AN: I wrote these two stories and put them together because they kind of relate. I wanted to write something simple and quick and this is what became of it. I hope you review them.

The wind is roaring outside the window and the moonlight shines brightly on the two lovers. Only a pale white sheet covers the. The world outside is wild, but inside of the home it is calm and peaceful.

The woman's unruly red hair sticks out against everything pale in the room. The man with warm grey eyes looks at the woman, love shining through his expressive eyes. They are like fire and water; but everyone knows that together they make steam.

The moonlight hits the woman's left hand magnificently, making the wedding ring sparkle. She is asleep and is making unladylike snores. The man is not annoyed, he is smiling. He looks to be the happiest man in the world. He delicately runs his hands through her hair, trying not to wake her. This is Scorpius and Rose Malfoy, they are in love.

Rose roles over in her sleep and lays a hand on my chest as she snuggles closer to me. Her beautiful red hair tickles my bare chest and I shudder. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but she loves me, and believe me, the feeling is mutual.

Some people count sheep to fall asleep. I used to do that, but now I count Rose's freckles. There are 264 on her body. She smiles like a Cheshire cat in her sleep and I wish I knew what she was thinking. Rose is different than anyone else I'd ever met and she still is. That is what I like about her.

She isn't always nice. She isn't always calm. She isn't always put together. She isn't always in control. She isn't always modest. She isn't always organized. In short, she isn't always perfect, but she is always Rose. She is my Rose and she always will be.

I hugged her tight against my nude body as I fell asleep. Love made people stupid, was my last thought before sleep over took me. And Rose isn't always smart.