Naruto coughed as the dust in the air gathered in his lungs. He tried to clear the air by waving his hand but it didn't seem to have any effect. He lifted a large box over his head and tossed it down the small hole in the ceiling. His cat, Kyuubi, narrowly avoided being smashed by the heavy object. He would make sure to scratch his master later for that. Naruto wiped the sweat off his brow and sat on an old chair that seemed sturdier than it looked. Everything in this house had been left behind by the owner when he mysteriously disappeared. But it did make the house much cheaper since no one wanted to buy it. Superstition never stopped an Uzumaki from making a purchase.

The blonde sighed and then heard a strange squeak. His butt sunk lower and eventually through the chair he was sitting in. He blinked. His ass was stuck in a chair. Somehow Naruto managed to get to his feet and do some kind of strange walk, trying the entire time to get out of the chair. Unfortunately, he tripped over something and landed face first on the floor; however, the chair broke on impact.

'Well that was crap… I guess I can use the broken pieces for fire wood…' He thought as the blonde rubbed his head and looked at his feet to see what had tripped him. It was a package of sorts, covered in a soft white silk material which had been eaten away by moths. He pulled the silk off and revealed a box. He picked it up and turned it over in his hand, making sure him tripping over it had not damaged it.

"Hmm…" Naruto mused as he ran his fingers over the carvings. From the look of it, it was made of a wood he couldn't identify but it was brightly polished, he could see himself in the wood. The carvings were incredible, depicting a great battle of sorts with…snakes? He turned it so he could observe the bottom, there was writing but he couldn't read it. Naruto jumped down the hole in his ceiling and landed on his feet, much like a cat. Kyuubi meowed and jumped on his shoulder, wrapping his tail around his neck. The blonde rubbed his cat's head absent-mindedly, still looking at the box. Kyuubi jumped onto the box, knocking it to the floor and sat on it.

"Kyuubi! Off!"

The cat eyed him and curled up. Naruto was weary of his cat when he was trying to sleep, one small move could cause an ungodly battle of wits, which Kyuubi usually won. The blonde got onto his knees and started to rub his cat's back. He arched into the touch; Naruto removed his hand and made a rubbing motion in front of him. Kyuubi got off the box and came to his hand.

The score was now: Naruto: one; Kyuubi: twenty-four. Oh how the odds were turning in his favor. The blonde grabbed the box and ran to his room before the cat noticed he had been duped. Oh he would get his master eventually.

Naruto let out a sigh of relief and placed the box on his bed. He attempted to open it but it was all in vein. He thought about throwing it at the wall, showing it who was the man but something clicked and a compartment flew out. A scroll sat squarely inside. Naruto picked it up and opened it.

"'Bound by my wrath, oh heartless man, you're soul will remain trapped inside you're prison until the clock strikes midnight and the moonshine opens the path from you're world to mine.'" Naruto read aloud.

The air suddenly shifted and he felt the hair on his neck stand on end. The window burst open and a gust of wind tossed everything around. Naruto rushed to shut the window, closing it with a good amount of difficulty. He sat back down and continued.

"'Only love can break your bond to me. But you must find one who accepts your cold heart and can make it warm once again.'"

The blonde starred at the scroll before he set it and the box on his dresser by the window. Silly superstitions. Naruto left his room and continued to clean out his attic.


It was a little before midnight when the blonde had finally returned to his room. He was so exhausted from all the work he had done that he just plopped down on his bed and cuddled up into the softness of his sheets. The grandfather clock in the living room chimed at midnight, twelve times. When the final chime sounded the moonlight became a small stream and began to creep over to the scroll. It shone full on the scroll and a hand shot out, gripping the dresser. He managed to pull himself out and landed on the floor with a thud. His eyes shown red in the dark. His hands touched his body and the surrounding objects in the room.

"I'm free?" He muttered running a hand through raven spikes.

He smirked but then stopped all movement when he sensed a presence behind him. He turned to see a bright tuft of blonde hair sticking out of a blanket on the bed. As he stared at the sleeping figure, he somehow felt drawn to the blonde for some reason. He walked over to the bed and placed his hand on the sleeping figure. The blonde moaned a little in his sleep and he pulled the blanket off, signaling he was too hot. The raven haired man crawled into the bed next to him and got close enough to kiss him.

Naruto felt someone's breath caressing his face and thinking it was Kyuubi, he reached his hand out to touch the cat, but ended up running his fingers down soft skin…

Opening his eyes, the blonde screamed only to be silenced by a pale hand. The man wrapped his arms around the blonde's body, making him completely immobile. The strange man took in his scent and breathed out shakily. Naruto bit down on the hand, the man let go. He scrambled to the ground and got to his feet but the man had beaten his to the door, so Naruto did the smartest thing he could think of. He grabbed the lamp from the side table. He pulled it right out of the socket and swung at him. The man grabbed it with ease before tossing it away. He tackled the blonde to the ground and placed his head on the blonde's chest, growling low in his throat when the blonde tried to pull away from him.

"What do you want?" Naruto asked looking into deep red eyes. The man grabbed his hand and kissed each of his fingers. The blonde blushed slightly and pulled away.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked. "I want you. My name is Sasuke, and I suggest you best remember it since I'll make you scream it later."

Naruto blushed but didn't make any move to stop the mysterious man from doing anything he wanted, too frightened to even scream for help. Hands ran down his chest and stomach, leaving goose bumps in their wake. Lips caressed his neck and jaw line, coming closer and closer to their goal. As soon as their lips had finally touched, the clock struck one and then he was gone. Naruto blinked a few times and looked around his room in a daze. Was that all just a dream? He touched his forehead; it wasn't hot, so that ruled out a fever. He looked back at the scroll; the moonlight was shining directly on it. Maybe superstitions weren't really as silly as he thought.


Orochimaru sat on his throne looking bored. He rubbed his hands over his crystal ball, making it show him everything that was happening in this world. He smirked at the death and destruction, humans were such fascinating creatures; if they weren't in love they were thinking of extreme ways to kill each other. Suddenly Kabuto burst through the door, interrupting Orochimaru's solitude. The snake like man looked over at his most trusted lackey and glared slightly at him.

"Orochimaru-Sama, please excuse the interruption but while I was obtaining mental enlightenment I felt a disturbance in the human world." Kabuto said, "A disturbance you've been waiting for, for some time now."

"So Sasuke has finally been released by a human." he said with a large smirk on his face. "Do you know where?"

"A small town called Kohona; it's where we used to live before the Great War." Kabuto said matter-of-factly. The snake's smirk widened at that and he cleared the smoke in his crystal, he saw a very befuddled blonde sitting on the floor, looking over at his dresser. On the dresser was the scroll which held Sasuke.

"My, my…" Orochimaru said, "Looks like we barely missed Sasuke. It's been nearly 200 years since I've seen my dear Sasuke…Kabuto I want you to go and retrieve him for me."

"And what shall I do about the human?" Kabuto asked. Orochimaru smirked.

"Do what you see fit." He bowed to his master before he exited. The snake held the crystal in his hand and let out a chuckle. If only Sasuke knew the plans he had in store for him…


Naruto shot up in bed the next morning gasping for air as he looked around his room. Everything was in place minus the lamp that was smashed against the wall and the fact that his bed was shifted from the center of the south wall to the center of the room. He got up and hurried over to the scroll sitting on his dresser and poked it a few times. When nothing happened he picked it up and threw it at the wall and screamed in frustration. Kyuubi meowed from the door and looked up at his master as if asking him what was wrong.

"Morning Kyuubi… I had a really crazy dream last night." The cat jumped onto the bed, looking about the room as if to say, 'You sure you weren't just having a late night romp?'

He pet Kyuubi's head and smiled before he got up from the bed and hurried into the walk in closet to get ready for work. He then picked up Kyuubi and walked into the kitchen, setting him down on the counter he pulled out a can of tuna and opened it, plopping it onto a medium size saucer he knelt down on the floor and set the plate down. Kyuubi hopped off the counter and Meowed loudly. Naruto laughed hearing the soft scratching noises of Kyuubi's kittens running into the kitchen.

One was pitch black with a streak of red fur going to the back of the neck to the tip of the tail and had turfs red fur on the feet making it look like it was wearing little red socks. He called her Hitomi as the other kitten was red with black spots all over her body, one ear was red and the other was black. He called her Aki for she blended in well with the autumn leaves and colors. They both slid to a stop, bumping into Kyuubi as he licked both their ears in greeting before nudging the plate at them as if to say 'Eat up.'

"Okay, I'm off to work. Be good and no scratching the furniture. If I have time to day I buy you three a new Catnip ball."

Hearing the word Catnip all three looked up at him with wide eyes trying to look adorable. He laughed and pets their heads before he left the house, locking the door…

Kyuubi smiled when his kittens finished eating and he ate the rest before he nudged Hitomi first and then Aki telling them to follow him. They both hurried after him as he walked into Naruto's room and they sat staring at the scroll.


"This scroll contains a demon inside… This demon is strong and dangerous."

"So what are we going to do?"

"For now nothing, it's not a threat to the master."

"But what if it attacks Naru-nii?"

"Then we'll take care of it. For now help me get this back on the dresser."

They both nodded carefully biting the ends of the scroll as Kyuubi guided them to the dresser were he jumped up and Hitomi took the scroll in her mouth and climbed up Aki's back. Kyuubi took the scroll and set it on the dresser and smirked, brushing his tail over it watching it glow red for a moment before fading and he jumped down and told his kittens to follow him out into the yard to play.


Naruto growled in annoyance when he got home, it was 11: 30 for heaven's sake!! But no that bastard, Mizuki had to make him take the late shift!!

"Kyuubi, Aki, Hitomi!! I'm home!" He called into the house, but when he didn't hear his cats he shrugged tossing the bag he carried onto the sofa and heading into the kitchen. He pulled out a cup of instant noodles, too tired to make anything decent to eat. As he waited for the water to boil he pushed the blinking red button on the answering machine and listened to the messages.

"Hey, Foxy!! It's me Kiba, just calling to let you know that Shino, Sakura, Ino and I are arriving tomorrow night! I hope you don't mind us crashing at your place for a few days!! Give me a call when you get the message! Oh by the way, are the walls sound-proof?"Naruto blushed a bright red hearing that and shook his head, laughing at his friend. At their college they were know as the Fab 5 because all five of them were gay. He laughed again as the next message began.

"Hey Naruto, this is Tsunade, I'm just calling to let you know that this weekend I will be stay over from Saturday to Sunday to see if the stories about the old Uchiha Mansion being haunted. Have a room prepped from me and Shizune and another room for Gaara and Neji. See you!!"He sighed and shook his head, his aunt was obsessed with spirits and the like—maybe he could ask her for help on dealing with demons?

The third message was from his satanic boss, Mizuki."Hey, brat, I want you here at 8 tomorrow morning!! If you are late by even a second I'm docking your pay!!"

He groaned as he ate his noodles, he has to get up extra early in the morning and on top of that he has to clean up seven guest bedrooms and go chopping for more food. Maybe he could have Kiba and the girls (snickers at calling Shino a girl) to pick up a few things from the store before they got there? He picked up the house phone and called Kiba's cell phone.

"Hey Dog-boy… No I just got into the house; the bastard from hell is making me work both day and night shift at the kennel… No I'm good! I was calling to find out if you guys wouldn't mind helping me with some shopping. I haven't been able to do more than the stuff I need daily since Mizuki won't give me time off the actually move into the house! Huh? You'll do the food shopping and house essentials? Really!? Oh thank you so much!! When I get home tomorrow I'll make a Naruto Uzumaki Special for dinner for you guys!! Thank you!!" He talked for a few more minutes with Kiba before hanging up and washing his fork and the plate that the cats ate from that morning. He took out some dry food and some wet food from the fridge and mixed them together for the cats and left it by the back door where he put the cat flap at so when they decided to come home they had a meal waiting for them.

He sighed tiredly as he walked into his room and fixed his bed, in the morning he'd clean up the broken lamp. Yawning a bit, he began to undo the dress shirt he was wearing and folded it neatly and set it on his dresser. He took off the pants next followed by the under shirt before he opened his drawer and pulled out a pair of fluffy light blue pajama bottoms that had "Chibi Alert" in bright red all over the pants as he opened another drawer and pulled out the matching top. He walked into the adjoining bathroom and brushed his teeth, never noticing the grandfather clock chiming downstairs in the living room nor did he notice the thump coming from his room.

He did notice however when he walked into the room and standing in front of him was Sasuke. The pale male smirked at the frightened human and grabbed his arm before he could run away; he picked him up and threw him on the bed. Naruto tried to scramble across the top of the bed to grab the house phone to call the police, but the demon was faster and pounced on him flipping him onto his back and pinning his hands beside his head. Naruto tried to scream only to get a mouth full of tongue as the demon growled in possession and pulled back sniffing his neck and chest.

"You reek of another male… But you're still pure so that's good…" He sniffed around his neck some more before he pulled back and undid his pants. Naruto stared in wide-eyed shock as the strange man in front of him opened up his pants and pulled out a rather impressive tool and began jacking off on him. He screamed and kicked his feet as the demon fisted himself faster and faster.

"Get off of me!! Get off!!! Someone help—mmph!?"

Sasuke kissed him hard on the lips and growled out when his body tensed and he sprayed his essence all over the small human. Naruto froze in pure shock as the demon then tucked his length away and then began rubbing his cum into the blonde's skin.

"There, that's better. Now if anyone gets close they can smell my scent all over you…"

Naruto snapped back to reality and while the demon leaned down to kiss him once more he threw a punch and kneed him in the gut.

"I don't know who the hell you are but make no mistake!! If you touch me again, I, Uzumaki Naruto, will kick your sorry ass from her to Timbuktu!!" Naruto said point his thumb down at the ground. Sasuke looked at the human in confusion before he vanished into thin air and then appeared again, but this time behind Naruto. Forcing him against the wall, he growled low in his throat as he pressed his hard on onto the blonde's backside and ground hard into him. Naruto cried out as he felt the heat from the man behind him and his own semi-hard shaft was rubbing into the wall making his body heat up and react on its own.

"A-A-Ahh!? W-what a-are you-!?"

"Hn… I am Sasuke, little one… and I always get what I want…"

HE thrust harder against the human and purred when he felt the blonde shudder and cry out as he kept dry fucking him into the wall until the clock chimed one and he vanished. Naruto was panting softly as he leaned on the wall, trying to figure out what was going on, but opted to faint instead. And this was how Kyuubi and his kittens found him, passed out on the floor with the stench of demon on him and his own arousal. Kyuubi sighed and looked at the scroll sitting on the dresser before he and his kittens curled up around Naruto and fell asleep…