Just a Copy


Have the big blue smurf-cat aliens failed?

Maybe. Maybe not. Has Jake and Quaritch died? Maybe. Maybe not. Hahaha, I'm evil. 8D I hope my OCs did not come off as Mary-Sues or Stus. I try extremely hard not to make them. I'd rather gorge out my eyes than do such a thing. And I know the beginning was like Avatar, but I changed it, right? 8D Hehehehe. I hope ya'll liked altered Quaritch. According to all ya'll reviews (thank you for that!), I can see that you did. And ya'll like Blackwood?


That's okay. I hate him too. He's my creepiest OC I've ever made, and I've made some really screwed up ones. According to my friend, he is the, what did she say? Oh, yes: "he is one &#*-ed up bastard." I did good.

I did good.

Oh, and if ya'll have not figured it out, those fingernail marks are from his past rape victims.

I don't think I said this, but Norm's Avatar is fine and Max had an Avatar, and they passed through the Eye of Eywa. Sorry if I did not clear that up.

Oh, and here's how you pronounce my characters' names:

Tu'sky: Too-skee. Not Too-sky.

Ma'ki: Mah-key.

Rajian: Raw-ge-an.

And yes, there will be a second one. I won't torment you all for too long. Just long enough. Well, anyways, thank you for your hits, favs, and reviews. It makes my day. It brightens my day. It does. And there are those days where I need a nice review. My life has been a little shitty so far. Like getting my wisdom teeth yanked out of my head a while ago; such and such.

And I was a little afraid. Though, ironically, I was not afraid of the surgery itself, just the needle going into my arm. I have a chronic phobia. So, yeah, you can yank my teeth out of my head, but no needles. But I took it well, and yeah.

Anyways, I have no idea as to when I'll post the sequel, just watch out.

Oh, ja, I drew my characters. Go to my profile and click the link to see them on my deviantArt account.

Story idea, Rajian, Dr. Wolfe, Tu'sky, Ma'ki, clone!Quaritch (his personality) and Gen. Blackwood (ew) © Me.

Avatar and characters (including the real!Quaritch) in the film © James Cameron.

Oel ngati kame, love you all. :D