I do not own any characters or anything from the film Avatar that have appeared in this story. I know its been a very long time since I have updated some give me a chance to get back in the groove, I have rewritten this chapter several times and this is the one I am publishing. Feel free to msg me.

Chapter 7

' Views to reality'

Slowly opening her eyes, Josefina, groaned the pain flooding her every thought as she started to push up onto her elbows from laying flat on her back. Her head pounding, ankle throbbing, chest tight, just a way she liked to wake up right? not! she thought as she moaned softly in the dark morning air while she swung her legs over the side. Holding her place, a wave of nausea trying to get the best of her own stomach but forcing her mind over matter she kept what little food still had not left her stomach from the meal the night before.

"Easy does it, Do not push your self this early in the morning" A hushed voice that had a hint of worry and lack of sleep laced into it. Kris touched a sensor on the wall , lighting up the room he winced as his eyes adjusted to the difference in the room. Taking in that the bruises had done anything but get better if not they had darkened even more, pooling in this his gut like a hot spike of guilt. Reaching out while he stepped up to her he took ahold of her hands , angling his body he pulled her up to a standing position softly patting her shoulders he continued on with; " Breakfast is already on the table, we have a lot to do today at home tree and the sun comes up soon so you know we are already late."

Josefina nodded as she slowly unclenched her jaw from its strained position of gritting her teeth, the pain of standing was almost too much and she was afraid to say move in fear instead of words coming out of her mouth, stomach contents would fly instead so she just nodded and lifted her arm flicking her wrist to motion, go on I will follow.

Kris nodded silently taking her silence as it was , silence and moved to the kitchen unit to grab drinks for them before they left this body for their Avatars. Kris grabbed some water but made her a protein shake of sorts, he did not fail to notice her clothes were getting a tad baggy looking knowing they were not growing bin size but she was shrinking. Once he set the drinks on the table he watched her shuffle into the room and taking her seat , Josefina seemed to sit there holding back what ever was eating her alive till she relaxed the sweat beading along her forehead shined in the light of the lit room.

Opening her eyes, Josefina, grabbed her fork and started to dig into the meal on her plate till there was nothing left on the plate. Looking at the thick drink she grimaced but took it down in one swig. " Lets go… Kris help me to my chamber" Looking at Kris he eyes dared him to make a smart ass remark she was itching to argue this morning, these new meds they were giving her was making her a little short tempered she guessed.

Kris nodded and stared back at her as he pulled her arm across her shoulder pulling Josefina up to standing and taking the weight off her bad ankle. Looking down into her face he said" Lets go then.. " Taking a step forward Josefina matched his strides as best as she could while walking back into her room the lights still on, she moved to her second bed of sorts, laying down with Kris helping to lift her legs into the chamber she pulled the metal cage like layer over her as she looked up to Kris " I'm not in a hammock today… rest easy no more flying adventures for me at least for a while" She gave a half hearted laugh.

-Back at Home Tree-

Tsu'Tey walked around on the ground floor of home tree waiting for Mo'at to give his student permission or in better terms medical clearance to walk around nothing too hard he knew. Pacing was not his strong suit and not many people in hometree had ever seen him in such a state, whispers starting in the background, thoughts wondering what there princess thought of how much this dream walker consumed Tsu'tey mind.

Josefina opened her eyes, a dull throb hitting her in the face like someone had slapped her, a groan escaping her lips. She knew though this pain was hundreds of times more bearable than what she was use to living with day in and day out. Sitting up she pulled her knees under her to push up and slowly stood, bracing herself against the wall of hometree. She looked up and saw outside of the little cove that Tsu'tey had paused in his pacing to look at her but was pushed slightly out of the way as Jake, and Kris pushed past him to check on Josefina. Mo'at was closely following the two dream walkers and Tsu'tey looked like someone had stuck a stick up his bum.

Smiling Kris walked in on his heels Jake popped in as they both looked her up and down , the dark bruising looked lighted and they watched as Josefina moved her fingers her arm still in a makeshift sling.

Kris smiled and said" I am going with Ni'Nat to see the direhorses and attempt to ride them, Jake ate mud yesterday" He laughed his tail swaying behind him , Kris's ears twitching with everyone's voice listening. Jake chuckled as he elbowed Kris's" I still bet I can beat you in a race!" Kris stared at Jake laughing as he said" you might win in the eating mud first contest"

Mo'at quickly stepped inside raising her hands as if to quiet children, but oh wait that is what she is doing basically thought Josefina as she smiled watching them feeling Mo'at start to poke and prod her tender flesh. Making clicking and soft sounds that soothed the headache in Josefina's head she watched Mo'at and listened when Mo'at started to speak.

"You child are free to help gather , nothing more" Mo'at stated as she turned to leave, Mo'at had many other chores to tend to in home tree, she had two expectant mothers starting the labor process.

Tsu'tey moved into the cove as he curled his lip as Kris and Jake said their goodbyes and well wishes passing by Tsu'tey, Kris though stared back into his stare as he also curled his lip in a makeshift snarl/ growl. Ignoring the ignorance Tsu'tey turned his head to look at Josefina and said" we gather in forest, come" Turning he strolled out listening to Josefina's foot steps the sun shining in his face he lifted his hand to shield his eyes while they got adjusted. Turning he looked back and it was as if ewya had stolen his breath as he let his eyes stared at Josefina, the raises of light seemed to glisten off her body in a way that just kidnapped all train of though he had.

Josefina took a step unsure of her own balance but quickly realized that her teacher, even if he was a very ho…. god she could not think like that he was her teacher nothing more nothing less, right? Quickly following she started to hum under her breathe a song that her and kris always sang together. Stopping in the entrance of home tree the light caught her by surprise as she brushed some of her hair from her face behind one of her pointy ears. She bathed in the warmth the light gave off, finally adjusted to the light she looked up her gaze meeting a stern but.. she didn't know something else was in the look Tsu'tey was staring at her with.

Noticing quickly he turned back around and pointed off toward to the far right of the direhorse area. Josefina smiled as she looked at a smaller direhorse, that one must be younger, but her ears quickly flattened as it snorted and started to stomp on the ground, this animal was unlike the rest, something about it seemed off, seemed dangerous and that in itself was greatly different. Tsu'tey noticed his voice carrying over the snorting; " warrior of that one fallen, it angers that it lost it's warrior." Nodding she followed Tsu'tey off into the forest to gather she knew though that was probably the last thing he wanted to do, he was a strong warrior and probably wanted her to already know how to ride a direhorse and to be able to go hunting but it would be another week she thought at least before she would be able to go out and even try without her sling on her arm.

Turning around a bend they could gather plants that Mo'at used and Tsu'tey even though he never liked to admit that he knew plant life, he had vast knowledge about the flora on the planet that Mo'at herself had taught him when he was younger. Josefina closely following behind she hummed a melody that took him some time but he grew use to it and even played the melody in his head when she wandered from his side but always still in view.

- Hours later-

Josefina stretched her back and her one arm after gather enough plants to stock the medical supply at hometree for the winter her and Tsu'tey called it quits and started to head back to home tree. She could hear hollering and cryings of excitement ring through the clearings in front of home tree and finally able to see she could see both Jake and Kris covered in mud and seemed to be in a heated discussion on who had ate mud first just like she knew they would. Noticing Neytiri walking over to her she retreated into the base of hometree letting Tsu'tey and Neytiri talk without her there.

Neytiri folded her arm over her chest as she spoke to her promised one, Tsu'tey stood watching the two 'boys' as he would call them bicker over who had won the race. " You're blessed one seems to have taken more mud …" Neytiri swatted at Tsu'tey and said " He will learn , not all take to direhorses" Tsu'tey raised his brow as he said " he will be eaten alive by our Ikran, you know this well, many of our own brothers and sisters have fallen." Neytiri nodded solemnly, " Your student will not even make it to the Ikran we know this she is weak…." and with that Neytiri stepped forward and yanked on Jake's braid snapping at him to go get cleaned up for dinner. Kris laughed but was soon grimacing as Ni'nat smacked him against the back of the head to follow behind Jake.

Tsu'tey knew that Josefina would be returning to her other body soon he wanted her to at least feed the dream walker body, he thought that was how it was supposed to work. He took a leaf with some meat and fresh green and another plate for himself and looked around but did not see Josefina so he started to wonder around hometree looking for her, after searching the first few levels worry started to set in as he quickly glanced around and then something told him to look up so he did and above on one of the highest levels, even higher than she had fallen from a few days prior. First a cold feeling seeped through his chest but quickly replaced as he jogged up to her and found her resting against a branch her legs dangling but was nestled into a little nook so she wouldn't fall, he handed her the leaf and looked out at the world.

"Why are ...why here?" He didn't know how to ask his question in a way that fit her language but why should he even consider trying to make things easier on her, he think about it later. Taking in the view he let a sigh escape his lips his ears relaxing along with his tail that flicked absent mindedly off the side of the branch they sat at.

" The view, its peaceful, better than anything on my home planet, we have killed our mother, our Ewya. She fought hard against us but humans… we are a unworthy creature and we don't need to be here, but I'm not here for ...will I am being selfish I guess.." Josefina took a bite from her leaf as she rolled the thoughts around her head, her foot tapping against the branch softly in a unheard song. " I came here for a second chance at life, one with no pain, to be free… do you understand?" leaning her head back Josefina looked to her side to meet Tsu'tey gaze"

"want to be free is not bad, natural to be free not sel...ish" Tsu'tey tried to get the words around his tongue but he couldn't, they could hear from the bottom of hometree the faint sounds of music, laughter, something he was use to but he saw that she was not use to this, use to peace and something about it strained, pulled on his heart. This feeling would have to be addressed later when he was alone with his thoughts, this was something as a warrior he could afford to have.

"It's time I turn in for the evening, thank you for bring me the food though" Josefina smiled her tail swaying behind her, her hair messy and falling across her face, and just as she turned the rays hit her back outlining her body with the setting sun light. Josefina thought walked back through and down the winding paths in home tree as she went back to the little alcove she stayed in, Mo'at had told her one more evening in here and then she would be free to rest in a hammock once more but only on the first few floors and slowly move higher.

-Back at Hell's Gate-

Waking up she blinked her eyes, grimacing the pain from all her earlier activities was still right there but now with a new found stiffness. Pushing open her link unit as she groaned the pain from even moving her arm, how could it be worse than this morning? ughhh she thought while slowly inching her way to a sitting position she hoped against hope that Kris would walk in the room at that moment and help her to bed and as if they could read each other's mind she thought the door opened.

"Now look at you! Pushing your self to god damn much" Grace strolled in looking over Josefina's body while strolling into the room, the smell of cigarettes following her. Grace gently pulled her sleeves back , scooping up Josefina as if she was a doll. An arm under her legs and one supporting her back as Josefina wrapped an arm around her neck resting her head against Grace's shoulder.

"I'm tired, can I just go to bed? " Josefina mumbled into Grace's shoulder her hair falling across her back covering Grace's arm as she noticed that Grace was heading to her bed she smiled and when she felt the bed under her she let go of Grace while getting her self on the bed.

" Yes but you do get an IV of fluids and nutrition you need to keep up as best as you can. I came over tonight to talk both of you, Kris will be back by the time I'm done with the IV right?" Grace looked sternly into Josefina's eyes while stepping back and working her shoulders from just picking Josefina up.

Kris meanwhile was just getting back and pushing open his link unit, running his hand through his hair he sat there thinking. Ni'nat had given him a new hammock but it was next to hers and it bothered him, at least that was what he thought this feeling was, maybe it was because of what happened a few days prior to Josefina. Ni'nat was a very strong willed person or Navi she, she didn't take his crap or his nonsense she demanded his respect, he knew he was supposed to respect all females no matter the species but she… he wanted to mess with her to poke at her to test her limits. He smirked as he laughed softly like this evening he had made her a leaf plate and when he found her she already had a plate and when he went to take it back she told him to eat it, like a child his eyes to big and damn. When he had told her it was for her she smiled but said that he should have told her so she wouldn't have made one, but then back and forth that it would have defeated the surprise. Finally he sat down to eat and before he even knew what to do she had taken a piece from his own plate. All he could do was laugh, but quickly stopped as he listened to new voices, curse these human ears and human hearing.

Joining Grace and Josefina he slid into the room just as Grace was finishing securing the IV to Josefina's arm as he coughed, announcing his presence without interrupting their joking. Smiling he watched them, this was the closest thing to family he had here on hell though this planet seemed the farthest thing to hell, earth was closer to hell to evil than this place was.

"Now that I have you both, I had Jake talk to Neytiri, Mo'at and Eytukan, they will allow Norm, and I to visit and come into the clan as well. We will be joining you some time tomorrow morning so watch out for us. Kris how are things going who is your teacher I know that my Josefina has that harsh Tsu'tey" Grace teased Josefina as her eyes twinkled but turned her head to look at Kris taking in that lopsided grin.

"Ni'nat is my teacher, she is nothing to mess with though her voice could use some work" he laughed as he held up his hands as a box of tissue flew by his head " You know I'm kidding, she is the head singer in the clan… It's …" he let it trail seeing he lost them. " I will see you in the morning Grace then… I'm beat I'm turning in" He leaned forward catching Grace off guard in a light hug as he touched Josefina's hand in a soothing gesture then retreated out of her room.

"He is becoming softer to the mind...Pandora is doing him good I just hope this works out…" Grace stared at the closed door then back to Josefina , " I will see you in the morning too, be safe you know what you can and can't handle…." Grace stood up and quickly left after she glanced at her clock softly cursing under her breath even before Josefina could say or ask anything like , who was Norm again...Josefina remembered him vaguely in her thoughts as they drifted into a deep sleep.

- Home Tree next morning-

Tsu'tey wanted to get Josefina, or his student at least use to walking beside a direhorse while connected and maybe that would give her a leg up against his other two rivals. Wandering into the alcove he noticed quickly that Josefina had not woken up yet or returned to this body yet how ever he put it she was not here yet.

Going over what little he thought over the night before was almost useless, he was pushing it off, away why would he care anything about this student other than proving she was more fit than the other dream walkers, to show he was the best at training along with being a real warrior. Even if she was a creature few could hold up against, her body was a little more built, but by no means big, she was compact, strong willed, soft spoken yet not..no he couldn't let this affect him any more no this was it just someone to use to beat the others.

Yawning Josefina opened her avatar's eyes or her bodies eyes, she felt better, less pain she felt like she could do more, she was stronger, a smiled played on her lips which faltered as she opened her eyes to look at Tsu'tey who was sitting across from her in the alcove. " I'm late...I'm sorry" Slowly standing as she regained her balance she pushed some hair behind her ears and readjusted her halter top no matter how little it covered and her makeshift thong, she hated the things but was growing use to it.

" late yes...lets go" Tsu'tey motioned to follow him as he quickly walked from the alcove into the opening base of hometree. Walking over toward the direhorses he looked through them and noticed one that was a good height, well built, something a warrior would only hope to ride so of course his student had to have it.

"You...I'm… I can't ride yet , my arm, I need one more day at least.." Josefina walked after him once she noticed where they were headed she could only watch the beasts. She had always wanted to ride a horse, never the money or she was sick by then. They.. were beautiful a new animal to her but she loved them instantly.

"share their mind, walk together, gather together. Strong one, you must show you are warrior that handles well, Jake and Kkk..ris have chosen theirs, you must" Tsu'tey nodded to the direhorse he had picked as he reached for Josefina's braid as he placed in her hand urging her to link them.

"ok…" Josefina took her braid the little tendrils reaching for the direhore's and when then linked she gasped, feeling the horse, it's body, what it felt and she held her stance as she felt the direhorse start to get agitated. Sending a feeling of calmness she could feel the direhorse start to settle as she closed her eyes. Taking in what she could and more she smiled opening her eyes and looking to the dire horse's eyes she could see herself and grinned from ear to ear. She knew she had to gather and where she wanted to go and as the thought ran through her mind she started to walk and the dire horse followed and if not lead the way. Knowing that she had to make her self not dominant over the animal but one, part of, a partner in a sense. Grace's words ran through her head ' one rider a life time'. It warmed her heart.

Tsu'tey watched his arms crossing over his chest, he knew had made the right choice, the beast seemed to connect wonderfully with Josefina. He decided to ride along the perimeter of the clearing he knew that they would be expecting two more dream walkers, two more two many he thought. So he linked with his dire horse and quickly mounted taking to the ride, missing the wind across his body as he rode.

Gathering more plants she knew they were gathering supplies in case war broke out, the feeling sadden her which made the direhorse snort nudging her shoulder , Josefina laughed softly. Some how feeling that the dire horse wanted to go drink from the stream close by she unlinked her braid after giving instruction to come back or she would get lost which her only response was a shake of the head and another snort from her dire horse. Turning her back she went back to gathering humming and losing herself in her thoughts.

Josefina felt the ground shake but she thought it was Tsu'tey returning from where ever he went. Looking up her ears laying flat she saw what she knew couldn't be true, a hammerhead titanothere… why would it be here of all places.. well it saw her as well she stood which seemed to anger it more what ever had already pissed it off. Again she thought again why...she turned to run to run wherever she could away was the plan and that was as far she was able to get before she felt the ground shake. Her blood ran cold, her stomach dropping, then she felt the ground leave her, she had tripped over a vein that was hidden in the thick forest floor. Scrambling she turned her hair falling across her face she saw the hammer head feet away, she couldn't make it.

Hot weather, he hated it he was an indoor kind of person, don't get him wrong he loved pandora with every fiber of his body but he also knew how deadly it was. Feeling the ground shake Norm turned his head to Dr. Augustine " Do you feel…" before he could finish he watched a Navi trip, not like the Na'vi but when he looked where she was running from he saw a Titanothere but when looking back to the Na'vi he saw the thicker build and rushed forward, the girl Dr. Augustine was always praising the one in the picture the one he had seen when he arrived. Run was his thought run, tackle her...

A scream echoed through the forest along with the roar of the hammerhead while Josefina braced herself; she cringed but surprised and yelped while she felt her body thrown from where it was her ankle screaming in pain. Rolling down a slight slope Josefina could hear hollering the Na'vi trying to ward off the wondering hammerhead. Landing on her back the wind knocked from her lungs, stunned she gripped to the heavy weight on top of her, slowly opening her eyes.

"Are you ok?!" Norm gasped, he had never rushed anyone, never jumped in front of danger what the hell was wrong with him he should be by Dr. Augustine still not on top of the doctor's favorite.

"I think...who" She looked into his eyes, taking his clothes Josefina's mind still racing her adrenalin pumping through her body.

"Your Norm…" Josefina whispered before she let the darkness take her and she felt the pull from her Avatar body as she drifted through the rainbow of colors.