"One more…" Edgeworth hissed at the man, whose arms were draped around his neck, clinging on tight.

"Unh, M-miles!" Phoenix cried as the other thrust roughly inside him once more, both of them reaching their climaxes. Miles pulled out slowly, panting hard, and flopped down onto the bed, rolling onto his side. Phoenix did the same, placing himself if front of Edgeworth, practically purring as the slightly taller man wrapped his strong arms around his body, caressing his slender hips.

"Oh Miles…." He sighed contentedly. The prosecutor chuckled as the dark-haired attorney intertwined their fingers as his breathing steadied.

"Sleep well, Phoenix."

Phoenix stirred with a groan as he heard the door opening abruptly. His large blue eyes slowly fluttered, immediately meeting the small brown ones of a young girl. He blinked. She blinked. He stared. She stared. Her jaw dropped. The young defense attorney gasped softly as he realized this was not just any young girl. It was Pearl Fey. His mouth maintained it's gawp as he reached behind his shoulder and prodded his lover. A low grumble was heard from behind.

"Ow…" Edgeworth hissed venomously, however, the frown on the young prosecutor's face swiftly became a soft smile.

"Yes, Phoenix?" He asked gently, obviously unaware of the impending doom standing in the doorway. He happily nuzzled into the smaller man's hair.

"Mmmm… my beautiful Phoenix…" He sighed contentedly, stroking his soft black hair. Said young man raised a shaking hand and pointed at the figure blocking the door.

"L-look…" He whispered in terror. Edgeworth's eyes widened



Phoenix/Edgeworth or NaruMitsu. Well, what can I say? It was a plot bunny. It ate at my brain last night until I had no choice but to put it on paper. Kinda short but hey. So yeah.... fear the wrath of PEARL!!! D

Oh and yeah, Edgeworth is taller. By 2cm. XD Weird, huh? And yes, I DO support Seme!Edgeworth. I just think it makes a lot more sense. :3