A/N: I accept all errors with this story since I wrote it super late at night. Other than that, please enjoy and let me know what you thought =)

"You're being grumpy."

"Am not."

"Are too," Rick retorted. "Why don't you just go to bed?"

"Because I have work to do."

"Work will still be there tomorrow," He argued walking around her and plopping down in the chair beside her to watch her work.

"Yes but there will be more tomorrow if I don't get it done now so leave me alone," Kate scowled.

"Hm," Rick pondered her response.

"What did I tell you about watching me do paperwork?"

"It's *creepy* and you really need to stop now," Rick finished the statement for her.

"You have five minutes," He instructed getting up from his chair. Kate let out a sigh of relief once he left. She knew that she was being a bit harsh to him tonight but she also really wanted to finish this paperwork before more came in. Just a few more pages and she would be done. She just had to-

"TIME'S UP!" Rick declared swiping the pen out of her hand.

"What?" She asked startled by his sudden out burst. When had he returned?

"I said time's up. It's been five minutes," Rick shrugged as he pulled her chair out. Kate moved to slide her chair back to it's previous position but she wasn't quick enough. In one fluid motion Rick had scooped her up and now held her over his shoulder.

"Castle," Kate warned.

"Is our name, yes. Really honey did you think I was joking when I said five minutes?"

"Put me down!" She yelled as she pounded her fist against his back in a vein attempt to free herself.

"Sh!" Rick turned his head towards her. "You're going to wake the kids up. Do you want them to see Daddy carrying Mommy like this?"

Kate sighed knowing that he wasn't going to let her go. "Rick I really need to finish that paperwork."

"No, you really need to come to bed. It's late and tomorrow's an early morning. Plus I'd much rather have wife sleeping next to me than working in the dark. And if when you wake up tomorrow you're still mad at me, then you can shoot me," Rick smirked depositing her on their bed and crawling up next to her.

Placing a kiss on her cheek, he switched off the bed side lamp and wrapped his arms around her stomach. Snuggled together under the blankets, Kate rolled her eyes. "You know I'd never shoot you on purpose."