I do not own Reborn, Vocaloid or Kuroshitsuji and I have one thing to say...
2700 is love. I love you Enma. :D
Me and Fran are stuck alone back at Headquarters because we were useless on our last mission. Tch, if I had a dollar for every time I didn't go on a mission I'd be richer than Bill Gates. Well not literally.
"Sierra-chan, can you help me take my hat off?"
"Why? Didn't Bel specifically tell me to never let you convince me to help get your stupid hat off?"
"But the fake-prince isn't here. Please?" It almost sounded like he was pleading."
"If I do, you owe me one." I snickered. "I'll smack you if Bel hurts me and I have to get another blood transfusion." I tried to take it off but it didn't even move and inch. "Stupid hat, maybe I'll cut it off." I put my ear buds on and turned my iPod on.
"Sierra-chan, if cutting my head in half means getting my hat out, then you're crazy."
"It's a very true statement, so do you still want it off or what?"
"Or what."
"I was being sarcastic." I stared out of the window. "Spring, one of the most beautiful seasons of the year next to autumn."
"I personally don't care about the seasons unlike the shortest person in Varia."
"I'm not that short! I'm 165 centimeters, thank you very much."
"That's kinda short for someone as old as you." I stared at him. "I'm not old, I will be young forever."
"That seems impossible. Crazed maid." I kicked the back of Fran's head. "I'm perfectly sane."
"I never seen a maid not wear a maid's uniform." He replied in a very monotonous tone.
"Only a hell of a maid wears a uniform that consists of a t-shirt, jeans and Converse."
"More like a rebellious maid." I twitched at his comment.
"At least I'm not a stupid frog."
"I'll tell Boss that you tried to slice my head off."
"Do you think I care?" My smirk disappeared.
"He'll let me kill you."
"Then why don't you already? I already killed myself 21 times." He gave me a blank stare. "Okay Fran, my mom emailed me some things I should know and she told me I was part of the mafia when I was 13 but I quit because I didn't want to kill anyone I had to protect. So she asked a doctor named- uh... Doctor Shamal, Camel, or Anal, to wipe my memories away." I laughed when I said 'Anal'. "Also I was a spy and I had many fake identities, that are now all dead, thanks to those wonderful things we call illusions." I looked at Fran, who was asleep. Watching him sleep made me sleepy.
Days passed and Varia came back from their mission. I'm actually glad.
"Ushishishi~ Did the peasant miss the prince?"
"No. I actually missed Squalo cuz it was really quiet around here."
"Fake-prince-sempai, can I take this hat off? I can't sleep with it on."
"Too bad."
"Sierra-chan, can you help me take it off?"
"Sure..." I stopped.
"If I take that off you will bear a resemblance to Mikuo, who I adore greatly because he is hot. So sorry Fran. I'm siding with Bel in this one."
"He's a gender bent version of Hatsune Miku." I said. "But you guys wouldn't know that." I added.
"Maybe I should kill her Ushishishi."
Kill me? I looked at Fran. Is he like, getting cuter by the second or what? No! No! No! It's just my imagination. Maybe I'll read Kuroshitsuji to get him off my mind.
-Minutes Later-
"Yes Sebastian, you are one hell of a butler. Hehehe."
"Is she talking to a book, fake prince?"
"I'm not fake!"
"Would you guys shut up! I'm reading."
"You can't order a prince around."
I put my book down. "You're right." I said sarcastically. "I'm heading downstairs. I'm starving~"
I tripped. "Ow... I think I tripped over someone."
"Ah! Sierra-sama, we're sorry."
"It's ok you weaklings, but if that happens again I'll kill you."
The grunts left. "Why were they on the floor anyway?" I saw meat on the floor. "Xanxus..."
Why would Xan-su waste perfectly good meat?! One day I'll kill him for that. But he's more powerful than I will ever be. I skipped to the dining room, without touching the ground.
"So I don't have to do my maid work today?"
"Sierra-chan~ You really need to relax."
"Okay?" I sweat dropped.
I sat down next to Levi. Because Lussuria sat next to Xanxus. "Great."
"Sierra-sama, how would you like your steak?"
"Rare, really really rare. So rare it's almost raw." I grinned.
"Sierra-chan, I never knew that you ate raw meat like an animal."
"Shut it Fran. I just hate well done steak. It tastes like burnt cookies, to me at least."
"Sierra-sama, what would you like to drink?"
"Coke." Was my simple reply.
"Sierra-chan~ Why don't you drink some wine?"
"Wine? I'm underage. And I'm not very alcohol-tolerant."
Do they know how old I am? I am friggin eighteen! I hate wine or any other alcoholic drink. What makes it even worse is how my mom owns a wine company. So I've seen a lot of drunk people in my life, so every time they tried to like screw me, I'd beat them up and toss them out the window.
"Your dinner, Sierra-sama."
"Thanks." I took a sip of my Coke.
"Sierra-chan, you don't look very well."
I took another sip of the Coke, turn to Levi and spat it out. "This is diet Coke!"
"We're very sorry Sierra-sama."
"Sierra!" Levi screamed with rage.
"Hey it's not my fault, Levi A Baka, the devil tempted me."
"Shut it trash."
"Yes Xanxus-sama." Levi bowed down to him like fifty times.
"Fine, Xan-su." I sighed. "The steak isn't even done yet, my Coke is diet and now I want gateau chocolat."
"Ushishishi~ I want cake too."
"Can I take my hat off?"
"Die Froggy."
"You guys are really gonna do this?"
"Here's your cake, Sierra-sama."
"Finally." I took a bite of it. "Ew... This is not gateau chocolat! Are you trying to kill me? Get me some castella or Tarta de Santiago."
"We're sorry Sierra-sama. We don't have any of those."
"This is just not your day Sierra-chan."
"You're right Fran. And I expect you guys to get me Tarta de Santiago tomorrow from Spain."
"Sierra-chan~ Can you cook us something too?" Lussuria asked.
"No." I replied straightforwardly.
"Then the peasant will have to wash the dishes."
"Uh, sorry Bel but I have a mission to do later." My phone rang.
"What's that noise?" Levi was startled.
"It's just my phone Baka-Levi." I picked it up. "Hello?"
"Ah~ Sierra. I'm going to Varia Headquarters right now."
"Ok Mom. But why?"
"I have to see if I'm better than Squalo at the sword."
"Man, you're so competitive."
"So are you and- God! Watch where you're driving!!"
"M-Mom?" She hung up on me.
"I'm starving. I'm gonna bake some cake." I put on an apron.
"Aw~ Sierra-chan you look so cute."
"I am not cute you ugly mohawk man!" I sighed. "And how is an apron that says 'Touch Me & I'll Kill You.' cute?"
"You're so mean Sierra-chan~"
"They make those kind of aprons?" Fran curiously asked.
"I actually asked someone to make it for me. A bunch of creepers in high school keep going in my personal space in home economics, I forced a victim of mine to make this for me."
"You're twisted Sierra-chan."
"Shut it Fran. You haven't seen the real me yet." I frowned. "I even scare myself sometimes." I went into my emo corner, growing mushrooms. Lussuria was trying to comfort me while Bel was 'Ushishishing'.
"Done!" The cake set on fire. "Oh yeah, I forgot. I was never good at baking."
"Should have told us that first, peasant."
"Sierra-chan, we wanted to enjoy some of your cake. It's really nice if women cook guys food."
"Who said I was making it for you guys? Well, bye~"
"Gotcha peasant." Bel grabbed my arms while I was trying to kick his face and Fran mysteriously disappeared.
"Bel, let go of me. I have to leave before-"
"VOI!" I had a terrified look on my face. "Gasp."
"Squalo, Mr. Sexual Harassment here," I pointed to Bel. "forced me to make him a cake." I lied.
"Why you..."
"Baby officers have to look after the rookies."
"I'm no baby."
"And I'm not a rookie."
"Voi! Enough, before I slice you into pieces."
"I guess I have to wash the dishes again?" Squalo stomped off somewhere.
"You're enjoying this aren't you, Mr. Sexual Harassment?" Bel threw a knife at my cheek. "That kinda hurt, Bel."
"Ushishishi. Aren't you supposed to fall over?" I splashed water at his face and then Bel threw a knife at me. "I guess things will never change."
About Sierra skipping without touching the ground, that shall be explained in another chapter possibly Ch. 16. So thank you to all who read my no-so-finished-story. I actually have time to write this since I am fricken done with all my projects in school. (But we have a bunch of exams) Anyway, thanks for reading and please review!