WOW thank you thank you thank, to all the people who reviewed my story I've never got this many reviews before, I opened my emails and saw that there was 27 emails and like 20 of them was from fanfic, aah anyway, on with the shout outs
Demi#1fan1017/CHANNY FAN – Don't worry everyone gets a shout out that reviewed my story, and yes my grammar is terrible but thanks for the review
Everafterjunkie – Thanks, glad you liked it
Valentines Day- I Don't know if I'm writing another one yet, I will have to see, I just wanted to keep it one shot, but thanks for reviewing
cocosunshine23 – hehe shortest review, but awesome lol, thanks
? Who?- lol I just realised the punctuation, I was so excited to get the story published and I wrote it too fast lol, and thanks
x-peacelove – eehehee lol yeah I've never liked valentines either, but I thought I would write on anyway, and I do try to be humorous lol, sometimes it doesn't work and I become a loser by laughing at my own jokes, and thank you my deary
penguincrazy- I know right, Chad and Sonny do belong together, but gaah I can't wait any longer for season 2 to start gaaaaah, anyway thanks paha
boscogirl- thank you, glad you thought it was amazing and cute hehe
girlpower8900 – I have to say, I like your name, your an actual power haha, your not human your a power and more specifily a girl power, haha jk anyway thank you for reviewing glad you liked it
well ok maybe I didn't get that many but I'm still grateful, and plus alot of the emails were also favourite author and favourite story so thank you. Mmh its 11.09am in Newcastle, I need food, ooh I'm gona get me some noodles, yeah there are no hardcore coco pops today anyway thanks yall for reviewing