I grumbled as my alarm went off. A new trimester at school. I loved MEA so much, it was not fun to go back to school. I threw a pillow as my alarm kept getting louder - the pillow hit and the alarm fell over. But instead now my curtains instead of half-mast went all the way up and the sun shinned brightly into my room. I groaned into my pillow as I pulled the covers over my head. Damn Macey for doing whatever she did to make that work. Suddenly I heard a knock. I groaned and looked up. I plopped my head back down as soon as I saw Zach smirking. Wait a sec! Of course I did a double take, which caused him to laugh.
"Morning Sleepyhead," he told me as I slowly got into a position of resting my elbows on the bed.
"What are you doing in my room?" I asked groggily. I had a right to know, I mean it was my room.
"Making sure you got up and get to school on time. I mean the way you massacred your alarm clock - boy who knows if you would get up or if the person waking you up in the morning would die! It looks like your uniform isn't laid out, do you want me to get that for you?" It took me a whole minute to process what he had just said. Most of it came in a blur. After a few minutes he coughed.
"Can you repeat that?" I asked. It all went in one ear and out the other. He just smirked.
"Get ready for school, or do you need help with that?" I immediately blushed and threw a pillow at him, trying my hardest not to scream. He laughed and ran out of my room. I quickly pulled my drapes so I knew he wouldn't watch. What was up with him?! That's when it hit me - 'I'll be making my moves'. I rolled my eyes thinking of how cheesy that sounded. I slowly got out of bed and put on my uniform. Was he babbling when he came in? I smiled a little bit knowing that I gave Zach some speech problems. The usual passive boy was having a little problem with talking to a girl he actually may like. Then I heard a knock at my door.
"DON'T, come in," I replied a little harshly.
"That's too bad, I don't take orders from you," and just like that Mace came in. she looked me up and down and then said, "You look like a mess." I glared at her. If she was woken up like that she would be just as… uncalm as I was. Then she grinned. "Did you get a wake up call form a certain someone?" she asked. I didn't know whether to think she was talking about Kyle calling me (which would never happen) or Zach coming in.
I guessed option 2.
"Did you tell him too?" I asked suspiciously.
"No, I didn't even know something happened! But now you mention something I want to hear all about it," she smiled mischievously. I shut my eyes and wished for sleep.
"Wait, so he just left after he said that?!" Mace almost screamed. I pushed my pillow over my head trying to drown out the rage coming from Mace. "I cannot, believe he said that and left you hanging," she replied. I shrugged. She just stared at me. "DOES THIS NOT IMPACT YOU?!?!" she yelled at me, then she caught up with her words. Then she grinned.
"You like Kyle."
It wasn't a question, but a statement. Her voice was 100% sure she had cracked the code. I groaned as I fell back onto my bed.
"I knew it! I knew it!" she went chanting around my room in circles with a huge smile. I got up and she shrieked. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?!" I sighed as she came back over to me, to try and fix my hair.
"MACE! CAMMIE! WE'ER GOING TO BE LATE!" I heard Grant call for us and stood up but only got my hair pulled in the process.
"Ow Macey! We're going to be late for school! Did you NOT hear Grant?"
"Screw him. You have to look pretty for your first day of the trimester," she said in a high pitched voice. I just rolled my eyes. My 'prettiness' was only me having my hair pulled back into a pony tail with a headband to keep my hair back. "Alright let's go."
I sighed as we ran down the stairs to Grant waiting in his car.
"God, Grant. Why don't we ever take your car to school?" Mace demanded as we slid in the car.
"Well, I don't want some high school punks keying my car," he responded. I knew Mace rolled her eyes.
"And I'm sure kiddies have nothing better to do than find a nice car and key it," Mace replied. Grant huffed. I just sat in the back seat quietly like normal.
We pulled in a tad late, but still enough students outside to stare at Grant's car. "I'm glad people will see us and immediately get jealous," Mace grinned. Grant and I just rolled our eyes. She was obviously the first to get out. Grant and I waited in the car, hoping that most of the crowd went with Mace.
"Ready to go?"
"You betcha."
We stepped out of the car only to be seen by the whole freshman class and more. Grant stared wide mouthed as I put my hand over my face.
"I thought we had driven this car before," I talked with Grant as we made our way to the school.
"No way, why would I do that? My car is my precious baby!"
"More precious than Bex?" I laughed as he caught himself.
"Get outta here," he joked as he shoved me into a group of boys. They all kind of held me for a second before Grant growled at them. I've never seen a group of boys run so fast in my life. I laughed as we kept walking to my locker. I wasn't surprised with what I saw.
"Cammie I love you?" Grant snarled it out. I had papers all over my locker door with Zach + Cammie = hearts I tried not to laugh as Grant tore the signs down. I never knew Zach was this sort of person. "If there's any more of this…" he didn't have to finish. I already knew he was going to say 'let me know'. But he was just being over protective. I didn't really care. I would let Zach come into the race. I opened my locker as soon as Grant left, only to find notes. I just stared. Why did I start getting notes again?! Suddely my locker was slammed shut.
"Hey, Cammie," Zach said slipping between me and my locker.
"Uh, hey Zach. What's up?" I asked. I was going to be straight forward with him.
He did a double take, probably because I was actually talking to him and not trying to avoid the subject. Then he smirked his signature smirk. "A date," he started out. "Between you and me." I stared at him, as if I were shocked.
"You wish that would happen don't you?" I asked. I guess I wasn't going to be so straight forward. Play a little hard to get, see if he still wants to play. He smirked. He picked up on the game.
"Oh, I'll get you to go on a date with me… just wait and see." With that he moved from my locker and I assumed went off to his first period. I rolled my eyes as I opened my locker once again. I threw the notes into the bucket, but before I did something caught my eye.
There was a note in the bucket. I stared at it, but then realized I must've forgotten to take it out or something like that. I dropped all the folded up pieces of paper back to the bottom of my locker and opened up the note. It was written in nice hand writing. It said:
There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.
I stared at it for a moment. Who the hell would write something like this? First of all what boy has this nice of handwriting?!
"Hey Cammie!" I jumped a little at a familiar voice. I turned around to see Thomas in a Roseville uniform. I looked him up and down and he looked at me in confusion.
"I'm never going to get used to you wearing that," I told him. He shrugged. Then spun around for me. I laughed at him trying to be all lady like. It didn't suite him. "So what class do you have first?" He scrambled to take out the piece of paper folded from his backpack. He quickly unfolded it.
"Uh, first I have Latin," he replied. I looked down at my schedule. I had gym first.
"Uh, alright. I'll take you to the Latin room. Then I'll show you the direction to… what's your second class?" I asked.
"Advanced English," he replied. I stared at him. Was he as smart as Kyle was?!
"Well alright," I spat out. "I'll show you to Latin, then I'll meet you at this spot," I told him stopping in my tracks.
"Wait, where's the Latin room?! We're near the gym!" I laughed.
"Yeah, the Latin room is that one right there," I pointed straight ahead. Well this was going to be simpler than I thought. "Well I'll see you after class!" With that I ran to the gym and into the locker room. I quickly got changed and was out of the locker room before the bell rang.
"Just made it, Morgan," Mr. DeCrans told me. I just shrugged. I was on time, so no big deal. "Today we will be -" I zoned out until everyone started getting up. I quickly got up with everyone else. I had no idea what we were doing.
"So you're going to be my partner right?" I spun around the all-too familiar voice. I groaned as I saw everyone have a partner. I had not choice, but to be paired up with the famous Zachary Goode.
"Cammie!" I looked up to see Bex sliding into the seat next to me. "So how was first period?" she asked smiling.
"Uh, it was fun. Who did you have it with? You seem to be like over joyful," I teased. She blushed a little. "So what class did you have with Grant that you got to sit with him?" I rephrased.
"Introduction to photography is AMAZING!" she squealed. I laughed. The bell rang and our discussion was ended. Or rather let's say the teacher gave us one of the meanest glares of my life.
"Finally, a class with you!" I laughed as Thomas looked a little relieved. "So what do you learn in home economics?" I smirked thinking about how I would be able to tease him about his cooking.
"Cooking, DUH," I stated as if it were the most obvious thing. Well it was the most obvious thing. He just laughed.
"Uh, you got something in your hair," he muttered as he put his hand in my hair, pulling something black out of it. I stared at him. Just as we were about to laugh a hand slammed down on the table. We both looked up startled. There Zach was right in Thomas' face. "Don't touch her, EVER," Zach glared. He straightened up and walked away.
"Just IGNORE him," I spat out. He looked a little confused but then he started to understand. He was about to say something but I cut him off. "Nah, Zach will not kill you. He hates competition. Plus it's not like we like each other," he laughed.
"Wait, he thinks I'm out for you?" he asked me. I nodded. Zach was going to go overboard for this month, trying to get ahead while Kyle was away. "Let's tease him." I looked over at Thomas. He looked serious, but in a fun way. He would never try to pull these kinds of stunts. He was more of the I'm-friendly-outgoing-not-trying-to-pick-a-fight-and-make-enemies type person.
"You're kidding right?" I said in a chuckle. He looked at me dead in the eyes and nodded his head yes. After 8 seconds of staring into each other's eyes I couldn't take it and burst out into laughter. I guess I was too loud because everyone looked at me while I was trying to calm myself down.
"Gee, take it easy," Thomas muttered. I just smiled at him. This was going to be a fun month if he wanted to help me toy with Zach.
"Alright, three classes done, four more to go." We were walking to our next class. "So what class do you have next?" I asked.
"Advanced Geometry," he replied back. Jeez, was this kid as smart as Kyle?!
"Alright, I'll meet you right here," I said right outside of his classroom.
"Where's your classroom?" he asked. I pointed to the one right next to him. He grinned.
"See you later classroom buddy."
"Class dismissed." I got up and ran out the door. Thomas was there standing waiting for me. That's when I realized the girls on the other side staring at him. He saw me and smiled. He came towards me and I saw the girls glare at me. I quickly walked away with him tailing close behind.
"Heeeeeyyyy there, wait up!" I stopped and waited for him as he caught up with a few steps. "Why you walking so fast?" I smiled as we reached my locker.
"Because I wanted to?" I replied, more as a question. He chuckled.
"Is something bothering you?" he asked. I shook my head. How could he read my face so easily? "You lie." Yep, he was definitely able to read my face like an open book.
"What could I be upset about?" I questioned. Then it was his turn to shrug.
"I don't know, but you obviously look somewhat disturbed."
"Psh, like you would know."
"Cammie, I can read your face like an open book." I laughed at how true his words were. He was always able to tell when something was wrong.
I grabbed my lunch and we went into the lunch room. I walked back to my spot Thomas trailing behind. Suddenly I was pulled aside.
"Who is he?" the voice demanded. I rolled my eyes and realized it was Zach. Thomas just looked back but continued walking to the table.
"Who is who, Zach," I replied. I didn't really feel like talking to him, considering I woke up to him this morning.
"Who is that boy! Thomas or whatever!"
"That boy is my friend. So back off if you're thinking of scaring him."
"He knows you well. Considereing he just transferred today, how can he know you so well?"
"Because I know him from before! Why are you hammering me with questions? Just back off and deal with the fact that he knows me!" Zach glared at me.
"How do you know him?" he ground out. I rolled my eyes. He was talking this way to seriously.
"I know him from Gallagher. Happy?" I swear I saw his eyes widen a fraction.
"What's your guys' relationship?" he asked. I almost laughed. He thought that Thomas was going to be a competitor. Then Thomas' words about making him jealous came back.
"That's none of your business," I snapped, making sound like he actually meant a little something more to me. Then Zach's eyes actually widened.
"He.. What…" he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the lunch room.
"Ow, Zach that hurts!" I snapped at him as we exited the room. He threw me against the wall and slammed his head near my head. I glared at him. He was taking this whole jealous thing to a whole other level.
"Who is he!" he demanded. I glared up at him. I had the strongest urge to spit in his face, but resisted.
"None of your business, and don't push him around." I glared at him straight in the eyes to make my point clear, then I pushed his arm out of the way and walked into the lunch room. I tried to keep a straight face until the table. But once I got there everyone laughed so I took it as the chance to let it all out.
"So what happened there?" Grant asked.
"He's just jealous of Thomas and I here," I replied in a joking voice.
"You guys are horrible! He actually thinks you two are dating I bet!" Bex stated, pointing out the obvious.
"Yeah, and we'll just call you captain obvious from now on," Mace replied.
"But you guys are just lifelong-good friends," Grant said, OBVIOUSLY confused. I almost laughed at his stupidity.
"Grant, we'll put this in terms you know. Cammie's and Thomas are pulling Zach's leg," Mace replied. He still looked confused. "They're pretending to be in a 'relationship'." Then he nodded in understanding. We all laughed. The bell rang and we went to our 5th period class. Which was science. Bex and I walked in and we saw Joe and Dhine. We all sat together at the 'experimental tables'. That class flew by with a boring syllabus. Then I went to Geometry with Bex. Again the teacher droned on about her syllabus. It was really annoying. We heard the thing the first day of school! There was no need to go through it again. Finally the bell rang, and I pretty much ran out of class. I was so happy to get out of class. I met up with Thomas and we went to our last class, history. With Solomon. After that class, of actually learning something, I was able to go home. I parted with Thomas, then went to Grants car. No surprise, I was the last person in the car. As soon as my car door shut Grant was speeding off.
What a normal day.
Well… I don't know if that's up in your standards. Quickly wrote it up.
That's your update .wombatsrock. C: