
this story is nearly over too. wait. It is over. Last chapter everyone! sorry it's short and crappy. It was hard to write!




Bob and I were playing laser tag. Again. I tripped over my own feet. I fell. I cracked my head open. I felt my heart stop. I felt myself die.

Gerard POV

Mikey still hadn't come down from upstairs.

'Ray just died' Frankie told me.

'Oh... so that's why I felt weaker. Only Bob and Mikey left before we're free' I replied.

'Correction. Just Bob' Frank said. I stared at him, eyebrows raised, eyes wide. He couldn't have... he WOULDN'T have... would he?

'Hey! Actually, it's kinda cool being dead!' Mikey beamed, running through the door. Ray and Bob appeared at the front door, so I let them in.

'Okay. I get it. How do I die?' Bob asked.

'Well, you could slash your wrists' A voice from behind me said. Helena. My ex-girlfriend. Bob did just that. The 5 of us waited in anticipation as Bob died slowly. Fianlly, it was over. We found ourselves in a parallel universe. It was weird. But we found out house. The 6 of us would live there. Helena would do chores and stuff (not as a slave though, we wern't that mean) and the other 5 would continue with My Chemical Romance. So what if we were dead?! Who REALLY gives a shit?!

'So, you guys, we need to catch up!' Helena laughed. It was true. It was over. At long last, we were free!

That night, I sat down with a sheet of paper. I drew a little, then wrote a short poem

'We died for our lovers,

We died with them,

This is why we are the living dead!'

I didn't mind it not rhyming. I sealed it, kissed it and threw it in the air

'Find your way to everyone, explain what happened. Tell them we love them. So long and goodnight' I said, watching the paper fly. I still hope it got there, to all my friends. The alive ones. At least I'm safe here, as an immortal, never aging ghost, living in a parallel universe to the place you call home.