Sonic in 2010
January 2010
1st January
Night last was great, had fun Tails with Knuckles and Amy, fireworks watched, had drink lots of, got hangover bad, hurts head. Need lie down.
2nd January
What?!? How much did I have to drink new years eve? I don't even remember writing that first entry, come to think of it I can't really remember anything that happened yesterday. Though I do remember making a promise to Amy that I would fill this in each and every day no matter what so I guess I must have written it while nursing a terrible hangover, I'm surprised I managed it. Well I suppose I should start by saying my name is Sonic the Hedgehog and I'm 18 years old. For some reason Amy got a bit mad when I lost the other diary Cream gave me a couple of years a go but she decided to give me one last Christmas. I'm going to make sure I fill this until the end. Can't wait to see what the year brings, I bet 2010's gonna rock!
3rd January
Me and Amy went ice skating today. I admit I'm getting better at it, I didn't fall over once, despite the show-offs zooming around in front and cutting across. Amy always complained about them under her breath saying they had no respect for beginners. She also couldn't help reminding me that June will mark two years as a couple. The relationships going great, even though there have been some moments where we've argued but I won't go in to them, I prefer thinking about the good times, like the time we were in the back row of a cinema and never mind .
4th January
Snow has been predicted for the next few days, hasn't today though, just very icy. Tails slipped up earlier and bruised his knee. It looked quite painful but he's a tough kid, it will heal.
5th January
The entire town has been covered in thick snow and it slows down my speed, I like the snow as much as the next guy but when it restricts me doing what I do best it gets very frustrating. Lots of people can't get around, vehicles have been abandoned, there has been loads of accidents, it's just total chaos. But on a positive note I couldn't help but notice that the snowman Cream built in her backyard with Amy looked like it was modelled after a certain someone.
6th January
We are still all stuck in inches of snow, it all looks amazing and great for snowball fights but when it causes people to slip up and end up with severe injuries it just sucks the enjoyment out of it. Tails already has an injury, I've slipped on multiple occasions and Amy skidded head first in to a lamp post. I hope the sun will come soon and melt it all away. I'm literally knee-deep in the stuff.
7th January
The snow has been reduced somewhat but theres still a lot of it around, at least they got snow plows out to get rid of it. We all decided to take the safe way and spend the day inside. It's been fun and all but I haven't been able to have a decent run in days and my legs are itching to be used.
8th January
This snow has shown no signs of disappearing and Amy keeps telling me not to speed in case I hurt myself. It's nice that she cares and all but sometimes I feel she can be too overprotective.
9th January
Now the weekends here everyone seems to be out making use of the snow, making snowmen, having snowball fights, going down hills on sledges. It's good to see people having fun, I even raced some kids down a hill. I won of course but got told off by Amy for being "careless".
10th January
Headed over to Green Hill today as it wasn't so icy there. Man it feels great to be able to run freely again. I even managed to set myself a new record with 22 seconds. Yeah now were talking!
11th January
Had to help Big find Froggy again, he keeps losing him. He wasn't easy to find either, theres lots of ice around and a lot of ponds and lakes have frozen over. Luckily we found the frog hiding behind the entrance to twinkle park. Big really needs to take more care of him.
12th January
Poor Amy's in bed with a nasty cold, I hope she feels okay soon, I wanted to look after her but being the stubborn girl she is, she wouldn't allow me to be in the same room as her in case I caught something. Typical.
13th January
Blimey, I heard that thousands of people were killed in an earthquake yesterday. It's amazing how things quickly change and lives suddenly end in a matter of seconds. Also, as Amy said, it really puts things in to perspective and makes you feel lucky for the things you have. I'm never going to take anything for granted again.
14th January
Amy's up and about again. Can't believe 2 weeks have passed already, feels like I've hardly done anything. Cream was a little sad because her snowman has finally melted but her mum had taken a photo of it beforehand so she'll always have that to remind her of it.
15th January
I've just realised something, I haven't seen Eggman in weeks, which is rather unusual. Either the last battle bac in December has wounded him badly or he's biding his time for some big attack. That's the problem with him, he shows up when you least expect it. But I'll always be ready for him when he does.
16th January
Decided to pay Knuckles a visit today, haven't seen him since new year. He still says he's head hurts from all the drink he had and I was sorely tempted to make a remark about how he couldn't handle his drink but judging from my first entry I'm a fine one to talk. He also reminded me of his upcoming birthday, as he does every year, like I can forget.
17th January
Amy's been pretty secretive the last couple of days, she said she had another Christmas present for me but it hasn't arrived yet. It's been 3 weeks since Christmas and it still not here? I suppose all the snow has delayed the postal service.
18th January
I wish that extra present would turn up already, Amy keeps winding me up and dropping hints and it's really annoying. Even Knuckles knows what it is but refuses to say anything, stubborn git.
19th January
It's getting ridiculous now, we've had snow for 2 whole weeks now, it was great at first but the novelty has really worn off. Actually most of it isn't really snow, it's just slushy ice. Hopefully a heatwave will turn up soon and melt it all away, people are still slipping up and I heard some people have even died as a result of this lethal weather.
20th January
The extra gift finally turned up today, it was tickets to next months winter olympic games. Sweet! It was fun participating in them back in 2008 but it'll make a nice change to be able to just sit back and watch it instead. Also, nearly all the snow and ice have gone. Haven't had no sunshine yet but it's a start.
21st January
Amy's been going round telling everyone who'd listen about our trip, she's really eager about it, mostly because it will be the two of us spending two weeks alone and away from here. Think I might go and buy Knuckles' birthday stuff tomorrow as it's only couple of weeks away.
22nd January
Couldn't find anything suitable for Knuckles' birthday, he's so hard to buy for since all he does is guard the Master Emerald every day. I did find him a rather amusing card though, I'll keep looking for a pressie during the week.
23rd January
Wow, Amy won loads of money on a scratch card, 2000 to exact, she couldn't wait to tell me and practically dragged me over to the shops. Why do girls love to shop so much?
24th January
Amy's booked a hotel for us to stay in while at the Olympics, she's booked it starting on the 8th February, even though the Olympics don't actually start until the 12th. She said she wanted to spend a couple of days up there sightseeing before the games starts, I just hope she doesn't go in to any museums, they are so boring.
25th January
Amy went in to town and brought a really expensive video camera for our trip, good thing she had that money from her scratch card win, she probably wouldn't have bothered otherwise. It's a very good camera though, the battery lasts ages and it can take photos as well as videos, I bet Amy will make a DVD of it all when we come back and get everyone to watch it.
26th January
Ha I've heard everything now. Eggman turned up in another one of his useless robots and tried to capture Amy. The design of the thing was laughable itself, looked to me like a huge snail shell with arms. The thing that made it ten times funnier was the name he gave it...'Egg Shell'. I know he always starts the name of all his robots with 'egg' but that must be the most stupid name I have ever heard. He was a piece of cake though, I soon detached his arms limb from limb and sent him scuttling away. Nobody harms my girl.
27th January
Amy's been pretty edgy since yesterday I took her for a little night time stroll tonight to cheer her up a bit and even saw a shooting star. I don't know why she's worrying, Eggmans hardly a genius despite supposedly having an IQ of 300. Yeah right, if brains were chocolate he wouldn't have enough to fill a smartie
28th January
At long last the sun shines for the first time this year and nearly all the ice has gone. About time too, we haven't had proper sunshine in months so I hope it lasts. I wanted to make most of it by heading down to the beach, shame that everyone else seems to have had the same idea.
29th January
Just over a week left and were off, it's really dragging now that theres something to look forward to but that's always the way isn't it. Spent most of the day in Tails' workshop with my best friend as I haven't spoken to him in a while. He's currently modifying he's chaos emerald detector so it's even more sensitive, something tells me that'll come in handy at some point.
30th January
I feel pretty stupid, it's only today I realised that me and Amy would be spending valentines day on this trip. So I've only got this week to think of something to get Amy and get it to the trip without her finding out, which isn't going to be easy considering the amount of time we spend together. I wonder why she never said anything. Like I said, got all week though so I'm sure I'll come up with something, I just wish my brain was as quick as my feet.
31st January
One month down 11 more to go. Going to get some food next week for the trip but other than that were ready. Got the tickets, plenty of cash to spend, loads of water and best of all, theres no sign of Eggman. The hotels booked and ready and waiting, what could possibly go wrong?...
After the collobrative fanfic hit a dead end I decided to do a new one, this time as a solo project. Like the other one, this one will be updated at the end of each month and this time I'll see it through to the end.