Sorry this took so long. I though I'd posted it days ago and was wondering why I didn't get any reviews. That was weird.

Here we go. The last chapter of the Godly Guide. You can see my pictures from the garden of the gods at flickr(dot)com/photos/amyds


"So." The four Veritas moved away from the fighting goddesses and back towards the market. "So." Sheva said again. "Should we go over what we learned?"

"Nah. That would be lame." Theia groaned when Storm knelt next to a flower. "Move your butt, Brain."

"Like end-of-chapter exercises in a workbook." Zoë agreed. "And this is not a workbook. It is suggestions and a few rules for writing. Most of it is optional."

"But if you don't follow the main points, we will flame you." Theia grinned.

"And if you want basic guidelines for how to give the CC people might listen to, try Storm's Handy Dandy Review Guide." Storm raised one hand dramatically, á la Apollo.

"1. Start with a compliment, no matter how hard you have to think to get one.

2. Be polite. As in, 'you might want to check your spelling' instead of 'your spelling sucks.'

3. Offer suggestions. Instead of "John is a Stu," you could say "John seems a little too perfect. Maybe you should make him a slow runner or something to balance it out."

4. End with another compliment. They will look upon you in a more friendly light."

"And please try and accept CC," Zoë added, pausing at a stall and buying a tee-shirt that said I went to Olympus and all I have to show for it is this lousy shirt. "If there's a lot of it it meant that they spent a lot of time on your fic. And they're telling you for a reason. It is possible to edit chapters." The last few words were muffled as she pulled the shirt over her head.

Sheva rolled her eyes. "Unless it's a troll. Then we don't bother."

"Yeah, well. I don't consider trolls people. They're computer generated, judging by their language." Storm reminded her. "Worse than Mike-ro-sawft-Sam-as-your-com-p-uters-de-fault-voy-ce

"T for Troll," Theia mused. "It's the only grade worse then P for Poor and D for Dreadful."

Zoë laughed. "Wrong universe."

"I know where I am," Theia said crossly.

"Speaking of being where we are…" Storm frowned. "Anyone else feeling kind of…"

"Yeah." Sheva raised one hand. It was flickering a little bit.

Theia looked around. "Bye. Nice seeing you." She hugged her Hercules Busts Heads pack to her chest.

"I'll talk to you all on the forums," Sheva agreed.

"And on fanmortals." Theia was quickly fading, becoming more of an outline in a blue jacket .

Storm opened her mouth to answer, but froze, seemingly unable to move. She was the only one still clearly visible, but stuck mid-blink.

"What's wrong with her?" Zoë asked.

"Probably her internet froze on her again." Sheva guessed. She was right. Within a few minutes, all four of them had vanished, back into cyberspace, so that Storm could type this guide up for your convenience.


And that concludes my Godly Guide. I was going to have a whole chapter on giving CC, but it was just going to get tedious because that's all I really had to say on the subject. So I'm ending it here.

There was one great suggestion I got from "Should Really Be Sleeping." So, for your general enjoyment and advice:

I would have thought that Artemis, instead of hesitantly endorsing romance, would approve of friendship. There just aren't good enough friendship stories out there. Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough, but it seems to me that everyone wants to write a romance and so being 'just friends' isn't really considered good enough, or drama-y enough. It's a pity, really. I think the debate between romance and friendship would have been more interesting then just 'Romance can only be pulled off if you're a good writer'. While that's most certainly true, it won't really stop a lot of people from writing romance. They write romance because it's popular, so to combat that offering up friendship as an option would have been cool.

And here is some commentary from Zoë:

Percy and Annabeth call each other "Wise Girl" and "Seaweed Brain" constantly. See, in the book, yes, they call each other Wise Girl and Seaweed Brain, but those names are NOT nicknames! I cannot stress that enough. Annabeth calls Percy "Seaweed Brain" more than Percy calls her "Wise Girl" but they only call each other than every once and a while, not all the time. Percy will call Annabeth "Wise Girl" after they have survived a battle or something, or in the first book, he called her Wise Girl when he chose her to go on the quest with him. Also, yes, Annabeth sometimes calls Percy "Seaweed Brain" but she doesn't say is so much like, "Oh, hey, Seaweed Brain!" Just when he's acting stupid, but even then, DO NOT overdue it. They call each other Percy and Annabeth.

There are two days left to nominate for the Veritas award! So go do so at fanmortals(dot)webs(dot)com.

And now for your long awaited review replies:

Graysky: Um… what do you mean how do you give them flaws? Check out chapter two. And dark secrets don't make Sues. Just… yeah. Give her some flaws. Maybe she's a bad fighter or has horrible judgment.

Pandaskis: Thanks! That was my goal.

Should Really Be Sleeping: That's a great point, and the reason I posted that comment above.

Theia space 47: Maybe he's just pretending…

You Know Who: It's "Veritas". And sure, that description fits. Remember. We are not a cult, we are a political party. And who are you? I've been wondering. What's your profile?

Fishpony: No, Eros was pretty young.

Jessy: That's a cool name…

Holly: Yes they do.

Carlaina: Trust me. People love reviews no matter how funny they sound.

Shrrgnien: Did I call them a herd? Really? I knew it was a pack…

Encre: Thanks!

Tabbyprincess: fanmortals(dot)webs(dot)com.