Teito and Frau Yaoi
"Frau, you must never let go of his hand."
Labrador, I don't know what it is that you see coming, but I'm so in love with him. I could never imagine ever letting him go.
Frau. Zehel. Two different people, two different beings in one body. But which one is truly in control?
"Frau!" Teito? "Frau, you nasty pervert! I don't even know why they let you in the church!"
"What are you talking about? And I'm not a pervert, quit saying that!"
"Oh yeah? Then what do you call these?" he tossed a stack of magazines at Frau's feet. Closer inspection proved that they weren't normal magazines. Teito stared angrily at Frau. "Well?" he questioned testily.
"So you found my porn. What of it?"
"What of it?! You twisted bishop!" Frau chuckled and ruffled Teito's hair. "Augh! What the hell, Frau?!"
"You'll understand when you're older." If I can control myself that long.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Frau merely chuckled again. "I'm not gonna be a pervert like you! And I'm mostly grown already, I'm no child."
"Oh really? Frau bent down so that their eyes were level with each other. "You're still pretty small. Maybe if you grew a foot more people would take you seriously. Tell me, have you ever been to an R rated movie? Did the ticket holder really believe that you were not a minor? Hmmm?" Teito scowled. "Exactly what I thought."
"I may be short but I can still kick your ass!"
"Yeah? Who's had to come save your butt on numerous accounts?"
"Nobody asked you too. Besides, it's not like I wanted it to happen anyway."
"But it did. And who was so kind as to shelter you here? Us. You should at least be grateful."
"Grateful?! I never wanted to even be here!"
"Stop being such a baby."
"I'll show you! I'm tougher than you give me credit for. Just you watch." Teito turned and stormed out of the room. Sighing heavily Frau followed him out.
"Teito. Teito, I'm sorry." Frau reached out to grab his shoulder.
"Just go away Frau." There was a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Teito just-"
"I said go away!" Teito whipped around and swung at Frau's face. Frau dodged and grabbed Teito's wrist, a mere breath away from hitting him had he not moved. He tried to pull out of Frau's grasp but could not. "Let me go, Frau."
"No. not until you cool it. I was coming out here to apologize." He looked at Teito's pouting face. "You're such a brat."
"I'm not a damn brat you-"Still holding Teito's wrist, Frau pulled him closer and silenced him with a kiss.
"I hate it when you argue, you're so annoying." He kissed him again, a little deeper than the first, and released him. "Call me when you grow up, Squirt." He smiled then turned and left.
Teito stood there, silenced and stunned by Frau. He felt his lips pulsing with the ghost of his first kiss.
"What the hell just happened?!" Teito screamed, coming to his senses a moment too late. He gingerly touched his swollen lips. As his moment of shock subsided, Teito's mind found a new worry. Had Frau found out about his secret? Impossible, he thought. Although it could be a perfect explanation for such rash behavior.
"Pya!" there was a small roar followed by an equally small tap on Teito's shoulder. Mikage, a small pink dragon, made himself comfortable on his friend's shoulder. Teito patted his head and sighed. It hadn't been that long since Mikage had died and been reincarnated into this new form. Sensing his distress the little dragon playfully nipped Teito's ear.
"Hey!" Teito yelped in surprise. "Why you littleā¦!" Mikage jumped off of his perch and began to run down the hallway. "Mikage you get back here!" screamed Teito as he ran after his friend.
From farther down the hall behind Teito, hidden in the shadows, a perverted and twisted bishop chuckled to himself. As a guardian, mentor, and friend to Teito it was his duty to protect the Eye of Mikhail. Though now the situation has altered slightly. Frau thought to himself. Not only is it my duty to the church for the Eye, but now a duty to my heart as well to the boy who currently holds the Eye.
Frau watched as Mikage was chased around by an irritated Teito. He heard Teito scream as Mikage disappeared in the shadows and reappeared behind him to nip him in the rear. Frau felt himself blush at the sudden rush of thoughts that came to his mind.
"Bishop Frau?" He turned sharply at the voice. "Bishop Frau, have you seen Teito?" He sighed. It was only Hakuren. He nodded his head in the direction that he had last seen Teito. Then, without another word, he walked past Hakuren to his room.
Hakuren watched his idol go, unable to thank him, but unsure why he had seemed so distant. "What are you thinking Bishop?" He wondered aloud. He then turned and fled to find Teito and tell him his big news.