A/N: Yeah, I know, I'm supposed to be working on my ItaSaku multi-chap fic, but grad school is kicking my ass, and I don't have time to devote to something detailed. HOWEVER, this little idea popped into my head the other night, and it's not too complicated, so I'm going to try my hand at my favorite couple, KakaSaku. This is an AU, basically PWP, very MATURE two-shot. It is not intended for underage consumption. I do encourage comments, compliments, constructive criticism, etc.

Though this story occurs while Sakura is in high school, she is eighteen and thus able to consent legally (if not morally) to all sorts of fun with her sexy chemistry teacher.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor do I profit from this story.

It had been seven months since she first walked into his classroom, long pink hair swinging behind her back, green eyes sparkling as she laughed with her tall blonde friend. Seven months since she sat in a front-row desk and flicked those inscrutable eyes up at him before turning back to continue her conversation. Seven months since he realized he may actually be as much of a pervert as his friends said he was.

It had been two months since she started hanging around after school, helping him clean up experiments and organize the lab. Two months since he realized she was much more interesting than your average high school senior. Two months since he began to suspect the attraction might be mutual.

It had been one month since she turned eighteen. One month since she had made a point of telling him about said milestone in, of course, the most bubbly, innocent voice ("Ne, Kaka-sensei, did you know today is my eighteenth birthday? I'm totally legal now!").

One month since he realized he was completely fucked.