Syed's point of view

What about the theatre? There's that gay thing, Billy Elliott, I wonder if he's seen that? Perhaps I could get standby tickets. Or there's always Mamma Mia. I bet he'd know all the words to that one. He might have seen it though. Does Christian even like the theatre? I've no idea, we've never had the chance to talk about it.

It would be nice just to talk some more. What can we do that involves just talking? I can't suggest a walk – we've done that one already. How about dinner? I could book a nice restaurant up town, nothing too local, we could get dressed up – or is it too much like a date? I'm not sure I could cope spending a whole evening staring at Christian across a restaurant table.

Ok, so it'll have to be a pub. Not the Vic, though, we'll be seen. Somewhere down Stratford way. But I don't know any pubs down Stratford way. What if I choose the wrong one? Somewhere that he hates? It'll ruin the whole evening.

Dinner. I could cook him dinner. Not at my house, obviously, but at his flat. Something special: no okra and no aubergines. I could do steak and all the trimmings. And afterwards we could sit on that white sofa of his and... ok, so dinner's not such a good idea.

Let's try again. What do I do with Amira when we go out? That might give me some ideas. Actually, come to think of it, Amira and I don't go out that much. Unless it's going shopping.

I'm trying too hard with this. It's got to be easier. All I need to do is show him that I'm not interested. That all that gay stuff, it couldn't bother me less. I can go to a gay club without so much as batting an eyelid. A gay club. That's it – we'll go to a gay club. That should settle this business once and for all.

"We're going where?"

"It's called Diamonds. It's the new place, just past Stratford. It's... well, it's..."
"It's gay. I know, I've been meaning to try it out. Sy, are you sure about this?"
"Yeah, I looked it up online. It looks great. I can't wait."

"Well, I'll just follow you in then."

Christian's point of view

What the fuck was all that about? That man is such a ... such a... an irritating, adorable, confused, irresistible, jealous, screwed up jerk. I can't believe the way he behaved tonight. Why did he choose to go to a gay club if all he was going to do was get arsy with the other guys there? What did he think was going to happen –that no-one was going to look at us? Ok, so I might have been a teensy bit drunk. And that kiss, with that blonde guy, well it was a bit more than just good friends. But Mr-I'm-so-heterosexual has spent the last month telling me he's not bloody interested. Then he takes me to a gay club and gets upset when other guys fill in the gaps. He can just forget it. I've made my feelings clear enough. I'm not going to be messed around by a man who's practically engaged. It's not like I'm ever short of offers. No, Syed's had his chance and he's just blown it big time.

Syed's point of view

I didn't hit him. I know that's why the bouncers threw me out, but it's not true that I hit him. I was just trying to rescue Christian. Christian didn't even know the bloke. And ok, so he did ask if Christian and I were together, but when I told him we were only talking he seemed to launch himself at Christian – and I got in the way, that's all. I mean, Christian can kiss who he likes. It's not as if I would be bothered about something like that.

Christian seemed pretty pissed off though. He thought I'd tried to interfere with his pulling technique. But I thought it was our evening – just the two of us. I didn't think Christian would want company. It's so typical of him – everything has to be about being bloody gay. Even in a gay club he has to take it one step further. Why can't he just tone it down occasionally?

Still, we had a good dance until that bloke wrecked it all. The music was great, and Christian's not bad when he moves. At one stage, it was like our bodies were in rhythm. I'd like to go back there sometime. If they let me in again.

Ouch, my shoulder really hurts. The bouncers shoved me hard against that wall. I wonder what Christian's doing now. Shall I just text him... No, I'll leave it till the morning. Maybe he'll have calmed down a bit by then.