A/N: This is the last chapter. The chapter you guys have been waiting for, the epilogue! Twelve or thirteen years has passed. See the events that took place after their last encounter. See what Ash is doing in his life after twelve/thirteen years has passed. At the beginning of the chapter, there will be a short conversation between Aqua and her hooded friend (Ansem the Wise) during their time in the Realm of Darkness. This chapter takes place a year after Sora and Co. defeated Organization XIII. There will be a surprise twist on who is Ash's birth father. Remember, Ansem was once the ruler of Radiant Garden, so that gives you a good hand on who is Ash's father. After this epilogue is over, I might or might not write a sequel to this story right away. It depends on how many reviews I get for a sequel. Therefore, right now, I will be focusing on my other stories for the time being after this is over. So, sit back and enjoy!

Two Who Were Never Meant To Meet - Epilogue: Twelve Years Later!

(Twelve years later: The Realm of Darkness)


"Hmm?" The black-hooded man turned his head slightly to stare at his female companion, who was sitting on the beach sand and staring at the wavy and peaceful ocean and the bright moon right in front of her. The aqua-haired woman had a sad smile on her face.

Aqua cannot remember how long it has been since she last saw the little boy. For that matter, how long she has been stuck here in the Realm of Darkness. It felt like days…weeks…months…and even years. It even felt like an eternity, but it was not lonely. She had someone to keep her company, the hooded man. However, Aqua did miss her world, her friends, and lastly her life. Being stuck in the dark realm was a drag, but she did not regret it, not one bit. If it was to save her friend from the darkness, then so be it. She was glad to make the ultimate sacrifice for her friend, Terra. He can live on while she takes his place in the realm. A fair trade…right?

Unfortunately, by sacrificing everything for her friend, Aqua lost the opportunities to fulfill her two promises. One promise to Ven to come back and protect him while the second promise to…Ash to pay him a visit again and to wait for him when he becomes a man, who was worthy to win her affection. What a shame. Now, she cannot fulfill those promises.

However, Aqua did not give up on hope and faith. There was still a slight chance she can escape the Realm of Darkness. There was still hope for her yet. The boy…the boy she met before. Sora was his name. The chosen boy, who was destined to wield the Keyblade, the one, who was destined to open the Door of Light, the one, who was chosen by fate to reconnect everything that was linked to him. Sora is her last hope to save her lost soul from her suffering, to escape away from the Realm of Darkness, and lastly to help her realized that all the waiting for her savior to come and saved her was worth any second of it.

For now, all the lonely key bearer can do is…wait. Wait patiently for her chosen boy to come and rescue her, but…is waiting around enough? What if someday, Sora isn't the one, who supposed to save her? Then what? No. She cannot think that. Aqua knows that Sora is the one and will come for her, and then she can finally fulfill her promises if it was not too late to do so. 'Sora…I know you will come and saved me someday. I just know it. After all, you are the one that 'we' are connected to. So…please…do not let me down…Please do not let Terra and Ven down…And most of all, please do not let everyone else down. I know you can do it. I have faith in you…'

A small smile appeared on her face. The thought of Sora coming to her aide put a smile, but soon subsided. How long can she wait for that to happened? Maybe all of her waiting will be all for nothing. However, once again, she cannot think that. She believed on what lies ahead for her and her future and that was…Once day, her lost soul will be rescued by Sora.

Suddenly, the Keyblade Master took notice that her hooded comrade was staring at her…uh…maybe he was since she couldn't see his face at all, thanks to his black hood. However, Aqua knew he was since his head was slightly crane towards her direction. The mention of Ash's name must have gained the hooded man's attention for some reason. Was he curious on who is Ash? Or…was it something more than that? Despite that his memories was fading away piece by piece and minute by minute, that name of this boy was very familiar to him, but why? Maybe, his newfound friend can give him some answers. Aqua can tell that he wanted to know a little more about Ash. "Oh! You must be wondering who is Ash, right?"

The man in black or…aka…Ansem the Wise did not say anything. He just nodded his head. The female key bearer gave him a faint smile. "Ash is a nice and kind-hearted boy…kinda stubborn, too like Ven." The aqua-haired woman let out a quiet giggle. The former scientist did not react. He remained quiet as Aqua continued. "He was an interesting boy, who I met up during my mission to find my friends. At first, he was hard to handle until I got used to him overtime. He was so cute and adorable. I wonder what he looks like now? I know I have been in the Realm of Darkness for quite awhile now, but don't know how long?"

"Yes…" Ansem spoke up. "I myself was curious about that as well…To my prospected or what's left of it…I presumed that you, Aqua have been wondering in the World of Darkness longer than you imagined. Maybe, longer than me…" The female key bearer could not help, but nodded in agreement.


Dead silent

Silence fell between the pair for a second until Ansem ushered the Keyblade Master to continue. "Please continue to tell me more about this boy." Aqua nodded.

"Ash was really something and really special as well." This caught the former scientist and former ruler of Radiant Garden's attention. Special? What did she mean by special? "His mother told me something really interesting about Ash…" She dramatically paused for a second. Was it okay to tell Ash's secret to someone she barely knows? To her eyes, Ansem the Wise was sort of the type of person that can keep a secret. If he wasn't trust worthy, who can he tell the secret to? The ocean? The moon? That big rock behind them? It was okay then. It was a secret between two people, who are stranded on a forsaken realm. "She told me that Ash was the last and the strongest descendant of the Aura Masters…" The man in black slightly flinched for some reason. He knew something. A piece of his fading memory was coming back to him. "I know crazy, right? I was like that too until she convinced otherwise, but that is not all, she told me that Ash was a former prince of Radiant Garden. Insane, right?"

Ansem the Wise did not think it was crazy or insane al all. In fact, the former scientist believed it all. The man in black fell silent. Aqua frowned. What is it something she said? What is up with the whole silent treatment all of sudden? "Hey, are you all right?"

"So…you met Delia and my former son, Ash…" Ansem the Wise spoke in a tone that was either remorse or sadness. Aqua's eyes widen in shock.

"You know…Delia? And did you just say that Ash was your son?" The Keyblade Master asked in confusion. She was so lost right now. She just met this man and already he gave her the shock of her life. The former ruler of Radiant Garden nodded.

"As a soul of a failure scientist, a failure ruler, and a failure father, yes. I do know them both. The memory of them is quite clear to me now. Delia was a close friend of my late-wife. She was the one, who gave the most-caring love that neither my wife nor I could ever gave to our son, Ash. We were right to give Ash to her. We failed our boy as his parents."

"You got that right!" Aqua gave him an unforgivable look, which he did not mind at all. He deserves it. "You and your wife abandoned Ash! Why?" She did not care if he was a former king and she was disrespecting him. She wanted to know the reason why they abandoned their fresh, blood son, and erased his existence.

"I don't blame you for being angry with me. I have only my heart as a mere father to blame. When Ash was born, I knew something was different about him and I was right…" Aqua hardens her glare. "He was born with a gift that can either help humanity or destroy humanity. I couldn't risk it, so I waited until he was four to give him away and used a spell to erase everyone's, except for my wife, mine, and my dear friend, King Mickey memories of him for a short period."

"Why wait until he was four?"

"We hoped we could fill his heart with love and light, but it ended misery. His young heart continued to fill with darkness. He was born as the Prince of Darkness and we were afraid that his darkness would corrupt our daughter, Kairi's innocence. Therefore, I had no choice, but to do the right thing. If Ash would have stayed at Radiant Garden…"

"What will happen if he did?" No answer. "Tell me!" Aqua demanded angrily.

Ansem took notice that Aqua has a deep connection with his son. He envied her. He wished that he could have a strong connection or bond with Ash. Maybe, things were have been different if they did have a strong bond, but it was too late for that now. He lost the privilege for that to happen. The former scientist did not hesitate to give her a straight out answer. "One way or the others, the worlds would have been consumed by the darkness by something or by his darkness and his powers. It was for the best. Ash was born to consume all worlds into darkness."

"ASH ISN'T LIKE THAT!" Aqua yelled, defending her…um…future boyfriend's innocence. She got up to her feet and gave the man in black a hateful look. "ASH WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! HE IS A SWEET BOY, WHO JUST GIFTED THAT IS ALL! HOW DARE YOU!"

The man in black did not budged from his spot. He remained calm. Underneath his hood, a smile appeared his face. He was pleased that someone was defending his son. Ash and Aqua must have been close, really close. "You and my…Ash must be really close." Aqua quickly settled down and blushed.

"Um…" The blushing key bearer sits back down on the beach sand and looks away shyly. Her face was on fire. She shyly nodded. "Um…yeah…"

"Ah…" Ansem the Wise chuckled in amusement.

"A-Ash confessed his feelings for me and asked me to wait for him when he grows up to be someone, who I can return my feelings to." Aqua said, stuttering with a red face.


"We promised to each other that we will meet each other again and that I will give him a visit from time to time, but…"The female key bearer looks sad. Ansem the Wise took notice. "Now, I can't fulfill that promise. Ash would think I broke our promise because I stuck here and cannot visit him. He will be heartbroken, thinking that I lied to him and forgot about him."

"I see…" The man in black did not say anything else. He fell silent. Ansem the Wise turned his attention to the dark and quiet ocean. "Perhaps, you can fulfill that promise, Aqua."

"Huh?" The female key bearer gave the former ruler of Radiant Garden a confused look.

"Sora." Ansem simply said to the confused woman.

"Sora…" Aqua whispered softly. Then it hit her. Sora was the solution. He was solution to everything including her issue. Sora was the key. Ansem the Wise nodded.

"That's right." He exclaimed. "Like I said before, that he is the one, who is able to connect his heart with others…Maybe, able to the open the door and save all those, who have suffered that includes you and…me…"

"That's right. You told me this earlier, but are you sure Sora is the one?" Aqua questioned. "What if he can't do it?" The female key bearer was being doubtful rather or not is the one, who can save them. The man in black shook his head.

"He is the one. I saw him first hand what he is capable of. Sora saved the worlds from being consumed by the darkness for the time being that is by wielding the Keyblade like you. And just like you, he is frantically protecting the light for…"

"His friends, companions, and the people of the worlds. Yeah. You told me that, too." Aqua finished Ansem's sentence, giggling. The former ruler nodded.

"Yes, I did. You have a sharp memory."

"I do pay attention unlike Ven." The aqua-haired woman said, smirking.


"Do you think waiting is enough?"

"I can't answer that. Only you and…your heart alone can truly answer that question. It is not about thinking. It is more about believing. If you believe in hope and faith, then that is enough." Ansem gave her some wisdom.

"I…guess do believe then…" Aqua gave the man a warm smile. Underneath his hood, a faint smile appeared on Ansem's face. "I do believe that Sora will come for us." The faint smile disappeared off the man's face.

"I can't agree on that, Aqua."

"Why?" The female key bearer questioned, frowning. Ansem shook his head.

"I can't be forgiven for what I have done. I told you before…I tried to take revenge and did terrible things to Sora and his friends. I ended up making people suffer including my own son, Ash for my own selfish reasons. And for all the sinful acts I committed, I don't deserve forgiveness." The former ruler explained in sadness and regret.

"I didn't know who you were or what kind of type person you have been in the past, but I do agree on some things you said. Some of the things you did for example, abandoning Ash is unforgivable." The man in black slightly lowered his head in shame. She was right. Some of his acts were unforgivable. "However, in my heart some people do deserve a second chance like…you…"

Ansem appreciated Aqua's kindness, but her opinion will not be enough to convince him otherwise. The acts he committed can never be forgiven. "I appreciated your honesty and opinion, Aqua. However, it will not be enough. You can be saved, but I can't."

"But…" She refused for him to believe that. The man in black shook his head.

"Please, understand. It's my decision and my decision alone." He said in a regretful tone. He wanted Aqua to respect his wishes. It was his decision and no one else's. Aqua gave him a pity look. She wanted to convince him otherwise, but it was his decision, so there was no point in pressing the subject even further.

The Keyblade Master sighed softly. "Fine. I respect your wishes."

"Thank you." Ansem hid a smile beneath his hood. Aqua nodded, slightly smiling.

Dead silent

Dead silence fell between them again. The pair refocused their attention back to the peaceful ocean. No one spoke a word. They were enjoying the peaceful scenery once again. They were relaxing as the ocean created quiet waves.

Suddenly, Ansem broke the awful silence by bringing up a new topic. "While we wait for Sora to come for you, mind if you tell me a little more about your encounter with Ash?"

Aqua slightly turned her head and smiled. "Sure, but first can you tell me your name? You haven't told me yet since we met."

Ansem hesitated for a second until he agreed to tell his newfound friend his name. "My name is…Ansem…Ansem the Wise…" Aqua nodded, smiling.

"Nice to meet you, Ansem." She greeted warmly. Ansem nodded.

Once the introductions were over, Aqua went on her way to tell Ansem more about her encounter with Ash and a little about her journey. As the pair spent some time chatting away, one thing was certain and that was…

All the pieces lie where they fell and where they wait for 'him'

(Scene change: Pallet Town)

How long has it been? One? Two? Five? Try almost twelve years now. Yet, nothing has changed much in the quiet and peaceful town of Pallet. Well…maybe, a little. Pallet Town was now the home of the current Pokemon Sinnoh League Champion and Pokemon Frontier Brain of the Pallet Town's Master Stadium, Ash Satoshi Ketchum. It has been a long run for our favorite hero and former prince of Radiant Garden. It took him six long years to defeat Cynthia for her title as Pokemon Champion. His surprising victory over the former champion spread worldwide. On that day, Ash became the youngest Pokemon Champion in history. Friends, family, and rivals congratulated him on victory over Cynthia. Despite the fact, she lost. Cynthia had a lot of respect and admiration for the boy, who was first person to defeat her in an official title match. In addition, for that, the former champion and mentor of the current champion simply fell in love with her protégé. Who wouldn't? Ash is an excellent trainer, who cares and respects his Pokemon as family, he is kind-hearted and sweet, and lastly a cute person to most of the girls, who has travel with him or met him during his journeys.

Months after her defeat and when Ash turns sixteen. Cynthia did not waste any time to confess her feelings for the young champion before any of the other girls confessed their feelings for him. At first, Ash did not know what to say towards the former champion's feelings. It took a long while for Ash to accept Cynthia's feelings for him since he had his mind of someone else before he could accept Cynthia's love. However, it felt like he was turning his back on the promise he made to a certain aqua-haired woman. But…somewhat he felt that 'she' has turned her back on the promise 'she' made to him when he was young, too. After years of struggling to either accept the hurtful truth and move on or continue to wait for 'her', the young champion has finally made a decision to move on. It was a hurtful decision to make. Nevertheless, what else can he do? Waiting for almost twelve years is too long. He knows that he betrayed Aqua, but he believed that his first love broke her promise to him and betrayed him as well. He did not receive any past visits, not once for the past twelve years. Maybe, Aqua was right from the start. Maybe, one day they find someone else to love. Maybe, Aqua found someone she loved while Ash did as well. Maybe, it was for the best for the both of them. Do not get the wrong idea. Ash still loves Aqua, but maybe…it was time to move on. Maybe, one day Aqua can forgive him while she can forgive him as well.

Once Ash and Cynthia got together, the news of their newly relationship bloomed worldwide. Pallet Town was the center of the attention. Media and news crew set their sights on the current champion and former champion's relationship. Some critics thought their relationship would not work because the big gap between their ages while some did not really care as long as it was a juicy article to print on the newspaper. Pallet Town was no longer a quiet and peaceful town; it was now a tourist area and a place where challengers can challenge the current champion and the frontier brain of the Master's Stadium to a match. After half of a year he won the title, Ash would constantly battle upcoming trainers nonstop. New trainers and cocky challengers would come by to his hometown and tried to beat him for either his title or his frontier's badge. That is right. Ash was now the reigning champion and a current Frontier Brain, thanks to Scott, who reoffered him the offer he gave to Ash before. During some time of the young champion's vacation time, Scott would come by and pester Ash to accept his offer. After many attempts and begging, Ash finally accept Scott's offer to be a Frontier Brain at his hometown. A facility was build within the town and the birth of the Battle Frontier's Master Stadium was born. Anyways, trainers were no match for Ash After taking months off his journey; you would have thought Ash would relax, right? Wrong! During his vacation away from traveling, Ash would constantly train his Pokemon to their full potential. He did not want to his skills or his Pokemon to rust during his day offs. The young champion would take a real day off from training once in awhile when he has been either force by his lover, Cynthia or being begged by his mother, Delia.

Today was one of those days; Ash was taking a day off. Well, being force to take a day off. He was being force by not only by his girlfriend and by his mother, but also by his friends, Brock and Dawn. It was a few months before the young champion turns lucky eighteen. He might as well take a break from training and everything else for the time being. The seventeen-year-old champion was sitting inside his kitchen. Ash was on his chair with his right elbow leaning on the kitchen table and with his face leaning on his open palm. He had a daze look on his face. The young champion was staring throughout his kitchen's window. He had many things on his mind right now.

Ash has changed a lot during the past seven years of his travels. He no longer has baby fat of his cheeks. His blackish hair was no longer messy. Ash finally got a haircut. His hair was shorter and less messy. It was still spiky though. He was currently not wearing his traditional cap. The young champion was in some new set of indoor/training clothes. Ash was dressed in a plain white T-shirt with an orange swirl in the center, a pair of black and white Adidas sweat pants, a long blue flowing cloth wrapped around his waist, a blue crystal earring pierced on his right ear, and lastly a familiar necklace around his neck with a small locket attached to it. Inside the locket was a picture of him and his sister, Kairi.

It was a rough year for the young champion. After he turns seventeen, his mother took the moment to tell him about his origin. One day, Ash along with Cynthia, Brock, Dawn, Gary, Professor Oak, and Tracey all sat in the living room to gather around for a sudden news that Delia was about to tell them all about. Once they were all, settle in, the young mother told her story. Everything about her and Ash's secret and past history. Their history includes their home world, Delia not being Ash's real mother, Ash being a powerful descendant of a proud race known as the Aura Masters, Ash being a prince to his former world, Ash having strong aura powers that can either help or destroy, and lastly Ash having a younger sister. The group fell silent after hearing all of this. They could not believe what they just heard. No one was more confused than Ash. He was torn that the fact he was living in a lie this whole time. After many apologizes and many explanations. Ash was able to forgive and love his mother again. He knew she had a reason on why she kept this secret about them…about him. It was so he can start over and live in a new life. It did not matter where he came from or who he was. That did not matter; as long as he was happy then everything would be okay.

After discovering his shocking origin, the young champion took some time off to go training under the wing of one person, who had a slight close connection to Ash and his aura powers. That person was Riley, a self-proclaimed Aura Guardian. Ash went under intense training with his aura mentor for four months. At first, it was difficult until the young champion's old habit of learning things quick, got him through his training perfectly. It would have taken years for an average person to master his or her aura abilities, but Ash was no original person. He passes his training with flying colors. It was either instinct or natural that he was able to pull through the training with slight difficulties. It was must have been luck. Either way, Ash got use to his aura powers and abilities for the time being…that is.

The young champion kept his gaze at the window, ignoring everything around and I mean everything. There was a short, chubby, ground-dwelling rodent notable for his electric abilities, sitting on the kitchen table and enjoying his bottle of ketchup. He has short, yellow fur with brown stripes on the back, black-tipped ears, along with an unusually shaped tail, resembling a lightning bolt. His name was Pikachu; He is Ash's first and fateful Pokemon. "Chu…" The yellow rodent let out a soft moan, hinting that he was enjoying his favorite snack. This of course, did not catch Ash's attention, but it did catch the young girl's attention, who was sitting right across the table from the young champion. The blue-haired coordinator let out a giggle. She thought of seeing the little mouse enjoying his snack was cute.

The young girl's name was Dawn, who was a year and a half younger than Ash. She has a well-developed body, but still has a long way to go before she can match Delia or Cynthia. She was still in her Sinnoh traveling clothes, which consist of a sleeveless black tank top, a pink skirt, and a pink scarf that was wrapping around her neck. She was not wearing her white beret and her pink boots inside the house. Therefore, you can see her long blue and silky hair in the open. Despite that she lost her chance with her secret crush, Ash, she still loves him till this day. Dawn stopped her giggling as she turned her attention to her crush, who was still staring off into space. She slightly frowned. What was he thinking? Maybe, she can bring up a conversation to lighten up the mood. "Ash…"




Dawn sighed deeply. It was worth a shot. Maybe, if she waits patiently. Just maybe, he can tell to her about what is on his mind. For now, Dawn let him be. The young coordinator turned her attention away from Ash and glanced at two people, who were busy preparing lunch. One was Ash's mother, who looks the same and in her normal clothes while the other one was her traveling pal, Brock.

The young man was the older and wiser traveling companion in Ash's group. Brock looks a little bit older and different. His hair was slightly longer, but still spiky. His face looks a little more matured for his age. He wears a long sleeved orange V shirt with a black undershirt, a pair of green pants with a black belt, and brown shoes. He had a smile on his face

"Thank you for your help, Brock. I really appreciated it." Delia thanked her little helper, smiling warmly. Brock laughed warmly.

"No problem, Mrs. Ketchum. I'm always at your assistance." The breeder said, smiling. "After all, you need all the help you can get if you are making lunch for Ash."

"That's true." The young mother knows that her little Ashy has a big stomach for food. "My Ashy always loves to eat." She teased her little boy's eating habits, giggling. Dawn giggled at the pair's little joke. They did make a good point. Ash does love to eat a lot. Old habits never die.

However, Ash did not even pay attention to listen to them or their little humor about him. He had other agendas on his mind. 'I still can't believe all of the things m-mom told us before, especially about me having a sister? And her name is Kairi, who is the princess of Radiant Garden while I-I'm a prince and her brother.' He paused, removing his gaze from the window and look down at his necklace, clutching it tightly. 'Kairi…Wherever you are, I want to meet you again. I want to make up for all the time we were separate. So I'm going to search for you, I promise.' The young champion unlatched his hand from his necklace, smiling to himself. Dawn took notice of his smile. What was he smiling about?

"What are you smiling about Ash, hmm?" Dawn hummed curiously. Ash slightly flinched and moved his attention to her.

"O-Oh…Nothing!" He stammered in embarrassment, looking away shyly. The blue-haired coordinator gave him an oddly look before shrugging her shoulders. It was probably nothing important.

The young champion turned his attention back to the window and sighed softly. That was a close one. Ash refocused his attention back to things his mother told him and his group after he turn seventeen. 'My life is pretty insane, but also amazing. First, I was a born from different world and turn out to be a forgotten prize, where mom raised me to be her son. Then I learned that I was born with aura powers to either help humanity or destroy humanity. After that, I learned that I have a sister and got separate from her because of our parents. Pretty crazy if you ask me…' Ash paused. He can always remember his old life later. He needed to worry about the now and then. 'Throughout all of that, I was able to meet awesome people. I was glad to meet Gary, Misty, Brock, Richie, Tracey, May, Max, Drew, Solidad, D-Dawn…' His cheeks slightly blushed. The young champion use to have a slight crush on her fellow traveling partner and maybe still, despite the fact that he was with Cynthia. He decided to move on. 'Zoey, Candice, Reggie, P-Paul…' Ash's mind darkens when he mention his archrival. Paul was worse than Gary was. The young champion decided not to worry about Paul. 'Barry, C-Cynthia, and lastly…Aqua…'

Thinking about Aqua's name made his heart dropped. Despite that, he loves Cynthia; he was still in love with Aqua. He was so confused. Ash was angry at Aqua that she could not keep the end of her promise while he tried his best to keep his. No matter what reason she had, Aqua could at least tried to show up when he achieved one of his goals and that was defeat Cynthia and became champion, but she never did. Ash hated her. He hated Aqua for not coming back. He hated her for not giving him a visit. He hated her for breaking her promise. However, Ash could never stay mad at her. He loves her too much and misses her a lot. The though of her made him wanted to shed some tears. 'Aqua…Where are you? I miss you…Aqua…Please…I-I…still love you…Aqua…'

Two small trails of tears slid down from Ash's auburn eyes. The young champion really miss Aqua. Dawn took notice that her crush was shedding tears…Ash was crying. "Ash!" She gained everyone's attention. "Is something the matter? Why are you crying?"

The young champion took notice that all eyes were set on him. It was true that he was crying, but it was embarrassing to cry right in front of his friends on what he was crying about. Ash quickly lifted his right arm and rubbed his eyes to get ruin the tears. "It's nothing, guys…I-I just something in my eyes." He lied, still rubbing his eyes. Everyone can tell he was lying, especially his mother. She knew her boy better than anyone else could.

"Ash…Don't lie to us…" Delia said in a gentle and smoothly voice.

"I'm not!" He argued stubbornly, keeping his arm over his eyes. The young mother sighed deeply, shaking her head. Her boy can be quite stubborn sometimes.

The young brown-haired woman approached to her stubborn son and kneeled down. She gently removed her boy's arm away from his eyes and saw his eyes were a little red with tears still sliding down his face. "Honey, what's wrong?" She asked gently in her motherly tone.

The tearful champion stared at his mother for a second then look down at his lap. He bit his lower lip. "I miss 'her'…Mom…" He whispered sadly. Delia bit her lower lip, too. She had a gut feeling she knew who it was when he said 'her', but to make sure she decided to ask dumbly.

"Miss who, baby?" Delia cooed sweetly.

Ash did not say anything. Even if he say Aqua's name, it does not change anything. It will not make Aqua magically appear right in front of him. The young mother knew her guess was right. Her son was thinking about Aqua. The young mother misses the female key bearer, too. It has been too long since they last saw her. Where was she?

Dawn, Brock, and Pikachu look so clueless. They did not know what was going on. Who did Ash miss? Cynthia? That was their first guess…Well, Brock's guess anyway. "If you miss Cynthia, Ash, don't worry, she will be here soon. She just went off to drop off her Pokemon at Professor Oak's lab. Cynthia will be here with Gary and Professor Oak pretty soon." Even if Brock was jealous and envy that Ash hooked up with the blonde beauty, the breeder would never turned his back on his friend.

"Yeah Ash." Dawn said, frowning. She was jealous and envy, too. The coordinator was upset that Cynthia stole Ash from her, but it was her fault though. She waited too long. Oh, well. She crossed her arms and pressed them over her chest. "Cynthia is coming. Hold your Horsea. You two haven't been separated for a few hours and you already miss here."

Ash shook his head. This made Dawn, Brock, and Pikachu look baffled. If it wasn't Cynthia, then who was it then? His assistant? The yellow mouse walked up to his trainer. ("Ash? What is up? Who do you miss?") Pikachu squeaked worriedly. The young champion turned his attention to his best friend and gently rubbed his head.

"Someone I really miss, Pikachu." He said sadly.

"Who?" Dawn was slightly getting jealous. Brock can sense his traveling partner was getting jealous that Ash was missing another girl other than her or Cynthia.

Ash hesitated, but his mother answered for him. "Aqua. She is a sweet and kind girl, who Ash and I met her when Ash was six years old. She was Ash's first love." Delia said, smirking. The threesome looks either amazed or stunned.

"REALLY? PIKA?" Dawn, Brock, and Pikachu shouted in disbelief, staring at the young champion. Ash's face burnt up to a color of a red tomato.


"What? I was being truthful, honey." Delia said, giggling.

"Way a go, Ash!" Brock cried, anime-style, giving his friend a thumb up.

"It wasn't like that, Brock!" Ash argued stubbornly. The breeder did not believe him. Brock was giving him a look. "Stop it, Brock!"

"Yeah Brock. Leave Ash alone." Dawn defended her crush, glaring darkly at the breeder. "He isn't like you, Brock."

"Can we just change the subject already?" Ash was feeling uncomfortable about the subject about his past's love life.

"Okay, honey." Delia said, giggling. "But…honey…Aqua…she…"

"I don't know if she will ever come to see me again. It has been twelve years and there's no sign of her. S-She broke her promise with me…" The young champion tried to his best not to shed more tears. Everyone gave him a sympathetic look. "I think she forgot about me. She broke my…"

"Oh Ash…" Dawn got up from her seat and walked over to the tearful champion. Delia moved out of the way, allowing the blue-haired coordinator to take her spot. Dawn embraced her crush in a warm hug and rubbed his back smoothly. "It's okay, Ash." The young champion slightly blushed to be in his close friend's warm hug. It felt relaxing and smoothing. He returned the hug. "No worries…"

"I just miss her so much. It hurts…" He whispered softly to her ear, so nobody like Brock or his mother would hear this.

"Maybe, someday Aqua will come and pay a visit to you, Ash. You just needed to be more patient."


"No butts, Ash. Sometimes, waiting is the answer." Dawn hoped her answer was the answer that her crush wanted to hear. Her crush fell silent for a second until he relaxed.

"Okay…I will try to wait for her a bit longer. Thank you…Dawn…"

"No problem, Ash…" The blue-haired girl whispered back, pulling back from the young teen and giving him a smile. Ash smiled back.

Suddenly, Dawn pressed her lips against Ash's lips. The young champion blushed. Delia squeaked while Brock and Pikachu smirked. Ash was lost in words on what just happened. The young coordinator pulled away from the stunned teen. She giggled at his expression. "Better now?" He nodded dumbly. "Good."

"Wow, Ashy-boy. We already been gone for a few hours and come back to see you and Dawn making out. Bold move, Ash." Gary's voice caught the group's undivided attention. Ash and his group froze on their spots as they slowly turned their heads to the kitchen's entrance and saw a smirking Gary, a quite baffled Professor Oak, and a slightly calm, but yet irritated Cynthia with her arms crossed and pressed over chest. The former champion gave both her boyfriend and Dawn a suspicious look. The pair quickly blushed and shot up, waving their hands wildly.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Ash and Dawn said in denial, blushing madly. Gary and Cynthia did not look too convinced.

"Uh-huh! Whatever you guys say." The spiky-haired grandson of Professor Oak laughed warmly as he walked pass by the blushing duo.

"GARY!" Gary's childhood friend and rival yelled at him, still blushing. The Pokemon researcher-in-training waved his rival off.

"Instead of yelling me, Ashy-boy. Shouldn't you be more worried about Cynthia?" Gary pointed his finger towards the blonde woman. Ash stared at his girlfriend's direction. Cynthia looks calm and unreadable, but deep down, she was angry. "Cynthia looks like she's going to rip your…"

"Gary, don't even finish that." Professor Oak interrupted, staring at his grandson. "Cynthia isn't the type of person to do that."

"Relax, grandpa. I was just pointing out that Cynthia just looks a bit upset." Gary simply put it. "That's all." His grandpa turned his head to stare at the former champion, who gave the old researcher a fake smile.

"I'm not upset, Professor Oak." Cynthia lied. She was definitely acting to hide her true feelings. She was a good actor. "No need to worry. I'm not angry with Ash or Dawn."

"…But you look very tens…"

The blonde woman chuckled, shaking her head. "And I don't look tense. It is just how I am, professor. I assured that I am not angry or irritated at both Ash and Dawn's actions. So don't worry about it." She was good. Cynthia remained calm and professional like a mature adult that she is. The former champion turned her head to her boyfriend. Ash tensed up when he saw Cynthia giving her an intense smile then an intense stare. "Isn't that right, Ash?"

"Uh…Uh-huh…Nothing to worry about, Professor. It was just a simple misunderstanding between Dawn and me. Nothing to worry about." Ash said nervously, laughing nervously and scratching his head. Professor Oak blinked confusedly, but nodded.


Ash and some help from his former mentor and current lover were able to make the old researcher understand. Professor Oak walked over to an open seat around the kitchen table. From the sidelines, Gary whispered something to Brock. "Ashy-boy sure knows how to pick them don't you think, Brock?"

"Yeah…but I'm sooooooooo jealous right now." Brock whimpered quietly, anime-tears flowing out from his shuteyes. Gary slapped his forehead and shook his head. His friend will never change.

The young champion sighed softly. That was a relief until he saw Cynthia gave him an intimidating look. A cold chill ran down his spine. He was in deep trouble. However, that was put aside for a moment when Cynthia spotted something on the floor, lying next to Ash's foot. "Hey Ash? What's that next to your foot?" She asked curiously, pointing her finger at the object.

Ash blinked confusedly. Was she pulling a trick on him or something? That was not like Cynthia to do something like that. Either way, the young teen glanced down and spotted the white star-shaped charm that Aqua made for him when he was young. Why was it lying on the floor? Did it fell from his pocket? Ash bends down and slowly picks up his charm. He got up to his feet and stared at his charm for a second. It brought back painful memories. 'Aqua…'

Cynthia took notice that her former protégé was staring at the star-shaped charm sadly. "Ash…" She whispered softly, staring at him sadly. She did not know what to do. Why was her boyfriend look so sad? Did that charm of his bring back bad memories? It must have been important to him. Someone special must have given it to him. "Ash…" Her heart ached to see him like this.

The young champion ignored everything around for a second as he continued to focus his attention on the star charm. "Aqua…" He whispered sadly.

This is a sign of our bond. No matter how far we are from apart, this charm symbolizes our connection. Our hearts are connected. Aqua's faint voice echoed through his mind. Ash bit his lower lip, clutching the charm tightly within his palm.


Suddenly, Ash felt a hand pressed on top of his palm. The young champion looks up to see Cynthia, giving him a worry look. The blonde woman saw wet trails of tears flowing down his eyes. His heart was so mess up right now. "Ash, what's the matter?" She cooed warmly.

"Cynthia…" He whispered softly, staring at her sadly. "It's…"

One day, you will find that special person, Ash. The person, who will love you. Aqua's faint voice buzzed through his mind. Her wisdom was right. Ash did found someone, who loves him.

'You're right, Aqua…I did found that special person…It was Cynthia…I love her, but I will still love you wherever you are right now, so please…wait for me still, okay?' Ash mentally said to the voice. The young champion gave his lover a smile.

"I'm okay, Cynthia. It was just a happy memory I was thinking about." He said warmly, tears continue to flow down.

"What was it?" The blonde woman asked gently, pulling her boyfriend into a warm hug. Ash nuzzled his head under her chin.

"Someone, who gave me this charm, someone, who I am still waiting for to visit me…"

"I see…"Cynthia's voice had a hint of jealously. "Who is it?"

"Don't worry…" Ash pulls away from the blonde woman's warm. He gave the confused woman a heart-warming smile. "You're the one I love, Cynthia…"

"O-Oh…" Cynthia's cheeks skyrocketed to a crimson-red color. "I…"

Before Cynthia could even say another word, Ash locked his lips against hers into a passionate kiss. The former champion was lost in her boyfriend's affection kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck while Ash did the same to her. Their kiss lasted for a full minute until they finally broke apart. "I love you too, Ash…"

"I know…"Ash said sweetly.

However, before the couple could lock into another passion kiss, a certain old researcher ruin their moment. "A…hem…" Professor Oak cleared his throat, disrupting the moment. The couple turned their heads to him. "I would advise that we should have lunch now, don't you think you two?"

Ash and Cynthia broke apart, blushing madly. Oops! They totally forgot about lunch and about their friends' presence. They were still around. "Yeah, you two lovebirds. Go get a room, why don't you?" Gary teased the pair, smirking.


Maybe, next time, Ash and Cynthia should keep any affection towards each other in the bedroom rather than in the open. Just a thought.

After a nearly two hours of having lunch, the group decided to move on to a different matter. "So…Ash, my dear boy, what is your next agenda at hand?" Professor Oak brought up a new subject.

Ash thought for a moment. "Well, I do have some battle frontier challenges and a title defense coming up."

"Ah…" Oak nodded in understanding.

"Jeez! Ash! Maybe, you should postpone those challenges. You have been battling a lot lately. Maybe, you should take a short vacation from Pokemon battles and challenges for awhile." Dawn said, looking concern for her crush's health and well-being.

"I am on a vacation." Ash replied dumbly. Everyone rolled his or her eyes. A day off for one day does not count as a short vacation.

"More than just a day, Ash." The blue-haired coordinator deadpanned.


"That's not going to happen anytime soon, Dawn." Gary cuts off his childhood rival. "I can't imagine Ash taking a short break from battling. He's a type that loves to train, eat, sleep, train some more, then maybe, have some time for Cynthia, then probably train even more."


"Guess you're right, Gary." Dawn said, sighed dejectedly.


"They have a point, Ash." Brock said, laughing warmly.

"Oh come on, Brock! Not you, too!" Ash whined childishly, pouting cutely.

("I totally agree with them, Ash.") Pikachu squeaked, giggling with the threesome.

"Pikachu, you backstabber!"

"Honey, calm down." Delia tried to calm down her son. "Maybe, they have a point, honey. You do battle a lot these days." Ash slumped dejectedly. What was the point in arguing against them? "Maybe, a short break or a vacation won't hurt."

"…But Mom, I can't do that…"

"Oh, and why not, young man?" Delia demanded, crossing her arms and pressed them over her chest, giving him a mother look.


"Maybe, you should take a break, Ash." Cynthia backed up the others. "One little vacation won't hurt and maybe…" The blonde woman, who was sitting right next to him leaned forward to his ear and whispered. "We can get a little lone time together…" She purred. Her boyfriend blushed.


"Please, Ash…" Cynthia pleaded, pouting cutely.

"Cynthia, we…"

"Excuse me?" A new voice interrupted the group. The voice sounds feminine. The gang turned their heads to see an attractive and well-developed young woman, who looks to be a little older than Brock with long violet-purple hair tied in a ponytail and violet-purple eyes to match. She was wearing a pair of clear glasses, making her look matured. She dressed in a violet-purple female suit with a violet-purple skirt, showing her sexy and smooth legs, and a pair of violet-purple high heels. Man, purple was her favorite or something. Anyways, she was holding a clipboard with all of Ash's upcoming challenges. She was standing in the kitchen's entrance frame with a calm composure.

Within a second, Brock quickly fell for her. Typical Brock. His eyes…uh…pupils changed into a pair of pink hearts. He quickly got up from his seat and ran towards her. However, before, he could get a chance to hit on her; the purple-haired woman took on a defensive stance. She quickly grabbed the love struck breeder's arm and tossed him forcefully over her shoulders. This woman has some mad skills. The poor breeder goes flying off and crash into the other room, making a loud crashing sound. The gang sweat dropped. This woman must not like being hit on or something. The purple-haired woman dusted her hands off before going back to her normal composure. "Julia, don't you think overdone it a little bit? That was just Brock." Ash said, chuckling nervously.

Julia, Ash's assistant, pushed her clear glasses up a little bit. "Sorry sir, but your friend just caught me off guard a second." She said calmly in a professional manner.


"No need to apologizes, sir." Julia gave her boss a warm smile.

"Okay…" Ash smiles back warmly, making his assistant slightly blushed, but Julia quickly shook off her feelings. "What brings you here, Julia? Is there another challenge you need to tell me or something?" Julia shook head.

"No, sir. Nothing like that." Julia walked close to her boss.

"Then what?" The young champion questioned.

Julia stopped a few inches in front of Ash. The purple-haired assistant pulls something out from her clipboard and shows it to him. It was a letter. A letter with a black mouse-shaped head insignia. The insignia was King Mickey's insignia and the letter was address to Ash? That is weird. When Ash did meet King Mickey? For some reason, the young champion has seen that insignia before. "A letter with no return address came for him, sir." She informed.

"I see…" Ash stared at the suspicious letter.

"I wanted to come here and give it to you in person since you are on your day off today." Julia exclaimed, handing Ash the letter.

"Thanks." Ash thanked his assistant, smiling at her.

"N-No problem, sir." Julia said, slightly blushing. Ash nodded then focused his attention to the letter.

The young champion hesitated to open it. What could it be? Another challenge? Nah, it cannot be since he knew the mouse-like insignia on the letter. "Open it, Ashy-boy! We are dying to hear what the letter is about." Gary said, getting a little impatient that Ash was hesitating to open it. The young champion nodded. Ash took a deep breath. What could this letter be about?

Unaware to Ash, this letter was the key…or….the answer he was looking for. The answer to reconnect his heart to the lost souls, who was close to him. Maybe, this letter is the key to a completely new adventure. The key where he meets the one, who can reconnect everything that was connect to that 'person'. The one, who goes by the name…



A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger, but yeah. This is where the story ends. Once again, sorry! I told you before that I might write a sequel to this story. It all depends on the reviews I get for a sequel. If I do start writing one, I will not do it right away. I need to focus on my other stories first, but do not worry, I will write it soon. Thank you for taking the time to read this awesome story. I really appreciated it! Did you like how Ash and Cynthia got together? I loved Rayshipping. One of my favorites. Did you like the little mix I added for a Pearlshipping moment with Ash and Dawn? Do not worry about the OC, I just added her for fun. Poor Brock though! The official name I am going to go with for Ash and Aqua is FateIntertwineShipping! One of my favorite crossover shippings. Ash and Aqua look cute together. Anyways, keep an eye out for the sequel! Please R & R! Thank you! ^_ ^ until, next time, guys! ^_^

Take care and enjoy your summer!
