August 10

To my beautiful Bella,

No words can adequately describe the depth of my feelings for you, though I've certainly put in a solid effort.

I fell for you so hard and so fast.

Let me tell you how.

This is our love story.

Yours eternally, Edward

Edward read the dedication in the only special edition of his soon to be published book before slipping it back into the wrapping paper. Every other copy would replace the names Edward and Bella with their alter egos Wesley and Madison.

But he had one copy printed and bound with their actual names. After all, it was his ultimate grand gesture for his wife.

He looked at the clock for the umpteenth time that evening. Eleven fifty-two – he had eight more minutes until it would officially be their one year anniversary – though they'd only been married for four months. He promised himself he'd wait until the clock struck midnight, but time was moving slower than he thought possible.

Since they had last been in Los Angeles, when he had almost lost her, so much had changed. In addition to their marriage, Rose and Emmett had gotten pregnant again. Rose was pissed by the way, but Vera was thrilled as she was convinced her mother was finally going to give her the baby sister she'd always dreamed about bossing around.

Alice and Jasper had tied the knot as well – after Edward and Bella, interestingly enough. Edward and Bella had a quiet ceremony in Delta while Alice (and Jasper by proxy) had opted for a grandiose ceremony and reception. It was perfect for them, but Edward and Bella were both relieved they had decided on something much smaller.

In the spring, Edward began an addition to the hanger and had started looking to add cars to his father's collection. He told Bella he wouldn't buy a car without her approval, but that it wasn't for her, so she couldn't be upset with him – of course, any car he purchased to add to their fleet was only for her, though.

And then of course there was the matter of Renette. She'd been doing quite well, considering. The divorce was almost finalized and since her parents had been just as wealthy as Phillip, she wouldn't suffer financially after their separation. She'd stayed with Edward and Bella for a few weeks after being reunited with Bella in Los Angeles, but soon grew restless and missed her friends and activities back in Seattle. So, they flew out to Seattle with Renette and helped her find a perfect condo, promising to visit often before finally returning to Delta.

But the best part of the last several months, by far, had been the noted change in Bella. Of course, neither of them had anything to hide any longer, so there was nothing to prevent them from devoting themselves to each other. She smiled more often, she was rarely in a bad mood and she radiated contentment. Edward hoped she saw the same change in him, because he certainly felt like he had finally found a purpose in life: taking care of her.

Bella stirred next to him in the bed, searching for his warmth even in her slumber. As she curled her body against his, the covers shifted, revealing her bare chest. It took all the strength Edward could muster not to crawl on top of her and sheath himself in her body.

Eleven fifty-seven.

Edward groaned quietly – his desire for Bella seemed to never abate; however, usually neither minded.

Midnight! At last!

Edward began by slowly running his hands very gently over her body, paying close attention to her breasts. It took a few moments, but she began to regain consciousness and her keening raised in volume.

"Bella…" He moaned against the soft skin at her neck, "I need you…" He bit down, but not so hard that it would hurt her.

Just as Edward had hoped, her sleepy eyes fluttered open and were instantly awash with want. "What time is it?" She grumbled, still half asleep. Edward knew she couldn't have been that angry because her little fingers were already tugging his boxers down his hips.

"It's midnight – Happy Anniversary, sweetheart." He kissed her soundly, pressing her into the mattress with half his weight upon her.

"Anniversary…?" She moaned.

Edward slipped out of his boxers and sat back on his heels, "One year ago today – at this exact moment – you agreed to give me a chance." He hovered over her, stroking himself with one hand and coaxing Bella's legs apart with the other.

"I didn't know," Bella pouted, frowning slightly.

"I guess you'll just have to make it up to me." He raised an eyebrow.

"What did you have in mind?" She propped herself up on her elbows.

Edward grinned wickedly, "I want you to tell me one of your deepest, darkest fantasies."

Bella bit her lip nervously, "Really?" She looked up at him through her lashes.

"Oh, yes." He said affirmatively.

She furrowed her brow in concentration, but Edward knew the moment the idea came to mind as her eyes widened and a flaming blush spread across her cheeks.

"Well?" He smirked.

"I have to say it out loud?" She asked sheepishly.

"How else am I supposed to know?" He laughed.

"Fine," She pouted, but leaned up to whisper her fantasy in his ear.

Edward nodded with a smile playing across his lips, but he wasn't as excited as Bella had hoped, "Not adventurous enough?" She asked.

"No, I just think you've got more hidden in that dirty mind of yours." He smiled, sliding off the bed and holding his hands out to Bella to help her down.

"Well, you're right." She challenged, "I wasn't finished."

Edward watched her curiously as she walked over to the bathroom and propped the door open all the way then said, "Turn around, please."

He heard her rifling in the closet before she said, "Okay."

He turned then and scanned her up and down as she made her way over to him by the sofa where she'd told him to stand. She was completely nude, save for a pair of very tall, deep red pumps.

"I'm sorry I forgot what day it is." She twirled a lock of her hair through her fingers, "I guess you better punish me so I'll remember next time." Bella bent over the arm of the sofa in their room, exposing her bare ass to Edward. The heels made her back arch in lovely curve as she perched her ass in the air.

He sucked in a strangled breath.

"You're sure?" He approached her, running his warm palm over the curve of her ass cheek.

"Oh, yes." She mimicked him. "If you don't spank me, I'll never learn." She told him.

"I guess you're right." He chuckled just before letting his hand come into contact with her soft flesh.

Bella's immediate groan of ecstasy was cut off when his hand landed on the other cheek with a loud thwack.

"How many do you think it will take so we make sure this never happens again?" He rubbed the reddened skin in the distinct shape of a hand print.

"You know best…" She panted.

Edward ran his hand slowly down the inside of her thigh until his fingers came into contact with her obvious arousal. "Oh Isabella…" He whispered, "If I didn't know any better I'd think you forgot what today was on purpose." He slid his length over her folds, lubricating himself with her need.

"Please…" She begged.

He smacked her again, "Not yet." He laughed mockingly. "Do you want another?" Edward asked menacingly.

"Yessss…" Bella hissed.

Edward spanked her one final time before completely taking her by surprise as he thrust into her hard and fast, "You naught girl…" He growled as he pumped into her, loving the cries of pleasure that fell from her lips.

When he slowed his pace to torture Bella that much more, he looked up only to find her big brown does eyes – now hooded with lust – staring back at him.

She had propped open the bathroom door so she could watch herself in the full length mirror mounted there.

"Oh god," he gasped.

The sight of Bella, bent over the couch in those fuck-me heels with and expression of absolute rapture upon her beautiful face as he impaled her was so much more than Edward could handle. He grabbed hold of her breasts as he pounded into her.

She cried out as her walls closed in around him, triggering his own climax as he spilled his release inside of her, letting her muscles take him for all he was worth before he pulled out of her.

They both took a moment to catch their breaths. As soon as he felt strong enough, he gathered Bella in his arms and carried her into the bathroom where they both cleaned up. Ignoring her protests, he then proceeded to carry her back to the bed and gently rubbed each foot as he slid the beautiful shoes off her.

"Are you very sore?" Edward asked as he gently ran his hand over her ass.

"No…" She sighed, "It was perfect."

"The heels were a nice touch." He smirked, "And the mirror…" He trailed off.

"I know…" She sighed in agreement. "I wanted to see you while you had me."

"Did it live up to your fantasy?" Edward kissed her cheek before nuzzling her neck.

"Way better." She smiled, "I love you." She brought her hand up to run it through his hair, scratching his scalp a bit, the way he liked.

"I have one more thing for you." He said, trying to hold back his excitement.

"Edward!" She protested, sitting up in the bed, "I didn't even know about today and you're not allowed to buy me anything." She folded her arms, "We had a deal."

And by deal, she meant that she had continually told him not to buy her anything and usually he merely nodded and pretended he'd comply with her wishes. He'd never actually agreed to anything of the sort.

"I'm your husband – I love you more than life itself – and I can get you whatever I want to." He grinned widely at her, earning a sharp shove to his side. "Aww, my violent little girl…" He laughed, attempting to smother her with little wet kisses as she tried to squirm out of his tight hold.

But short sweet kisses turned into languid, passionate ones and after a few minutes, Edward rolled off Bella completely out of breath – instantly she found her favorite spot and curled into his side.

Edward reached his long arm over to the top drawer in his night stand and pulled out the book-shaped package he was looking for and then handed it to her.

"Edward…" She pouted.

"Just open it, please." He turned on his side to get a good view of the look on her face when she saw what was beneath the wrapping paper he'd attempted to enclose the contents with.

Bella looked up at him dubiously before she carefully removed the paper. She stared at the book for a long moment. "Letters from Delta?" Her voice trembled as she read the title, her fingers brushed over his name on the front cover. "I didn't know…" She looked down at the book then back up at him. "You got a book deal?" She guessed.

"I did." He confirmed, tucking a stray stand of sex tousled hair behind her ear. "But you're the only one who will ever own this version." He helped her open the book to the dedication page and watched with bated breath as her eyes scanned the text before promptly filling with tears. Edward wiped them away as they rolled down her cheeks.

"You wrote about us?" She choked.

"I hope that's okay." He was suddenly filled with a sense of dread; he felt foolish for not consulting her about it because he'd been so wrapped up in surprising her with the finished product.

"Yeah – of course." She said immediately.

He sighed in relief. "I just wanted you to know…" Edward tried to ignore the lump in his throat. "How much you mean to me – how much you changed me – how much I love you." He buried his face in her hair, holding her as close as he could.

"I've always known." She whispered, stroking his back lovingly and sinking into his embrace.

We were both home.

AN: I'm sorry it's so short. It was going to be as long as most of my chapters, but I got to this point and it just felt like the right place to finish. Also, for anyone interested, I posted an image of Edward's book cover on my profile. You guys got that you've been reading his book the whole time, right?

I'd like to thank everyone who's been reading and especially those who've been so supportive through reviews like .ange, Green Fallen Leaves, WhoKnew24, Milk-Eyed Mender, BonesnBooth4ever, west iris, nothing2me and Caite126 just to name a few. I really appreciate all your feedback and I'm going to miss you guys!

Lastly, I have a link on my profile to my Fiction Press account as I've got a few original stories there and will be starting the final installment of the Gray series in a few weeks.

Thanks again for everything and as usual, have a fantastic day!