The camera starts with Sasuke's face. He is seen fixing his hair, and he nods to the camera.
"Welcome all to Sasuto production number 103. They thought they could take us down. Now they're going to get what's coming to them. Revenge is a BITCH. I'm Sasuke. Naruto and I are both wearing our tiny cameras in our hair. We can't take our regular camera with us, or they'll know we're up to something, so we have to be cautious."
"Are you ready?"
"I was born ready." Sasuke picks up his large duffel bag, "Ok, so the plan is we meet up at the hokage's office and pretend we havent' seen each other in a long time. We go through the stupid vest wearing, and then at the party tonight, you finally sing the song while I use chakra adhesion to climb up the hokage monument and explode some firecrackers."
"Let's do this." Naruto says with a serious face. "Wait dude that reminds me. I tried to call Sakura yesterday but I didn't get any answer. Do you know where she is?"
Sasuke scoffs "Hell no, and I don't care either. I've had to deal with her annoying bullcrap for two months straight and pretend I'm not dying of stupidity. She's probably on a mission or something anyway.
The camera cuts to Naruto. He is seen sitting at a bar outside. There are neon lights flashing and loud party music going. He takes a sip of his drink and says "Hey camera. This is still production number 103. Our plan is finally underway. Right now we're at the party hosted on the roof of Sasuke's house- our pretense is that we're doing it to celebrate earning our chuunin ranks."
Naruto turns the camera so Tsunade is seen with a drink in her hand chatting with Shikamaru.
Sasuke says "We're being really careful because we invited those two. And we're wearing these stupid chuunin vests to look less suspicious. I'm about to make my speech, just waiting for the appendix of the Konoha 13 to get here."
"You mean team Gai?"
"Yep. Speak of the devil." Sasuke turns the camera to show team Gai walking in. He zooms in on Neji and Lee's ugly clothes. "At least we only have the second ugliest outfits at this party."
Ino walks up to them "Hey you guys, have you seen Sakura anywhere?"
Naruto says "No. Did we invite her Sasuke?"
Sasuke says "She's probably here somewhere. I'm going up to start my speech."
Naruto zooms in on Sasuke, who walks to the front of the party, at a podium. He picks up the mic. "Attention everyone. To commemorate today, Naruto and I have written a song. Naruto will sing it."
Naruto marches up to the podium with an ipod and speaker. As he sets it up Sasuke says "I'd also like to invite Lady Tsunade up here. She's been our anchor through these tough times, keeping us grounded and guiding us. She truly is the hokage Konoha needs.
Tsunade approaches the stage, and Sasuke gestures for a place for her to stand. Naruto plays the music and takes the mic, he begins to sing to the tune of In the End by Linkin Park:
Your all dumb as hell
I have no idea why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind
When you attempt to change our minds
To make us brainless lackeys,
All I know
Green vests are ugly as hell
For the sake of appearance I couldn't tell
But now I that can
It's so unreal
You all tried to make us act good
Couldn't meet up to scheme like we should
No beating up Neji, no graffiti for good
When we ditched community service to watch Ibiki choke
and we kept everything inside
we fooled you all into thinking we were fine
Now you all will learn
When you fuck with us this is what you earn
You tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
Sasuke and I are better
You thought you won
Sasuto productions was done
But in the end
We were just that much better
The music stops suddenly as Tsunade disconnects the ipod and yells "NARUTO UZUMAKI! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!"
Naruto giggles madly and tosses Sasuke the mic. He grabs it and Naruto charges at Tsunade, causing her stumble back.
Sasuke yells, "TRAP!"
A large circle glows white on the floor beneath Tsunade's feet, with Tsunade in the center. Her eyes buldge out as she finds herself unable to leave the circle and screams furiously "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! YOU TWO BETTER EXPLAIN YOURSELVES NOW!"
"It's a trapping circle, a spell I've been perfecting for the past two months, inspired by ancient witchcraft and the ever-popular salt circle! I've used salts and special crystals charged with a month's worth of my chakra as well as the power of the full moon! You'll never be able to cross those lines, devil woman!" Sasuke crows as he is seen running away, towards the hokage monument.
Tsunade screams furiously as several people attempt to help her. Neji, Tenten, and Lee all chase after Sasuke in attempt to stop him, but are blocked by Naruto's shadow clones. "Oh no you don't! You're not messing this moment up for us!"
Lee pleads "Naruto-kun, please stop these heinous actions! Remember Gai-sensei's youthful words? The angst and turbulence you feel inside you is a result of your caged youth! You musn't use it to fuel these actions!"
Naruto says "Your words are very touching. I don't give a fuck!"
Tenten screams "Let us go or we'll kick your ass Naruto!"
Naruto says "Don't make me remind you what happened the last time we were at Neji's house Tenten."
Neji opens his mouth to say something but is stopped by Naruto's clone tackling him to the floor.
Back in the crowd everyone has stopped dancing. Kiba says to Ino, "Should we stop them?"
"I'm not getting involved."
Kiba says, "Shino?"
Shino shakes his head "They were foolish to think they would change the way they are."
"Which is making complete asses of themselves?" Kiba turns "Shikamaru?"
Shikamaru is seen sleeping in his chair. Next to him, Chouji watches on in interest, a plate of chalupas in his hands.
Hinata wonders "Does this mean Sasuke-kun is a witch now?"
Ino says "What a freak. I can't believe I ever liked him."
Sasuke yells "Shut it blondie! ATTENTION!"
Everyone stops what they are doing and looks up to see Sasuke, who is standing at the top of hokage rock and holding a long string in his hand and the mic in the other.
Naruto says, "Finally."
Sasuke says into the mic "Shut up Naruto."
Naruto gapes "How did he even hear me from down here?"
Sasuke's voice echoes "I told you the Uchiha genes are superior to everyone else in this goddamn trash hole of a city."
Ino says worriedly "Oh god, what is he gonna do?"
Neji grumbles "This is why all the Uchiha were exterminated."
Sasuke says "Neji, get ready for the fight of your life, you little bitch-faced dusty mangy looking trashy excuse of a ninja. Say your prayers because when I get down there no one is going to be able to protect you."
Naruto yells "Sasuke, get on with it!"
Sasuke yells back "I'll do what I want bitch!"
Tsunade orders "Sasukemon Uchiha, get down from the hokage rock this instant."
Tenten stops what she's doing "Wait, what?"
Lee repeats slowly "Sasukemon...?"
Ino says "Wait. Is that... his real name?"
Naruto rubs his temple as Neji bursts out laughing. "I can't believe his parents named him that! And I thought the Hyuuga clan was cruel to second-borns!"
Sasuke sees the commotion and yells into the mic "What's going on?"
Naruto yells back "They're laughing at your full name, Sasuke."
Sasuke yells into the mic "You mother-fuckers! I'll learn you! FIRE STYLE! GRAND FIREBALL TECHNIQUE!"
The fireball lights the string, and everyone ducks and screams as the Tsunade head on the hokage rock explodes in several places. Large rocks fall from the monument. As the last explosion occurs, Sasuke loses his balance from the top of the monument and falls. "AAAGHHHHHHH!"
Ino screams "HOLY SHIT!"
Kiba yells "Everyone run for cover!"
Chouji is seen grabbing snacks from the open bar. He shoves them into his jacket and run away.
Tenten shrieks "You morons can't stay sane for more than two months!"
Neji yells "You'll pay for this!"
Hinata faints.
Naruto runs towards where Sasuke fell as the tumbling rocks stop falling. As the dust settles, everyone gazes in shock, awe, and fear at the hokage monument. The space where Tsunade's face was now occupies a large, well sculpted hand with it's middle finger up.
Naruto finally reaches Sasuke, who is lying on the groun with a clearly mangled leg. "Dude, are you ok?!"
Sasuke says weakly "..Hella."
The camera cuts to Sasuke sitting in a bed in the hospital. Naruto comes inside and sits next to him. "So what's the damage?"
Sasuke sighs "A fracture in my leg. Not bad for getting crushed in an avalanche."
Naruto reminds "That you caused."
"Thanks genius. It was a necessary casualty."
"Sureeeee, right... by the way, that jutsu you used against Tsunade was really amazing. How come you never told me about it?"
"It'd be cooler as a surprise. And it wasn't a jutsu, it was my raw talent at witchcraft."
"Sure, Sasuke. Sure."
The door opens and Sai comes in. "A letter came for you, Sasuke."
"Thats great, burn it."
Naruto orders "Burn the fucking letter Sai. (Sai turns to leave) Actually wait, give it to me. (Sai hands him the letter) Now leave."
They both wait until Sai leaves the room.
Sasuke says, "Let me see that. Its from my ex team taka. I guess news travels fast.. ( he opens the letter) 'Dear Sasuke, Orochimaru sensed you did something stupid and broke your leg. We don't know what you did, but send our best wishes, nonetheless, and hope you get well soon. Sincerely, Karin, Juugo, and Suigetsu. P.S, Juugo drew a picture for you.' Well thats nice."
"They seem to still have a lot of respect for you, Sasuke."
"Because I could kick all of their asses if they didn't. (Sasuke looks at picture and his eyes grow wide) I fucking told Juugo to stop coloring pictures."
Naruto demands "Let me see."
Sasuke turns the picture to Naruto and the camera, and Naruto starts laughing hysterically. Juugo has drawn a large brown circle representing a rock, with a crappy depiction of Sasuke on it. A few centimeters away from the rock and in the air is a leg with wings on it, signifying that Sasuke literally broke his leg off. A closer look shows that the Sasuke on the rock is sad and missing a leg.
Sasuke folds up the letter and looks over at Naruto who is now on the floor clutching his stomach as he laughs, tears rolling on his face. Sasuke rolls his eyes and turns to the camera.
"I'm Sasuke, the most powerful fucking witch in the entire Leaf village. Probably beyond. I dare anyone who watches this to challenge me, you'll be no match for my chakra-infused crystals. There's a giant middle finger on the hokage rock where Tsunade's face used to be, and it will forever be my greatest achievement."
He turns the camera to Naruto, who is now sitting up and still giggling between sobs of laughter trying to catch his breath.
Naruto giggles "I-I'm Naruto. This has been Sasuto producion 103, and probably our most successful. We'll be back soo- AGHHH!"
Sasuke winces, "Dude, what the hell?"
Naruto jumps from the floor onto the bed Sasuke is sitting in, pointing to the floor where Sasuke's large duffel bag is. "D-Didn't you see?!"
"See what?"
Naruto shrieks "You didn't notice your bag MOVING AND MAKING NOISE?!"
Sasuke replies calmly "Well, no duh, Sakura is in there."
"...Sakura. In the bag. Are you CRAZY?"
"No. Are YOU crazy?"
"Sakura let you pack her? You actually forced her into a bag and carried her around with you the whole time and brought her to the party but no one knew and when you fell off the rock you made me pick her up and bring her here to the hospital and I dumped her here?"
"Yes. Why do you sound so shocked?"
"Why? You packed Sakura in a duffel bag! You've been toting her around all day! No wonder everyone's been wondering where the hell she is and why she wasn't at the party!"
"Newsflash, she WAS at the party." Sasuke corrects "Inside my duffel bag."
"That doesn't fucking count Sasuke! I'm getting her out!" Naruto bends over and unzips the bag. Sakura's hands and mouth are tied shut and she squirms and wriggles angrily.
Naruto cuts her loose, and Sakura sits up and immediately starts screaming. "SASUKE, WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!"
Sasuke says goofily "Well right now it's that my ass is numb, because I can only sit one way with a fractured leg. But at least-"
Sasuke screams back "YEAH RIGHT! YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS-!"
Naruto picks up the camera and says hurriedly, "I'm Naruto. Sasuke's insane and thinks he can pick a fight with Sakura with a broken leg. Also, I learned something really, really weird about him today."
Sasuke interupts "Hey, what are you talking about?"
Naruto says cautiously "You know... that your full name is Sasukemon Uchiha. I gotta get Orichimaru to reanimate your parents from the dead, I just have way too many questions to ask-"
Sakura interupts "Wait... did you say Sasukemon? Like... pokemon?"
Sasuke turns bright red "SHUT UP PINKIE, OR FACE MY WRATH!"
The camera stops right before Sasuke can make a move towards Sakura.