This story takes place AU from Season 1 of Sanctuary. I'm fairly certain that anyone reading this fanfic has had ample time to watch any episodes I've got spoilers for. If you've managed to find a DVD copy of Sanctuary and are watching it, this is somewhere after the nubbins and before Will turns into a raging Hulk in an abnornal fight club. I didn't exactly pick a specific moment to jump off, since I haven't seen these since last year when they were on TV. But Will is himself and Ashley is still alive and uncaptured and un-experimented on....

This is my first fanfic ever, and while I'm somewhat disgusted with myself for "wasting my time on fanfic" rather than working on one of the two novels I have started, I very much hope that you enjoy this fic. If it's not too much trouble, I appreciate any constructive criticism you have to offer. Especially if anyone wants to suggest a category (or more than one) for this story...


I do not own Sanctuary or its characters. I hereby apologize to said owners and/or characters and/or the actors portraying said characters if they take offense at what I've written. It's 1:37 am and I had to get out of my writer's block somehow. Please forgive me.

PS. If you are under 18 years of age and did not read the summary, please exit this story. You're not ready for the horrors I'm going to throw at you, including, but not limited to, adult language and situations.