Disclaimer: Same as previous chapters.
WARNING: M/M sex scene implied
Chapter 10
As the church came into view Xander was getting a bad feeling that something wasn't right, something was going to get bad and fast.
Jacob felt Xander's nervousness and tapped Xander's shoulder to reassure him and said, "Xander, what's wrong?"
"Don't know," Xander said, "I just feel like something bad is coming our way."
"You worry too much Xander," Jacob said as he grasped Xander's hand.
Drusilla heard the cars and said, "It's time; the guests have arrived and we must set our plates for a very lovely dinner."
The demon looked at Drusilla and Caleb with disgust, '[Blood rats,]'it thought, '[but then again they paid the toll for summoning me and I will do my job.]'
As the group walked through the door they saw Drusilla and Caleb waiting for them and Drusilla said, "Hello kitten, are you ready to become mummy's new baby?"
Jacob growled and said, "He's not going anywhere with you bitch!!"
Caleb glared and said, "You treat my momma with more respect boy!"
Spike shook his head and almost laughed; the guy was not only dangerous he was obsessed with Drusilla and what was worse, was while Drusilla was usually unfocused but this guy was extremely focused and seemed to be capable of keeping her focused.
"So, you're Spike?" Caleb said, "You took my baby boy from me, that's just not proper."
"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Spike screamed, "You are a monster!! Even I wouldn't play these sick games with him."
Caleb said, "Don't you judge me none, only one person can do that and he isn't here."
Drusilla said, "Our guests have arrived, let's make them feel at home."
The demon sighed; that was its signal to act. As it appeared behind her and Caleb, stretching its massive wings, its eyes glowing embers.
"That's what I was worried about!!!"Xander screamed as the massive violet skinned creature walked down the stairs.
[Which one of you is what Drusilla called kitten?] It asked with a curious tone.
Drusilla laughed and pointed out Xander, who Jacob had tried to shield with his body.
[I don't know rather to laugh or pity you lesser creature,] the demon said, but as it looked at Drusilla's face and said, [I guess it's going to be pity.]
It walked towards Xander, Jacob shifted and the other members of the pack shifted into massive wolves and launched themselves at the demon, tearing at the demon who ignored their attacks, it looked at them and said, [This is pointless, you cannot defeat me beings,] as he sent one of the wolves flying into one of the plate glass windows.
Emmett jumped on the demon's back, literally breaking one of the demons wings.
[YOU DARE!!!] It screamed at Emmett as it slammed him into the ground, surprising him, it said, [Your skin is like granite, this is going to make tearing you all to pieces a lot more difficult but oh so much more fun.]
Jasper was keeping everyone calm but it was getting harder to do that, the fear and anger were growing in equal measures.
Jacob launched himself at the demon's arm and managed to get his teeth in good and hard causing it to scream in rage and pain, these creatures were hurting it.
Caleb's look of glee was fading, something was wrong; their demon was losing? He looked at Drusilla who was holding her head and she was saying, "No, no, this is all wrong, something's wrong!!!"
Giles aimed a crossbow and shot the demon in the back, it roared, it should have been able to handle these creatures it was stronger than them, it knew that.
Drusilla was rubbing her head and kept repeating, "Its wrong!! It's wrong!!"
Xander went to help attack the demon; he stabbed it in the back with his dagger which caused the demon incredible pain. They watched in shock as the blue energy engulfed the demon causing it more pain, it collapsed, '[That weapon wasn't ordinary, it was something else,]' it thought as it felt itself fading back to its home dimension.
Spike panted, "That demon required a large sacrifice of human flesh and blood."
"Where did she get the blood and flesh?" Bella asked confused.
"Pet," Spike said, "Where do you think Caleb's flock went?"
Drusilla screamed in rage, "This isn't working the way I wanted!!!"
Caleb cracked his knuckles and said, "Okay momma, let's call in our fledges."
Drusilla nodded said, "Children, it's time to play," as she said that a door crashed open revealing a bunch of fledges who leapt in, ready to fight.
The Cullen's got ready to fight, Bella lifted up her stake but her cross began to radiate blue light again, it turned brilliant blue and thousands of blue sparks came out and started to engulf the fledges, wiping them out leaving a bunch of other confused fledges that the Cullen's and the pack tore into them while they were still feeling confused.
Caleb groaned in dismay at Bella's cross, he walked towards the battle and was ready to kill the girl when Spike grabbed him and said, "Sorry mate, you and I have to have to talk," as he slammed his fist into Caleb's face.
Caleb growled, "You're going to pay for taking my baby boy away like that!"
"Oi, you're as stupid as Drusilla is nuts. What you did to the boy was monstrous," Spike growled.
"Hey, we are monsters," Caleb grinned, "I just did what came naturally to me."
"Yes," Spike said, "we are monsters but even monsters should have some honour," as he slammed his fist into Caleb's face.
"No," Caleb growled as he slammed his foot into Spike's chest, "we shouldn't deny ourselves pleasure, should we?"
Spike said, "I would never have done that to a kid his age."
"So, you're weak," Caleb said smugly as he tried to slam his fist into Spike's face.
Spike dodged the punch and slammed his knee into Caleb's testicles and said, "What do you know mate, you did have them."
"Oh!!" Caleb groaned doubled over in pain as Spike picked up a large shard of wood.
"Hey, Preacher boy," Spike said. As Caleb looked up Spike jammed the large piece of wood into Caleb's chest causing Caleb to turn into dust and blow away in the wind.
Drusilla screamed, "NOOO!!! Not my baby!!!"
Alice sighed, she knew the moment of Xander's choice was coming up soon and she prepared herself for the worst, just in case.
Xander heard the wail and saw Spike dust that preacher guy, then Drusilla stared at him and Xander felt himself being drawn to her.
Drusilla said, "Kitten come to mommy and we shall have a very lovely party."
Jacob saw Xander walking towards Drusilla and shifted back to his human form to grab Xander and said, "Xander don't go to her, stay with me."
Alice ran over to where Jacob was and said, "Please Xander, come back to us."
Drusilla looked at Alice and hissed out, "False seer, leading my kitten with false visions."
Jacob pulled on Xander's arm to keep him away from Drusilla who now had shifted into her demonic face and reached out her hand to grab Xander's hand.
"Please!!" Jacob whispered into Xander's ear, "I love you and I know you love me!!"
Drusilla saw the conflicted look on Xander's face and concentrated harder to get her kitten under her spell but it wasn't working.
Xander looked back at Jacob and said, "I love you too."
Jacob embraced Xander tightly and looked at Drusilla and said, "Looks like you lost bitch."
"Nooo!!" Drusilla screamed as she reached out to grab Xander when they heard a thunk sound, Drusilla looked at her chest and at the crossbow bolt sticking out of it and Giles was holding the crossbow.
"No one hurts my children Drusilla and besides I have to pay you back for the torture," he said as she turned to dust.
Spike saw Drusilla turn to dust and thought, "At least my dark princess was at piece but there is no time to miss her, I have to go take care of the few fledges left.'
The fledges realized Caleb and Drusilla were gone and they were quickly being out numbered, they tried to flee into the woods where the pack shifted and ran after them. Jacob was torn between going with them and staying with Xander, who looked like he was about the collapse, Leah looked at Jacob and shifted back to her human form and said, "Stay with him Jacob, we can handle the fledges, if some of the Cullen's feel up for a joint hunt," Emmett and Jasper nodded.
"Thanks Leah," Jacob said as he picked up Xander, who had collapsed by now, he looked at his mate in his arms and kissed him lightly on his cheek whispering, "That's alright, you can sleep for now."
Giles said, "Well, that was a most interesting time but I think right now we can all use some rest."
Spike nodded, "And I got a childe to handle and," he pointed to Jacob and said, "mate you need some clothes, don't think a 6'7 naked man is going to go well with the police."
Jacob blushed; he had forgotten he was naked.
Spike winked and said, "Mate, you have nothing to be ashamed about."
As they got into one of the cars Alice said, "I am glad that Drusilla is gone, though," she looked at Spike, "I am sorry we had to kill her."
"Pay it no mind love," Spike said, "she was hurting in her own way and I am glad that her suffering is finally over."
Alice smiled gently and asked, "So what are you going to do now Spike?"
"Oh," Spike said, "make sure Mike is taken of good and proper, might send him down to Peaches who would train him properly."
Alice said, "I thought maybe you would join our family? It would be nice to have you join us."
Spike thought it over and said, "You'd be right about that, be nice to be part of a family again."
"We'll ask Carlisle about it when Xander and Jacob come back from their week long journey," Alice said.
Jacob wasn't really listening to the conversation, he was caressing the face of his mate wondering if the rest of the pack could accept him; Leah would be no problem and he personally knew his family wouldn't mind Xander; his father pretty much adored Xander.
Xander woke up and saw Jacob looking down at him and Xander muttered, "Did we win?"
"Yeah, we won Xander," Jacob said running his hand through Xander's soft black hair.
"Why are you naked?" Xander asked, "Did I miss something fun?"
Spike smirked and said, "Mate, it looks like you're going to have fun."
Xander smiled lightly and went back to sleep.
The next day Jacob woke up to see Xander in his arms and he thought, 'This is how it should be, except naked."
Xander woke stretching and looking into Jacob's dark eyes and whispered, "Love you."
Jacob smiled widely and said, "Did you remember what I said we would do after the vampires were gone?"
"Uhh, that we would be going away for a week?" Xander asked.
Jacob said, "Yes but you forgot about you wearing nothing Xander."
Xander blushed deeply feeling Jacob's gaze on him and said, "Sounds fun."
Jacob nodded and picked up Xander who sighed and said, "So, where are we going?"
"Oh, there's a hunting cabin I know of Xander that's very secluded and we can be as loud as we want," Jacob said.
As they walked out Spike and Giles stopped them and Giles said, "Xander, we are staying here to help the Cullen's pack and then after you and Jacob come back we can go back to Sunnydale to pick up anything you left behind at your parents house."
Xander nodded and said, "That sounds great Giles," as Jacob pulled him towards the entrance to the house only for Edward to toss a key to Jacob and say, "Running through the woods is good for us but not for Xander." and added, "See you two later, have fun."
Jacob nodded and took the key and grabbed Xander's hand and led them to the car Edward lent them and drove to the cabin.
Xander looked at the cabin and said, "It looks comfortable."
"It is," Jacob said as he pulled Xander into his arms and led him into the cabin.
The whole week was full of Xander and Jacob discovering their limits and the nights were full of pleasure for both of them.
A week later Giles saw Jacob and Xander drive up and tried to ignore the looks of satisfaction on their faces. He had a good idea what they had been up to.
"So Xander, are you ready to go back to Sunnydale?" Giles asked.
"Yeah Giles I am but Jacob's going with us," Xander said with a tone in his voice that said he meant that Jacob was coming with them.
Alice hopped into the car with them, along with Jasper and said, "I was planning on coming with you guys."
Xander said, "We're just picking up my stuff Alice."
"Oh but we want to help with that Initiative business and to act as moral support if your friends don't accept Jacob and your relationship," Alice said.
Spike smiled and said, "While you would be welcome to come along but what about your family?"
"While they are going to get settled in the new place and then they are going to let us know where they are and we will move there," Jasper said quietly.
Giles nodded politely and said, "Truthfully, we could use the help."
Alice said, "Well, there you go and hey Jacob, Xander, you guys are welcome to join us when we leave Sunnydale."
The End
I will be making a sequel to this story describing Xander and Jacob's adventures in Sunnydale and the Scoobies reaction to Jacob. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated thanks.
A/N: I removed the sex scene in this fic because I was not sure about it on this site. If you want to read it, it is on the TwistingtheHellmouth website under the author JacobPhoenix. Thank you.
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