A:N: Happy Easter, guys! I'm not really sure how this chapter is gonna go, but it will! Thanks for all of your support, and I hope to be very consistent with this story. :)

-Sammy 3

I could hear the familiar sound of Mozart flow into my bedroom. The noise seemed to surge some kind of anger into my body, and I felt as if my heart had been ripped out. I stormed from my bed towards my window. Very vigorously, I opened the curtains, letting in a golden light in. It bathed my room with an uplifting glow. Though I could still hear the piano, I tried to be more happy, but the anger stayed within me.

I abandoned my room to the kitchen where my mom was making pancakes. I could see the Mozart was coming from the stereo.

"Mom, turn that off. Please!" I exclaimed,

"Why? I like Mozart." She said, turning to face me.

"I want you to turn it off..." I glared at her,

"Um... Okay... Why don't you like it?"

"It reminds me of Dad..." I said slowly,

"Oh, ok. I'll turn it off!" My mom leaned over the counter, and reached for the off button on the stereo. I guess my mom understood. A lot of the time she didn't, though. I guess it didn't matter if she understood, or not. At least she turned the music off...

I strayed from the kitchen to the living room, which didn't seem so liveable. Taking a seat on the couch, I began to wonder. What am I going to do with the rest of my summer? Just sit around, and wait for something to happen? I already could tell that this was going to be the most horrible time period in my life.

"Samantha?" My mom asked, as if everything was perfectly alright.


"Would you like me to make your favorite steak tonight?" My mom suggested, I knew she was trying to make me happier, but she would fail miserably. Though, I loved steak, I didn't want my mom to think that would make everything better.

"Sure." I said, trying to hide my excitement.

"Okay." my mother paused for a moment. "Would you like a pancake?" I wanted a pancake. I wanted one bad.

"No." I lied

"I know you wa--"

"NO!" I cut my mom off, she seemed to be a bit taken aback, but she didn't object my decision. Things were getting too, awkward here. "I'm just going to go take a shower..." I announced, sitting up.

"Okay..." I left the room feeling bad. My poor mom! I imagine she was just as upset about the death of my father as I. She was merely trying to help.

When I got out of the shower I entered the kitchen. Mom was leaning on the counter with a plate of pancakes in front of her. She ate slowly, as she looked off into the distance.

"I'm going to go on a walk." I informed her

"Be careful." I started to leave, but I really, really wanted a pancake.

"And, by the way, I did want a pancake!" Then I snatched a big one off the serving plate. My mom laughed as I left.

I was really starting to like the idea of being on my own. It gave me time to think. I never really had special time to think, because it was always, piano, piano, practice, practice! I never really realized, until now, how much I hated piano.

All around me I could see the glimmer of a few trees here, and there sparkling with morning dew. Off in the distance the Puget Sound was in sight. Though, it was just polluted sludge, it sparkled with the look of beauty. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear the call of my name.

"SAM, SAM!!! OVER HERE!!!" I had to say I was quite startled by this, but I realized that it was only the call of Carly, and Freddie. The two kids I had met yesterday. I turned to see the two of them just standing around. I really didn't want to hang out with them but, it was too, late to pretend to ignore them. I headed over there. "Hey, Sam!" Carly said, she turned over to Freddie, and gave him a look. He shook his head, and she elbowed him in the side.

"OWW!" He yelled rubbing his "wound"

"Say it!" Carly hissed

"Ok, ok..." Freddie looked around nervously, "Uh, Sam? I'm really sorry about what I said to you yesterday. I didn't think if would offend you..."

"It's ok? Uh, you just kind of creeped me out..."

"Oh, cool then. Now that we've made up, will you hang out with us?" Carly looked hopeful

"Why do you want to hang out with me?" I asked

"Well, your new here. We could be your first friends. You know, show you the ropes, and stuff." Carly answered. I considered this. It would be nice to have some friends. Someone who knows where they are, and what they're doing.

"Uh... ok then... We can hang out. If you really want to." I said

"We do, we really want to!" Carly said, seeming a bit too, happy.

"Okay, what are we going to do?" I asked

"We could head down to Carly's place, or see a movie, or something." Freddie suggested.

"Okay." I answered

"How about we head to my place. You can meet my brother, and we could have lunch, and watch Girlie Cow."

"You like Girlie Cow!?!? Noway! I love that show!" Some kind of weird burst of excitement rushed through me. My mom didn't really let me watch Girlie Cow, because I had to parctice, practice, practice.

"Well, then let's go!" Carly exclaimed

A:N: I hope this isn't too, short! Don't worry about the romance, it's coming. I just need to get the characters acquainted with each other, you know? Well, thanks for reading, please leave a review!!!

-Sammy 3