Well I certainly was surprised when I found myself writing this next chapter. I thought my writing spark had all but diminished. Seemed like the writing spark struck, surprisingly enough. So I don't know, maybe I just write now whenever I get in the mood. I really can't say if the next chapter will be up in any amount of time, so I apologize if I never do update again for a while. All I can say is be on the look-out every now and then for an update. So without further ado, read and review, please! Oh! And new Japanese translation below.

Furo- Flow


That's all Sansu felt as she walked about the crowd of pokemon, aiming to reach her destination. The reason being for her being so giddy was simply due to the fact at what she had planned for could barely contain her excitement at the mere thought. The crowd eventaully began to thin out as she reached the outer city's limits, Taiyou's house having come into sight. Sansu giggled excitedly to herself, her plan nearing being put into action and quickened her pace, reaching the gates and being let in by the guards, thanking them as she passed on through.

She made her way up the walkway as quickly as she could, knocking on the door upon reaching it. She smoothed out her skirt while she waited for someone to answer. It took a few minutes, but the door soon opened, a female Eevee standing upon the other side of it. "Oh hello Sansu!" she said.

"Hello Mrs. Furo!" Sansu replied back. "How are you today?"

"Quite well, thank you," Mrs. Furo. "And what of you? Everything all right between you and Taiyou?"

"Of course," Sansu answered. "Taiyou was just really exhausted from last night and desired to sleep. So I thought I'd let her be for one night."

"Well isn't that nice?" Mrs. Furo. "Taiyou's so lucky to have a friend like you!"

"Considering the fact you're forcing her to marry someone she has no interest in?" Sansu thought.

"Come on in," Mrs. Furo said. "If Taiyou's not up by now, she certainly will be." "Most definitely," Sansu said as she made her way in and up the stairs, feeling excitement building up as she neared Taiyou's room. She stopped momentarily as she reached it, setting herself to feel hurt and bitter, ebbing the excitement away for the moment before entering the in, he gaze immediately fell upon the bed to see whether or not Taiyou was still in it. At first, no sign of her was seen, her hopes quickly diminishing. As she was turning away, however, she suddenly saw Taiyou turning about in her sleep.


She still had the opportunity to go through with her plan. Keeping her emotions intact, Sansu walked into Taiyou's walk-in bathroom, grabbing a cup that was sitting upon the sink, filling it up with water before back out and over to Taiyou's bed, pausing momentarily as she studied her expression. She seemed content; happy, like she was dreaming of her mysterious hero finally coming to rescue her, not even bothered by the fact that her best friend would be left behind, forgotten; a memory that was to soon fade away. Sansu was quite surprised how well her mind-set was. Nevertheless, disgusted upon seeing how happy her friend was, she held the cup put over Taiyou's head and dumped the water upon her.

Taiyou woke with a start, sputtering and spitting as Sansu merely dropped the cup, the sound of it clacking against the floor catching Taiyou's attention as she looked directly at Sansu and instantly remembered last night's events. "Sansu... I-"

"Save it," Sansu said, turning around and heading back for the door. "If you didn't want me around anymore, all you had to do was say so."

"Sansu! Wait!" Taiyou cried out as she clambered out of bed. "It's not what you think!"

"Don't lie to me," Sansu said, stopping, her paws clenching into fists. "Now that you're getting married, you deem it all right to forget about your only friend? I guess you really are meant for Ryoku after all!"

"Sansu..." was all Taiyou could say. It took every fiber in her being not to crack having to hear how hurt she must have sounded. All she could do was give her some final words.

"I hope that mysterious savior of yours can bring you all the happiness I never could."

"Sansu!" Taiyou said again, holding back a sob. "Please! Don't go! I-" She stopped suddenly, a grin spreading across Sansu's face as Taiyou began realizing something about the sentence she just heard. "Wait a minute! I never told you that he was here. How did you-" Sansu looked back, showing Taiyou the grin plastered upon her face. Taiyou stood there in shocked silence for a minute or two before saying something. "You evil little-" Taking that opportunity, she used her Psychic and threw a bunch of pillows at Sansu who laughed and threw them back, starting up a pillow fight that lasted half an hour at the very least before they both dropped out of exhaustion.

They lied there for a bit panting as their breath eventually steadied. "You... you got me pretty good... there," Taiyou spoke first.

"Y-Yeah," Sansu said. "I'm sorry though. It was too good... an opportunity... to pass up. I hope you can... forgive me."

"Already have," Taiyou said. "Just as long as you promise to never do that again. I really thought you hated me."

"Taiyou!" Sansu said, sitting up. "You're my best friend! It'd take a lot for me to not consider you my friend."

"I know," Taiyou said. "I just can't help but worry sometimes." All Sansu could do was smile before getting up. "So how exactly did you come up with the idea that my mysterious rescuer was here last night?/

"Well it's not like you tried to deny it," Sansu answered her as Taiyou got up as well. "Besides, once I gave it a bit of thought, I put two and two together and got my result."

Sansu walked over to the dresser as she explained herself, picking up the brush and brushing her hair with it. Taiyou watched her, feeling like she was hiding something. Even as she thought it, she noticed Sansu's distant stare, like she was looking past her own reflection at someone else. Two blotches of red formed on the sides of her face; Taiyou realizing the real reason for her knowing.

"No! she said, causing Sansu to turn towards her. "Tell me you didn't."

"What?" Sansu asked, fearing that she knew.

"Tell me you didn't meet a guy you actually like!"

Sansu remained silent, not knowing how to respond.

"You did!" Taiyou exclaimed, tackling her in a hug. "You did meet someone! Oh Sansu, I'm so happy for you! Who would have thought that the both of us would find our very own knights in shining armor?" Sansu was unable to respond, however, for Taiyou continued to hug her tighter and tighter, squeezing the life out of her. Taiyou realized this quickly and released her. "Oops! Sorry!"

"It's...it's fine," Sansu said with a bit of a cough as she smoothed out her skirt.

"So what's he like?" Taiyou asked. "Is he cute? Handsome? Strong?"

"He's-" Sansu began, but could not find the words to describe just how adorably perfect her was, what with those eyes she couldn't help but get lost in and the way he looked so innocent covering for his friend and-

"Sansu!" Taiyou yelled out, bringing Sansu out of her thoughts.

"Hmm? she questioned. "What?"

"You were zoning out much like I was last night," Taiyou answered her with a sly grin upon her face. "Lover girl." Sansu's face went beat red at that.

"Sh-shut up!" was all she could say, which resulted in Taiyou laughing. Sansu remained where she stood, blushing like mad just thinking of the Riolu she had met when she remembered suddenly of the forest that flashed through her mind upon her kissing his cheek. Her blush faded as she thought about what it meant; Taiyou noticing her sudden change in expression.

"Is everything all right?" she asked. "You look sort of thoughtful."

"I'm not sure," Sansu replied. "I sort of had a vision flash through my mind when I kissed him. And no, it was not on the lips."

"What kind of vision?" Taiyou asked, curious to know.

"It was a forest," she told her. "I don't know what it means thought."

"Hmm," Taiyou pondered, wondering herself what it meant. "Maybe it meant a loss for words, perhaps? He didn't know how to respond to the kiss, so he felt as if he were lost about the woods on what to do."

"Maybe," Sansu said with some uncertainty in her voice as she continued to ponder on what other reasons it could have meant until a possible idea clicked in her head, her eyes widening in bewilderment. "What if... what if it meant something he feared would be discovered? Something about him that reveals a bit about his heritage?"

"You know, I think you're onto something there, Sansu," Taiyou said. "Though there may be more to our dream guys than what we know of."

"Oh?" Sansu questioned. "How so?"

"Well..." Taiyou started. "When I was talking with my dream guy last night, I asked which city he lived in. He made mention of some city or rather and pointed in the direction of the for-" she stopped suddenly, her gaze meeting with Sansu's as they both realized the answer that had been in front of them all along.

"How?" Taiyou asked with shocked surprise. "How could we have been so blind as to not see that our very own dream guys live in a completely different world from ours?"

"It's love," Sansu answered that question after a moment of silence., catching Taiyou's attention.

"What?" she asked, making sure she heard correctly.

"It's love that's what makes us blind," Sansu replied. "Blind to know just who a pokemon just really is; blind to the secrets that they keep hidden; blind to everything and everyone in this world save them. It's because of love that we choose to ignore the truth and chase what we desire just so we can be happy." Taiyou stood there in stunned silence, not believing that she was hearing this at all, especially from her best friend. "Yet... for some strange, unexplained reason... I feel as though I can trust him, that he isn't the kind of pokemon who's like everybody else, that there's a deeper feeling for him than just love. I can't quite explain it, but the few moments I was with him... the entire night I spent thinking about him... it felt as though my heart had already belonged to him, like we've already been together for centuries."

Taiyou's jaw dropped slightly as she listened, bewildered by what was being said. Sansu, upon noticing her friend's reaction, shuffled a foot upon the floor, looking down at it embarrassingly as two small blotches of red formed upon her face. "Goodness! Listen to me drone on! I sound like a hopeless, love-struck school girl who doesn't know what she's talking about!"

"No!" Taiyou breathlessly said. "No... I know how you feel. It's like every waking moment you spend away from him-"

"-Is another second you spend yourself without meaning," Sansu finished. "A life full of loneliness."






"Hopelessness... you too, huh?"

"Of course I do," Taiyou said with a sigh as she turned away and made her way out onto the balcony. "How could I not? Like you, I, too, feel like my guy and I have been together for centuries... that there's something more than just love there that drives me to be with him more. So what if he's from the forest? I think that's just some unrequited, forbidden love or something." She sighed more in a happy, dream-like state as his face appeared in her mind. "Screw having a normal life. What's so special about having a normal life anyway? In fact, in just one month he'll-" Sansu was abruptly stopped as a pillow was thrown into the back of her head; Sansu still in the bedroom, only by the bed, a smirk upon her face.

"Sansu," Taiyou said as she raised the pillow in the air using Psychic. "I know you didn't just hit me in the back of the head with a pillow."

"And what if I did?" Sansu challenged.

"Retaliation!" Taiyou yelled as she turned about, launching the pillow back at her. Sansu picked up another pillow and threw it at Taiyou as she defended herself from the incoming pillow. Before long, the two love-struck girls were giggly about as they ceased their little war, falling onto the ground and bursting into fits of uncontrollable laughter.