Yay a random oneshot mixed with some OOCness, crack ensued! I was wondering what Ivan acted like when the UN had meetings during winter here in America. So this is the result of my wonderings! Enjoy and don't forget to R&R! ~Katie~

"Ok everyone let's get this meeting started" Arthur said getting the attention of the other countries. Arthur looked around and noticed that Ivan and Mathew were missing. He rubbed his temples getting rather annoyed.

"Does anyone know where Ivan or Mathew are?" Various countries answered no and Arthur rubbed his forehead again.

"Well we can't get this meeting started without them." Alfred said standing up. Suddenly the meeting room doors were thrown open and Ivan walked in.

"Everyone! General Winter is here! He followed me to America da!" he shouted waving his hands around. Many of the countries facepalmed when they realized how long a meeting they were in for.

"Not again!"

"Ivan we went over this last year!"

General Winter isn't going to attack so take your seat. We have important things to go over"

"In the name of mother Russia, General Winter will be defeated! He killed all my sunflowers da! .PAY!" Ivan said raising his fist. Many of the countries sighed while other rolled their eyes.

After a while Ivan was calmed down and his took his seat. Arthur got up and started the meeting with some of the smaller issues that needed to be talked about. But once again the meeting room door was thrown open and Mathew walked in covered in snow.

"Wow is it cold outside. It's snowing pretty hard"

"Shut up Mathew!"

"NOOO we just got Ivan to calm down"

"You dolt!"

"What!!!" Ivan shouted standing up. "General Winter is trying to kill us da! I'll put a stop to this advance he is trying to make da!" Ivan then proceeded to run out of the meeting room muttering about how he was going to destroy General Winter and what tactics he was going to use. Everyone in the meeting room glared at Mathew.


"Will someone please go and get Ivan for outside?"

The end! :) Hehe I love Ivan! Poor Mathew he just wanted to get acknowledged in meetings so I decided to make him acknowledged…maybe alerting Ivan and it was turning into a blizzard outside wasn't the best idea.