Of course it's a one-shot, and of course it's for Valentines Day!! So what, don't judge me... It's not great, but I still like it

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters used in this story.

I love him.

I love him not.

She had played the game of picking flower petals to find if her love was true since she was old enough to pronounce the word "I love you."

Age 8

"Sakura-chan, what are you doing?" the blonde haired child asked her as he watched as she plucked away at the pink daisy in her hands.

"Finding out if he loves me." She answered back, her brows furrowed as she continued to pluck away.

"Who's him?" the boy asked, searching his childish memory for some clue as to whom the girl loved.

"I dunno, just him." She shrugged, as she pulled the last petal away, "He loves me!" She exclaimed, twirling around in her happiness.

Age 12

"Sakura-chan, what are you doing?" the adolescent blonde asked.

"Shhh, Naruto, I'm concentrating." She reprimanded as she tore away another petal from the pink daisy in her hands.

"You're not still doing that, are you Sakura-chan?" the boy asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, Naruto. How else would I find out?" she answered him, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

The boy crossed his arms across his chest "It's for Sasuke-teme, isn't it?" he was unprepared for the fist that came down on his head as the girl was still focusing on the flower in front of her.

"No, it's not Naruto; I don't know who it's for. It's just, well you know; him." She said as she tugged away the last petal, "He loves me!"

Age 16

"Sakura-chan, what are you doing?" the young man asked, as he crouched next to the pink haired girl who was plucking flower petals.

"I'm finding out if he loves me, Naruto." She replied, focusing completely her work.

"And who is he?" the boy asked, nonchalantly not expecting any sort of answer.

"A boy, I know." The girl answered, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the young man had fallen over in shock at her words.

"What do you mean, 'A boy I know'?!" he sputtered as she continued to tear away the petals.

"Just what I said, it's a boy I know, and I'm finding out if he loves me." She responded again.

"Well what's his name!?" boy shouted, confused by this new piece of information.

"Hmm, well, I'm not so sure if I should tell you or not." She answered, coming down to the last petal of the flower, she just stared at it.

"What is his name, Sakura!?" the boy shouted in indignation.

"Naruto." She answered, as she plucked the last petal away, he waited and waited until he realized that that had been her answer, she finally looked up to him a small smile on her lips, "He loves me."

Sakura had been playing the game of picking flower petals to see if her love was true since she could pronounce the words, "I love you, Naruto."

Yeah, I know the ending sucked, I couldn't think of anything else! Please Read and Review :)