning." He covered his ring with his hand. "Will the Vongola rise or fall?"

By the time she got back home it was nearly 6. Gokudera had insisted on walking her home and had glared at anyone that looked even remotely suspicious. She smiled as she opened the door; he had a good heart it was just hidden under layers of swearing and anger. She still wasn't used to his attitude towards her but she had enjoyed the afternoon. So her day hadn't gone too bad, despite the attempt on her life she had a job and hopefully a new friend..acquaintance? Stepping inside she took her shoes off; only to yell as the floor opened up beneath her and she fell down a trap door into darkness.

There was a long yell then a big splash. A couple of seconds later the word "Reborn!" echoed around the house causing said hitman to smile as he lounged on the bed. Sometimes you had to enjoy the small things in life.

Dinner was a similar affair to last night and after the dishes had been put away Tsuna managed to do some more cleaning. There was still a lot of junk upstairs but the living room and kitchen were at least liveable now. Although Reborn would never admit it he was impressed by her. He'd expected her to moan about money and ask the ninth for a better house but she hadn't made a word of protest about the building or cleaning it. If anything she seemed to enjoy it.

Tsuna was asleep when she jumped on the bed; the days events had sapped her energy and she hoped she would be too tired to dream.

She wasn't.

Her mind replayed the images of the attack. A storm of arrows. People crying and wailing in the night. A stench of blood and sweat overpowering everything. Weapons clashing and magic flashing everywhere. Demons rising from hell and her teacher laying still on the floor. An empty room. She tried it run from it, tried to block out the images, tried in vain to not hear the screams. She looked to her right and saw a blade coming straight for her neck. With a gasp she sat bolt upright. Her hand gripping the charm so hard that it would leave an imprint on her skin. She could feel tears in her eyes and she rubbed at them furiously. Her skin felt too tight and her lungs felt constricted. Forcing a deep breath she sat still and tried to regain some semblance of control over herself.

"It was just a dream." She repeated to herself, like a mantra. It was still dark outside the window but she needed to get some air. She slipped on a loose pair of trousers to go under the bed shirt and put on her shoes. Quietly, so as not to wake Reborn, she tiptoed downstairs. Entering the kitchen she saw the back door, in all the commotion yesterday she had forgotten to check what was out there, something in her told her to go have a look. The lock was old and clunky but she got it open without too much trouble and stepped outside.

It was a garden.

Or at least it had been a garden at one point. Without anyone to tend it Time had begun conquering it. Still, in the moonlight it looked beautiful. The grass was a pale green, that looked blue at night and swayed gently in the breeze. There were huge bushes and old flowerbeds dotted about that grew wild and untamed in all directions. A wall of vines covered part of the house and she could vaguely make out an old path going round it. Standing in the night air surrounded by the comforting smell and sight of plants Tsuna could feel the last of her terror begin to drain away. Her hands brushed the top of the thigh-high grass and she walked forward slightly. There was a snap of a twig underneath her foot and then a voice called out.

"Hey. Who's there?" She froze at the noise like a rabbit. From the back of the garden she could see a figure emerge. It was a boy about her age with spiky black hair and light brown eyes. What had her scared though was the sword she could see strapped around his back.

AN: So sorry for the slow update I've been so busy and unfortunately will be busy for the next month or so. School exams gotta hate them. Anyway I have not abandoned this story and it will go on don't worry if I don't update for a while- I'm a frequent sufferer of writers block. 2 main things: 1) I've put up a second KHR story a collection of FemTsuna x any guy from Reborn! One-shots so please check it out. 2) I'm thinking of writing a second full length story, I've got 3 possible ideas on my profile so please check them out and tell me which one you like the sound of. THANK YOU guys for the support" Still unsure about the pairing and I'm sorry for leaving it on a cliffy. Hope you enjoyed this!

P.S. Thank you to Girl with a Golden Heart for convincing me to get my hands into gear and finish writing this chapter :)