


Please review and tell me what you think I will be posting more chapters in a couple of days.

Kakashi is always late! How long does it take to get here. His house is right in front of the school. Besides it's not as if he gives us any things to do he just sits on his desk and reads his perverted book. I can't even imagine how he got hired for this job.


"Must you yell. I thought you disappeared anyway."

"NO! Besides it is fun annoying you. And NO! I just took a long vacation you know you worked me to my limit."

"There was a limit."

Sweat drop from INNER SAKURA

"Good morning class, sorry I'm late a black cat walked in front of me so I decided not to take any chances. So I walked around." Kakashi said.

"LIER!! LIER!! YOUR PANTS ARE ON FIRE!" screamed Naruto.

"Calm down Naruto. He's here!" I said trying to keep my cool.

"Whatever." muttered Naruto.

"Today we have a new student." Kakashi announced, "his name is Uchiha Sasuke. You." he pointed to Sasuke, " can sit next to Sakura the girl with the pink hair and abnormal huge fore-head."

I could not believe what he just said he is going to get it someday. The new kid named Sasuke walked over to me and sat down. I looked at him up and down. HE LOOKS……. okay.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE LOOKS OKAY? HE LOOKS SMOKING HOT. Oh and other girls sure do like drooling."

"HUH! I said he looks okay. Besides those girls are complete sluts."

"Okay class do whatever you want except burn down the school and stuff like that. Also I wouldn't mind it being quiet but you can talk as long as you don't yell." Kakashi said.

Uh! What to do. I got out my Ipod and turned it on. I scrolled until I found the artist 'Tool' and hit play. I stared at Kakashi wondering why he was always reading that perverted book.

"Cause he's a pervert."

"UH! You again."

"UH OH! Guess someone is trying to get Your attention"


Sasuke was staring at me. Not just looking but staring.

"Can I help you?" I asked sorta annoyed.

"Actually yeah…you see I don't know where my next classes are so I want you to show me where they are." he said pointing to his schedule. Man he is so bossy talk 'bout being cold. I picked it up and looked at what classes he has.

"OH MY! He has the same classes as you ~ squeal ~!"

"You know I have the same classes as you so you will just have to follow me." he just nodded and shot daggers to his 'newly fan club'. He got out a piece of paper and started to write something, then passed it to me. I looked at…

' After school I need to tell you something. Oh and by the way can you show me my room, arigato.'

'Sure' I passed it back. He read it without emotion does he even have a heart, then again it only has one word written on it from me.

"He probably does since he's going to ask you out."

"NO he's not."

"Whatever just don't be mad when I rub it in your face."

The bell rang signaling the end of school. I walked normally where I would go with Sasuke beside me, until I remembered the note.

"Hey! What's your dorm number?" I asked

"Uh," he said looking at the key taped to the paper, "313."

"Really?" I asked astonished. That room is my room I live by myself I don't need a roommate especially a boy.

"Don't forget SEXY BOY!" chimed Inner Sakura.

"Yeah. Is there a problem?" he looked at me sternly. Man talk about moody.

"Uh no, yes, maybe, I don't know."

"So which is it?" he asked getting bit impatient.

"You see ..." I began but got cut off by somebody.

"No I don't see." he smirked at his own reply obviously he just wants to get on my last nerve.

"UHH." I growled is he testing my patience? "that room is occupied by me. So yeah I think there is a problem."

"Well Pinky maybe you could solve it if you would just show me my room." he glared at me and I glared back. The nerve of him to call me 'Pinky'.

"Did you just call me 'pinky'?" I demanded.

"I believe I just Pinky." he shot back but not without a smirk on his face. Uh I just so want to wipe that smirk right off his face. !IDEA! I brought my hand back straight and slapped him right on the face with a big blow. That'll teach him to mess with me. His face now held a mark of a hand. Not only that but his face now held glare that sent me chills but HECK! I DON'T CARE! I'm NOT SCARED!

"What was that for?" he asked obviously still in pain.

"Let's go or your going to have find your room yourself." I said avoiding his question.