A/N: I'm hoping this will make a good story. I decided to leave "Just Because" as a oneshot because it was sweeter that way. Anyway, here's a little teaser trailer.

Disclaimer: I'm making this simple- I own nothing.

A jealous Chad + a defiant Sonny= kissing?

"How could you go out with him?"

"He's cute, Chad. Duh."

"And I'm not?"

Chad proposes a plan-

"Face it Sonny, it's a good way to get rid of tension."

"There are no strings?"

"None. Except for one thing."

"There's always one thing, isn't there?"

That results in madness-

"I swear we're not dating Selena!"

"Our relationship is simply platonic."

"Yes, because it's perfectly normal for friends to make out in a closet."

"Just because you catch people making out in a closet, it doesn't mean that they're dating."

*raises eyebrows*

"Ok, maybe it usually does. But not in this case."

"How do you explain it then?"

"It's kind of complicated."


"Are you really that dense Chad?"

"I'm not dense!"

And best of all... Channy!

The Benefits Of Friends. Coming soon to a screen near you.

A/N: I hope I didn't give too much away. I'm thinking of starting it after I finish "I'll Never Forget", but that might change... if the reader response is good. So if you like it, review!