You Lose


Nose to nose (or in Jet's case, it would be his beak), close to the finish line. He can see it, feel it, embrace it in his thoughts. Winning is everything to Jet. If he lost this race, he would be so angry at himself, for allowing him to lose. Speeding up a bit on his hoverboard, Jet flew passed his rival, Sonic the Hedgehog. Jet had to admit he was pretty impressive on his feet and on the hoverboard as well. Not only did Sonic beated Jet in a race before, but he beated him twice.

Jet was secretly jealous of Sonic. He had everything he wanted: speed, good friends, and somebody that loves him (Amy Rose). Not that he didn't have speed, good allies, or somebody that loves him (he suspects that Wave has a small crush on him). It's just that whatever Sonic does, it's always going to be a lot better than what Jet could ever do. The finish line was close in Jet's view. Maybe...maybe he'll win this time. Jet and Sonic both sped up, trying to pass each other, but their speed was matched equally.

"I'm going to win!" Jet chuckled, speeding his board up.

And then at that second, they both passed the finish line. It was tough to tell at who actually won the race. Tails, who was waiting for the two at the finish line, took a picture just when the two passed the finish line. Tails took the picture out of the slot and waited patiently for the picture to appear (it was one of those old fashioned cameras). Jet and Sonic eyed each other, then gazed over at Tails.

"Hmm...from my point of view, I think Jet won the race, Sonic."

Sonic groaned in disappointment, "Aww...I thought for sure I would have won the race."

Jet grinned sinisterally, "Well, I guess you're not the fastest thing alive anymore, huh?"

"Don't be so sure Jet. Tails doesn't know for sure. We have to wait for the picture to appear." Jet scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I know I won!" Jet replied, cockily.

Sonic ignored Jet and cornered Jet by a tall tree, away from Tails for a moment. The hawk looked at the azure hedgehog in a puzzled gaze. Sonic put his hand on the tree trunk, preventing for Jet to escape from his trap.

"Just what do you think you're doing, hedgehog?!" Sonic didn't reply, instead he placed his lips on Jet's beak.

Jet was shocked beyond all belief. He was going to push Sonic off, but he realized he liked it. He was even more shocked (if that was possible) to find himself kissing Sonic back. Just as soon as the kiss started, it ended, almost leaving Jet wanted more.

"Just what the hell was that all about?!" Jet shrieked out, blushing like crazy.

It was Sonic's turn to take hold of a sinister smirk. Sonic, his lips close to Jet's, almost as if he was daring to steal another kiss upon his lips once more.

"You liked that, huh?" The sneaky hedgehog realized, smiling.

"No I didn't, I hated it. I'm going to have to gargle my mouth with mouthwash," Jet lied, still blushing and wanting to get away from Sonic.

Sonic smirked and gazed at Jet.

"You lose," Sonic simply said and left Jet to go see Tails. By then, the picture appeared on the once black picture. The picture revealed that Jet had indeed won the race by a few mere inches.

"Wow...Jet did win. Congradulations, Jet!" Tails exclaimed and walked away from the two.

Jet was thrilled that he won the race. He finally beated Sonic in a race. But Jet was still baffled and flabbergasted that Sonic kissed him, and worst of all, he liked it.

"Yeah...congrats, Jet," Sonic said slyly from behind Jet.

"What do you want?" Sonic ignored the impaitient hawk's question.

"Even though you won the race, you still lose..." Sonic chuckled and kissed Jet again, running off as he did so.

Jet watched Sonic race away from him. He questioned why he was doing this to him. But the thrill of victory took over and tried to completely forget that Sonic kissed him...even though he still felt his lips buzzing.

The End!

Just a short one shot that I wrote one day in class. Hope you enjoyed it.