Disclaimer: Aah, yes those wondrous Disclaimers! Well my pretties, I don't own south park in any way, shape, or form. So sorry to rain on your parade! Though, I'm sure I wouldn't be here if I did own south park, would I? On the other hand, I do own the plot and actions taking place in this fan fiction.

Story title: Watercolor

Rating: T (Could change but most likely wont.)

Summary (full): Kyle Broflovski's life just wont get any better. As he's locked in the deep grey world he likes to call 'life' he finds himself questioning who he really is. Now he's addicted to Anti-depressants and many other drugs. Can Cartman save him in time before Kyle does something stupid? Or will he fail? Read to find out.

Pairings: KylexCartman. StanxWendy. Slight KylexCraig.

Warning: Drug abuse, rude language, some things may be taken offensively..

Authors comment: This is just a Prologue, so it's nothing special, and it really does truly suck. Though, if you do like it (which you wont) please feel free to tell me!! Haha, yeah this was a fail (why am I even posting it? Hell I don't know!). Enjoy!! :3


Goodnight. Sleep tight. Just please- don't let those bedbugs bite.

Everything's suppose to have a purpose, right? We're all meant for something, because if we weren't, we wouldn't be here... Would we? I spend most of my days questioning my existence and wondering if life really is worth it.

Let's catch up on a few things for a minute.

I'm Kyle Broflovski, a seventeen year old Jewish boy that lives in the bum town known only as, South Park. My parents are in the middle of a divorce, my super best friend isn't really my friend anymore, and the worst person in the world wont leave me alone. Who? Eric Cartman of course.

I guess I cant complain to much though, because there are people out there with bigger problems right? Compared to them I'm the happiest person in the world. Selfish words can lead to selfish action my dear friend. It's been about five months since my mother and father began fighting.

It's all my fault; I know it is. I'm the reason their fighting, the reason they split-up, hell, I'm the reason for everything. This isn't a home, it's a torture chamber. It's like a war, I don't think peace will ever take place in this house ever again. I still don't understand why my father wont just move out already.

Other than the parent issue, school life sucks also. I used to be the innocent teacher's pet that got all A's. Now, I'm just a regular student. As Stan put it I'm technically, 'An average student that does average work.'

Yeah, Stan and I don't talk as much as we used to, he's to busy with Wendy to give a flying fuck about me anymore. To think, the girl he used to throw-up on took my super best friend away. She's a complete whore anyway, I heard she's had sex with five different boys from school in the last week. Stan's just way to blind to see this. He's living in denial. Complete and utter denial. It's okay though, because I don't feel any pity for him at all.

I suppose life just wont get better for me will it? The sun wont ever shine through the clouds. There is no place over the rainbow. The rain wont go away, and the spider will never go back up the spout again.

I'm Kyle Broflovski, and this is my fucked up story.

Ending Note; Just the prologue, that's why it's so short (of course). Though the actual chapters will be longer, much, much longer. Hope you enjoyed it though. And please, it's my first one don't go to hard on me. Remember: Flames are for MARSHMALLOWS ONLY. :3