I'm not going to make excuses. I was just too lazy to update and I apologize. Feel free to rant at me, yell, refuse to read, whatever. -hangs head in shame-
All the information is the same as the first tour. if you need to have your memory refreshed, please go re-read that first. It was my first Fanfiction, now I feel guilty for abandoning it for so long.
Welcome back to the Plothole Kingdom! I hope you have already been on our main tour, it is very important that you know the background info given during that tour. If you have not, please go back to the lobby; one leaves in a half an hour. If you will all step onto the train, we will leave. Adults, please sit on the outside. Families with small children please make sure to buckle them in securely, we may have to stop suddenly if one of the characters jumps in front of the train.
Now, this tour includes all plotholes from the first book, including several not mentioned in the main tour, because they are small details. There are also a few small plotholeans that are not significant, but still sorta-kinda-not really interesting! Also, unlike the main tour, you might get a chance to meet some of the characters if and when they feel like it! Coming up on or left, is the E shaped house, where the plotholean versions of the Flock live! And here they come. They all apparently want to meet you. If everyone will now step off of the elevated tram and onto the elevated platform, we can possibly attempt to communicate with them. Oh, what's this? It seems like one of them is attempting crude hand signals in order to communicate with us. Iggy, the blind one, seems to be pointing at me with his middle finger- I wonder what that means?
Okay, if the smaller children can make their way closer to the rail, you can get a better look at them. Please keep the raised area clear, this is where they will stand if they choose to come look at us, and maybe talk to us. Here comes Fang, he is also mostly quiet, like in the book, but on rare occasions, he will speak.
Fang, will you smile for the people? please? Come on, Fang, smile. Well, that's not a smile, but baring your teeth at me and growing works, too. If you look, one of his teeth is missing: This is from his fight with Ari on the beach before Max kissed him. Oh, okay, for those of you who can't see, he rolled his eyes and jumped off the platform. He is now having one of his silent conversations with Max. Now she is coming up! oh, this is exiting, two in one day! Max has the strange "map effect" on her eyes from the sewers in New York, but has learned to shut it off. Can you imagine having a bunch of lines crisscrossing all over your vision? That wouldn't be good.
"Lady, we know that these tours are the only thing that keeps the plothole running, but do you mind NOT treating us like we're idiots?"
Oh, okay, sorry, I didn't realize I was. Now, tell us, what was the hand gesture Iggy was doing a moment ago mean?
"If you don't know… just… wow, lady, wow."
And Max has also jumped off the platform and is now having a conversation with Iggy. Now Iggy is coming up! Three, today! that must be the record! There is nothing special about this Iggy from the first book.
"You know what, lady, you're rude. I hate you with the fiery passion of an angered mango!"
Someone has obviously been letting him read Vera Amber's fanfictions. Now here come Nudge and Angel! Two at once! This Angel doesn't have any powers, but Nudge is a vegetarian!
"Hi everyone, We're all bird kids, but we live here in the plothole kingdom. It's a really nice place, well, except when Ari would come to visit, 'cause then Max and Fang would get all tense and they would be grumpy until he left. Hey, do you guys like-"
Okay, back on the tram, we have lots to do and not much time to do it in! Now, If you will look to your right, there is a small town in the distance, that is Tipsico, Arizona. Where Nudge's "family" lived. Coming up on your left, there is a drive up ATM with a guy in a fancy car at it. This is the Bank Card Guy from page 170.
Now, directly ahead is reality estates. You will remember, from the first tour, that one Reality Travelers are allowed to live there. Its newest member is Ari; he isn't in the plot, because he died, but is allowed to live here because his father does. His hair is green. Hold tight, everyone, this is a sharp corner. Up on our right is a small scale of Central Park. If you look between those two trees, you will see the Taylor Twins playing their concert. They are plotholeans who made a brief appearance in the plotline, but large enough to register in the plothole.
This big white building left is the plothole museum, where inanimate objects of little importance are housed. If you will all enter and wait in the main corridor, you can look at these objects. Only three of them are from the first book, so we will only look at those. On this pedestal on our right is Max's Mickey Mouse alarm clock. In the first book it made a brief appearance when Gazzy and Iggy used it to make a timer for their bomb, which they them used to blow up the Erasers. On the one on our left are the papers they printed off at the institute, containing such information such as an address by Gazzy's name and the false information that Iggy's father is dead. Dead ahead is the map they found in Jeb's old files back at the E-shaped house. You may look around at those for a minute, then come back to the tram.
*five minutes later*
Okay, everyone. Back in your seats so we can go back to the gates. Thank you for coming. Here we are. No pushing as you exit the tram please. Goodbye, have a nice day, come back soon, I hope you enjoyed your tour. The gift shop is on the left, check out our tee-shirts; they have wings on the back! Don't forget to buy your flock figurines. Bye-bye now, come back and see us soon.
Not much to say here, other than, once again, I'm sorry that I took so long updating, and I humbly ask you to R&R. Please?