Melanie's POV

Everyone told me I shouldn't date Jared. He's a player, Mel. Stay away from him; you'll only get hurt, they said.

I shook my head and smiled at how wrong they were. I was happier now with Jared than I had been in forever. I walked down the hallway, making my way to Geometry class. He was sweet and charming. He listened to everything I said. I mean how many guys actually listen to their girlfriends? I turned at the corner, still smiling.

My smile fell from my face in seconds. There, in the hallway were Jared and my sister. Kissing. Jared's arms were locked around Wanda's waist, holding her against the wall. Her arms around his neck. My head began to spin. Fast.

My breath caught in a sob. Wanda heard. She broke of the kiss instantly. She looked at me with eyes that were…ashamed?

'Mel.' She whispered. I turned away and walked away the fastest I had ever walked in my whole life. The stupid tears that had been brimming up my eyes fell, one my one.

'Mel!" she said louder, 'wait, please! Mel, no! Please just listen!'

'Forget her.' I heard Jared whisper, barely loud enough for me to hear.

'What? No!' I heard Wanda shout at him. She began to run after me. I didn't want to listen to whatever the hell she wanted to say to me. I ran too, much faster than her. 'Leave me alone!' I screamed at her.

She stopped running after me then.

How could she! My own sister, my own sister.! How? The tears began to fall faster and faster. I found myself walking towards an empty classroom.

I sat down at one of the seats. Normally I would have gone to the washroom and washed my face, willing myself to be strong and not to cry. But now I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry on someone's shoulder. I wanted to weep all the hurt away.

'Mel?' I heard Kyle's voice. No, it wasn't Kyle. The voice had a soft edge to it. Ian.

I'd spent way too many years of school crushing over this boy. His brother and he looked the exact same. But there was something different about Ian. And he was gorgeous. With beautiful eyes. And a great smile.

But I was over him anyway. It had just been one of the stupidest crushes in the history of stupid crushes. And when Jared has come into my life, it had made it more final. Jared. My heart hurt. Almost literally.

'What?' I said, sounding real pissed. I really didn't want to face anybody right then. 'Go away'

'I'm not too sure but I'm guessing you just found out about your Wanda and Jared.''

He said his name with something that sounded like disgust. And he sounded pissed too. Like he was angry that they were together.

'Yeah', I whispered 'they were making out in the hallway. I was so wrong Ian; I should have just listened to everyone. It hurts too much.'

'I guess I know what you mean about the hurt.' He said. What? I looked up at him. His eyes were filled with pain. He looked so sad and confused and unsure. It made me want to hug him. I didn't. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do.

'So since when do like my sister?' I asked him, trying to forget my problems for a while.

'Not that long. I mean yeah I guess I always felt oddly protective of her. But I just realized I lov- I mean liked her when I found out about Jared.'

'Wow.' I said. He did that guy grunt thing in agreement. 'Well you gotta tell her right away.'

'What? No way! Can you imagine how awkward it will be when she tells me she doesn't feel the same way? Hell, it's already awkward. We've been fighting one hell of a lot recently.'

Wanda did like Ian. I knew that for a fact. Not just because all the girls at school had a crush on him at some phase of their lives. She liked him for who he was. She'd told me that when we both would talk about our crushes. That had been a while back but crushes never really fade away do they?

'No, listen to me Ian. She really does feel the same way about you.' I wanted my sister to be with someone who really liked her. And apparently maybe even loved her. Not with Jared.

He ran his hands through his dark, black hair. 'Really? You think so?'

'I know so Ian, she's my sister.' My own sister who had just broken my heart, I thought internally.

'Kay Mel I believe you but I'm gonna think about what exactly I'm gonna do now.' He said with a real cute smile.

'No problem Ian, what are friends for right?' I said as we got up and began to walk out of the classroom.

'Right' he said with that adorable smile still on his face.