They next morning was a very sad time. To sum it up there was a lot of crying, even Hade got a little teary eyed. There was a lot of hugging and goodbyes. Especially I'll miss you's and I'll see you soon no matter what, and I love you's.

After are goodbyes Chiron pulled me away and we swirled to Forks.

The house was two story's and white there was a nice sized living room white kitchen and a laundry room on the first floor, the second had to bedrooms and a bathroom. My bedroom was nicer than Chiron's- whose alliance is Charlie swan and I am Bella swan.- Ugh!

He had gotten Apollo to paint it red. There was a bed with black sheets. I loved it. After we figured out what was planned for tomorrow he reluctantly gave me the key to the black Mercedes Hephaestus sent me.

I had gone upstairs unpacked my bag and set up my room. The room was actually very beautiful. There were two window's one south and one north.(Just like in Bella's room in twilight.) I had I mahogany desk with a book shelf next to it, across from the bed, that was lined full of books and classical music from Apollo and a few others that Pandora brought to me from her trips in America. I had a dark cherry wooden rocking chair in the corner of the room and two black night stands on each side of the bed, I had a dresser with hair necessities I didn't need make up seeing as I was a Greek Goddess.

Once I was done I went down stairs and into the living room where I found Chiron, whoops, Charlie practically rolling on the floor laughing. I stopped and placed my hands on my hips looking at my half- brother curiously and fearing for his mental health.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked. He stopped and looked at me for a moment before handing me a letter. I took it and read it. It was in Greek. Thank gods I read it much better.

Αγαπητέ, ο Χείρων και Ήρα

Έδωσα όλες Θεοί και Θεά ένα πράγμα κινητό τηλέφωνο, να ερχόμαστε σε επαφή, εάν χρειάζεται μαζί σας. Φαίνονται πολύ ασφαλές, Δεξιά; Καλά οι δυο σας σιγουρευτείτε για να τα χρησιμοποιούν και να μην τους χάσει-Chiron-εγώ δεν χρειάζεται να εκνευρίζομαι για τον καιρό ή δεν τα έχετε.

Μιλήσω μαζί σας σύντομα.
βασιλιάς σας,
Δίας (English at the bottom)

I could not help the chuckle that escaped my lips at the image of all the Gods and Goddesses with cell phones.

"Chiron I'm going to go off to my cham- I mean bedroom," I said, I missed home and I wanted some time alone to sulk and cry. He seemed understand and asked if I needed anything.

"No I'm quite alright brother," I said, making a mental note that I shouldn't speak like I'm from the medieval times. He nodded again before pulling me into a hug.

"Good night sister," he whispered. pulling away to kiss my cheek. I smiled, I loved my half- brother.

"Good night Brother, try to remember to burn your offering to Artemis for the moon aye?" I asked he smiled and nodded.

I grabbed the black iphone and walked upstairs and into my bedroom. After getting reading for bed, I turned on some Match book romance monsters. Pandora says it fits Zeus and Hades very well.

I picked up the phone and lay down in bed going to the contacts to see everyone's name in there. Hmm. Ah ha! Jupiter. I hit call and waited for him to pick up.

"Ludicrous piece of mortal equipment work before I blast you to Hades." Zeus's voice came from the other side. Umm what?

"Zeus?" I asked.

"Hera? Oh well I guess it worked." he said sheepishly .

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Perfectly fine, you?" he asked, softly.

"Alright, I feel lost," I said sounding small. He hesitated for a moment not knowing what to say.

"You Are Hera the Goddess of Marriage. you are often concerned with your relationship with me and seek social prestige. For this reason, you are often depicted with a peacock, a symbol of pride. you can be proud, as well as traditional in your values. However, you are also very protective of the ones you love and will do any thing for them." He said, I sighed.

"I know that it's just I can't be like that here, I have to be a whole new person." I sulked.

"Do what you feel is right my love. I'm sorry but I have to speak with Poseidon love, call me tomorrow. I love you." He said softly.

"I love you too, and tell Poseidon I love him." I told him, half asleep.

"I will, sleep love." He teasingly instructed. I giggled.

"Good Bye." I said, hanging up.

I quickly fell asleep trying not to think of the fact that I was starting mortal school tomorrow.

English letter. - Dear, Chiron and Hera

I have given all Gods and Goddess a Cell phone thing, to keep in touch if needed with you. They seem very safe, Right? Well you two make sure to use them and not lose them- Chiron- I don't need to fret on whether or not you have them.

Speak with you soon.

your King,
