All it was was an elevator ride. Duke and Tristan had stepped in and turned to face the door. They were at the local mall and were headed upstairs. It started out normal. They stood together, both uninterested, although, Tristan seemed a bit anxious.

"Hey Duke?" he started, turning to his friend. Duke turned back at him, not saying anything. "Is this that glass elevator that takes you through the glass roof so you can see all over London?"

Duke grinned, slipping one hand in his pocket, the other resting two fingers against his forehead. "Only a ride on the Duke Devlin trolley could create an experience like that."

"Duke, I'm not going to sleep with you," Tristan insisted, closing his eyes in irritation. "I won't be tempted by your Witch charm." Duke rolled his eyes in response, genuinely annoyed.

"For the last time, I'm not a wi--"

Boom! The lights above them flickered and the elevator came to a slow, grunting and sighing. Duke's eyes widened a bit with surprise, but it quickly subsided. Tristan however, immediately began to freak out.

"Duke! Don't take your anger out on the innocent elevator!" Tristan scolded, clenching his fists with a wide stance. "Now we're stuck here!" He bent down at the knees and pet the hand bar apologetically.

"How the hell do you figure I did this?!" Duke shouted back mirroring Tristan's earlier stance. His temples pulsed in frustration and his teeth were clenched in a growl.

"I don't know how your witchcraft works!" Tristan screamed back, standing once again to his full height. "Now I'll never get to see London!"

Duke's eyebrows twitched and he threw his face into his palm. He wasn't even up to correcting Tristan this time. His head swung around the elevator. It was now dark inside, and he couldn't make out where the camera was. He fell against the back wall and cross his arms.

"Fix it!" Tristan shouted, pumping his fists. "Fix it Fix it Fix it Fix it Fix it Fix it Fix it!"

"I can't fix it!" Duke finally snapped back. He regained his composure and grinned more. "Just be patient. I'm sure help will come soon. Ladies can't resist the scent of a distressed Duke Devlin."

"We don't have time to rely on your good looks! I'm claustrophobic! And that repeated riff of your theme music is going to drive me insane!"

"It wouldn't be a far drive," Duke insisted, furrowing his brow. "And I don't know what you're talking about 'my theme music'." He gave Tristan a hard glare and there was a long silence between them. Duke's face was confused and annoyed, where as Tristan was frustrated and hopeful.

Finally, Tristan gripped his head and screamed at the ceiling. "Why can't you hear it?!"

Duke grinned. "All I can hear are the words 'don't and stop'. Especially when they're put together. And coming from a woman. Who am I between the legs of."

Tristan started screaming again, scrambling around in a nervous pace. "You know what this means, don't you?" he shouted, putting two hands on Duke's shoulders. "We have to repopulate the planet!"

There was a pause, and Duke's eyebrows curled across his forehead. The room was now silent.


"If we die in here, there'll be no one to carry on the Taylor name! It's a very unique name, you know!"

"Tristan, even if I could reproduce with you, I wouldn't," Duke insisted, trying to close his eyes in hope the brunette would be gone when he reopened them. "Because we aren't going to die here. It's an elevator, not a The Who concert."

"You can't prove that!" Tristan pushed further, shaking Duke harder. "You can't promise we'll make it out here alive!"

"You just want me to sleep with you, don't you," Duke suggested with a grin. Tristan pulled back, a nervous look on his face.

Oh no, he knows my secret!

"Don't worry, Tristan," Duke continued, curling his hair around his finger. "Nobody can resist the Devlin."

Tristan looked him straight in the eyes for a while before smiling brightly. "I want to meet Charlie Bucket!"

- - -

10 silent minutes had passed and Duke had taken refuge in the corner, sitting over his knees with his eyes closed. Tristan was in the corner opposite him, laying across the floor, repeating over and over again the words "we're going to die." Duke was doing his best to ignore him.

"Duke," he started. Duke didn't respond. "Duke. Hey Duke. Duke!" He paused for a moment before sitting up. "Duke!"

"What do you want?!" Duke snapped, giving the teen a hard glare from behind his bangs.

"...We're in an elevator!"


- - -

"Fifty-four duel monsters cards on the wall... Fifty-four duel monsters cards..." Tristan sang wearily. His throat was beginning to burn. "Take one down, pass it around..." He closed his eyes and paused. Duke took in a sigh of relief, thankful that he had decided to stop. He had started from 100 and it was only getting more annoying with every verse. I want to kill whoever wrote that son—

"Fifty-three duel monsters cards on the wall!"

Fucking hell.

- - -

"Hey Duke?" Tristan began. He was crawling around the floor, and he was now pointing at the buttons to travel to different floors. "What do you suppose the... 'Help' button does?"

Wait. Duke thought, his eyes widening. "You mean you didn't press it?!"

Tristan flinched, clenching his teeth. "W-Was I supposed to?"

"You've been sitting next to that panel for five hours! Surely the thought would have come to your mind!!" Duke pushed up to his feet and shoved Tristan to the floor, shoving his finger into the button.

Immediately, the elevator started to move. Duke's face dropped in pure aggravation as Tristan pushed up to his feet.

"You fixed it! Why didn't you do it before?!" Tristan started, clenching his fists. Duke spread his hand across his mouth and shook his head.

"Just shut up."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Tristan immediately dashed through in excitement, but his face fell.

"Hey! This isn't Willy Wonka's candy factory!"