Sorry it took so long to update but I only just got my computer and the internet going at the same time yesterday :S I had my computer without internet for ten days and then I had internet with someone else's computer for five days, but now I have mine :D the joys of travelling.
Haunt of twilight: Yes he will, but it will be explained why at some point.
Luna13: Personally I like Legolas/Harry the best, but I think Aragorn is pretty good for Harry too and I thought I'd try it out since there aren't too many Aragorn/Harry stories.
Whitedwarf: they look the same age because they have to stop physically aging at a normal pace. So Dumbledore started to age really slowly as soon as he had been given a longer life. Draco aged at a normal pace until he reached about 100 and the physical aging slowed down, so his physical appearance caught up to Dumbledore's. I don't know if I explained it properly (it makes sense in my mind lol) if your still confused, let me know and I'll try again.
Thanks for all the reviews, everyone!
CWC: 1,907
Chapter five-journey to Rivendell
Harry suddenly sat up. He wasn't sure what had woke him up, and he was a bit confused that he was in a bed until the memories from last night came to him. He immediately looked for Aragorn. He saw the ranger staring at him. "I was just about to wake you, but it seems I have no need to." Aragorn said quietly, slightly confused and slightly amused.
"I'm a light sleeper, and seem to have a radar for danger. What's going on?" Harry said just as quietly as he walked up to Aragorn. Before Aragorn could answer they heard a loud, inhuman screech of rage that woke up the hobbits. there was a short pause of silence before the group heard even more shrieks. When everyone looked out the window there wasn't much too see before a dark figure followed by three more fled from the inn and into the night.
"What are they?" Frodo asked.
"They were once men." Aragorn started. "Great Kings of men. Then Sauron the deceiver gave to them Nine Rings of Power. Blinded by their greed they took them without question, one by one falling darkness and now they are slaves to his will." He turned to face the hobbits and Harry. They are the Nazgul, Ringwraiths, neither living or dead. At all times they feel the presence of the ring...drawn to the power of the one..they will never stop hunting you." He said the last part to Frodo.
Harry looked out the window to the darkness outside. He was reminded of a mix between Death eaters and Dementors. He gave a small unnoticeable shudder at the thought. This should be interesting Harry thought.
The next day the two men and the hobbits left the Inn at daybreak with a poorly taken care of pony- that Sam insisted they couldn't leave behind- and allowed Aragorn to take the lead. They'd been walking for a few hours when Frodo asked, "Where are you taking us?"
"Into the wild." Aragorn responded.
Harry snorted behind him. "Wouldn't have guessed." He mumbled. Aragorn smiled, he was finding Harry to be an interesting character.
Behind them they heard Sam ask Frodo, "How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf's?"
"We have no choice but to trust him." Frodo responded stubbornly. Harry smiled a little, knowing that Frodo was taking his advice.
"But where is he leading us?" Sam asked, just as stubborn as the other hobbit.
Aragorn turned his head to say "To Rivendell, Master Gamgee… To the house of Elrond." Harry was pretty sure he could see amusement with a mix of respect in aragorn's eyes when he looked at Sam. He obviously respects caution, rather than be bothered by it. I'm starting to like this guy. Harry thought.
Sam got excited. "Did you hear that, Bill?" He asked the pony. "Rivendell! We're going to see the elves!"
They had been walking a few hours more when, by some silent agreement, the hobbits all stopped and started to unpack. Aragorn and Harry were confused about what they were doing.
"Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall." Aragorn told them.
"What about breakfast?" Pippin asked plainly.
"We've already had breakfast." Harry responded, wondering if hobbits naturally had some form of amnesia.
"We've had one, yes...but what about Second Breakfast?" Pippin asked innocently. Aragorn and Harry both looked at him blankly before Harry started laughing and Aragorn turned away, shaking his head.
"I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip." Merry told his friend.
"What about Elvenses?" Pippi asked. Merry shook his head and the rest of the hobbits started packing away their things. "Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, dinner, supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?" Pippin asked, sounding panicked.
"I wouldn't count on it." Merry said sadly.
Up ahead Harry was having a hard time keeping his laughter quiet, not wanting to offend the small creatures. "Those two sound so heartbroken." Harry whispered to Aragorn amongst his giggles. Aragorn laughed lowly, grabbed two apples from his pack and threw them, one after the other, to the two young hobbits. They heard a thunk, an exasperated 'Pippin!' from Merry before they heard the hobbits starting to walk towards them to catch up. Even Aragorn couldn't help the laughter that came out. Luckily, the hobbits, who had just caught up to them, assumed that one of them said something funny.
They continued their trek for most of the rest of the day until it started to get dark. When Harry looked ahead he saw a pile of ruins at the top of a hill.
Aragorn spoke, "This was once the great Watchtower of Amon Sul. We shall rest here tonight."
They climbed up until they found a good area to stay for the night about half way up the rocky hill. Aragorn took out four short swords and laid them on the ground in front of the tired hobbits. "These are for you. Keep them close. I'm going to have a look around. Stay here."
"I'll come with you. Two pairs of eyes are better than one." Harry said. Aragorn considered for half a moment before nodding.
The two men didn't speak until they'd once again reached the bottom of the hill. "If you don't mind my asking, if looks are to be deceiving, how old are you?" Aragorn asked. Harry could tell the man had been dying to ask this since they met last night.
"Do you have any idea how old Gandalf is?" Harry asked, seemingly out of nowhere.
Aragorn tried to think of the answer, even if it caught him off guard. "I've never asked him. I know that he hasn't changed physically very much since I met him when I was really young. But what does that have to do with your age?"
"Well he is only 150 years older than me. If you ever find out his or my age you'll know the other's." Aragorn stared at him before walking on again.
"You're quite close to him, aren't you?" Aragorn asked. Harry hummed in agreement. "It shows. You both speak in riddles." Harry laughed out of shock.
"Yes, it is infuriating, isn't it? I guess it comes naturally with old age. I bet you've been finding yourself giving a simple riddle here and there when someone asks you a question." Harry said.
Aragorn thought about it and then chuckled. "I guess you're right."
There was a silence as they walked around, taking stock of everything around them and the hill. Harry looked up and saw a small glow on the hill before it was put out. When he looked up the few paths to where they were to stay for the night he saw dark shadows moving towards them. "Shit!" Harry exclaimed. He grabbed Aragorn's armed and ran for the hobbits, hoping they could hold their own. He heard the clashing of swords and a few thumps. He grabbed Aragorn's arm and, remembering he was a wizard, apparated he and Aragorn to where they left the hobbits. Aragorn was slightly winded but he regained himself and focused on the problem at hand before accusing Harry of anything. Harry heard a cry of pain and saw Frodo suddenly appear out of thin air (though he knew it was the ring) in pain.
He flicked his wrist and his old wand fell into his hand. Thinking of how it felt to fly for the first time (something he would never forget) he cast a patronus and, with the help of Aragorn torching the suckers, drove the ringwraiths away. Aragorn was giving Harry a suspicious look but hurried to Frodo to see if he was alright or not.
Aragorn kneeled down beside Frodo and picked up the knife that was laying beside the injured hobbit. He looked at it gravely.
"Help him, Strider!" Sam demanded.
"He's been stabbed by a morgul blade." Aragorn said solemnly. The blade suddenly seemed to melt away and Aragorn threw the hilt to the ground in disgust.
"Do something." Sam begs.
"This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs elvish medicine." Aragorn replied to the distraught hobbit as he went to pick up Frodo.
"Wait." Harry said. "I'm not able to heal it but I may be able to slow the poison down if you let me take a look." Aragorn looked Harry in the eyes for a moment before he gave a hesitant nod. Harry uncovered the injury and passed his wand over it while muttering the few healing spells he knew that could help. Of course he could've done this wandless but it was good to keep a few secrets from the enemy if they were watching. When he was finished he looked up. "Alright, I slowed it down but we should still try to get to Rivendell as quickly as possible."
"What about the method you used with me to get here so quickly?" Aragorn asked after a slight pause.
Harry thought for a moment. They know where we are and they'll know where we're going. Of course Gandalf will have put wards around the area with or without the elves' permission. "Right, the Ringwraiths most likely know where we're going and the five that weren't here tonight are probably waiting near Rivendell to ambush us. I won't be able to go directly into Rivendell in case any type of magic is set to keep sudden unknown intruders out." He looked at Aragorn. "I need you to think of somewhere we can appear just outside the borders of Rivendell."
Aragorn gave him a questioning look, but did as he said. "right on the other side of the river." He answered.
"I need you to picture the spot very clearly in your mind." Aragorn nodded. "Do you trust me?" Harry suddenly asked. Aragorn looked him in the eye before nodding again. "Ok, don't break eye contact." And with that for a warning he gently eased himself into Aragorn's mind and saw the picture of the area just after the river. "Everyone hold on to me as tightly as you can." The hobbits and Aragorn looked a little worried but did as he said. Harry picked up Frodo and thinking very hard of the border of Rivendell he apparated the six of them there.
Everyone except for Harry, who was used to the feeling of being squeezed through a small tube, were a little off balance. Harry handed Frodo to Aragorn when he thought he could handle the extra weight and turned to face the other side of the river where, as he expected, the other five dementor wannabes were standing. The leader started towards the group and the rest of them followed.
"Take Frodo to Lord Elrond for healing. I can take care of this." Aragorn hesitated but knew the ring bearer was important as well as knowing that Lord Elrond most likely did something to keep evil out of the elves land and so turned away and headed for the city.
When the ringwraiths and their horses were half way through the river, Harry noticed the water rapidly rising and smiled. He relaxed his stance as he watched a flood of water over take the riders. He knew that the horses wouldn't survive and hopefully the riders would be injured. With this happy thought, Harry turned and headed to the great house of Lord Elrond. He hoped he could get a good, hot meal.