Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds


Penelope shuffled around hers and Derek's house she was beyond scared of him coming home, beyond any readable emotion really. She'd already cleaned the place, straightened every wrong angled ornament and now she was convinced Derek would believe she had OCD.

She heard the key slid into the door and braced herself, she couldn't get comfortable or look natural, she was just staring, frozen like a statue. She watched the boots get kicked off and the thud of the go bag hitting the wooden flooring of the hallway and then Derek's shadow chase across the wall. He then came into view and he froze as she stood still.

'Baby girl?' He asked questioningly with a large grin on his face, it'd been nearly 4 weeks since she'd last been held by him, yearned for him, begged him to complete her. 'What you doing up? It's gone 1 in the morning.'

'I'm restless.'

'I can tell.' He said and searched her face. 'What's a matter?'

'Nothing.' She bottled it.

'Penelope, we've been living together for 4 months now, been together a hell of a lot longer, I know how to read you. So what's wrong?'

'Don't hate me.' She said a little scared and she saw him begin to panic. 'Please.'

'Baby you're scaring me, what's a matter? Tell me now.'

'I'm...' She began but the words caught in her throat and she sucked in a deep breath and got over it. 'Pregnant.' She said and then watched Derek just still for what felt like an eternity before his face broke out into over bearing smile.

'Say it again...' He said as he stepped forward, closely the gap that was killing him.

'I'm pregnant.' She told him again, more freely this time. This time as the last letter slipped her tongue Derek picked her up and kissed her, keeping her as close to his body as possible.

'Why would I hate you for that?'

'Because I was on the pill, we weren't trying for a baby.'

'Who cares!' He proclaimed loudly and kissed her again. 'How long have you known?'

'About 2 weeks into the case, I skipped a period and I was worried.'

'How far gone?' He asked almost excitedly.

'Nearing 4 months.' She said and bite her lip, she still couldn't believe it that she was that far gone. 'Seems we did more than Christen this house that night handsome.'

'Seems we started a family too.' He said and kissed her again, he'd become insatiable all of a sudden. 'You've probably made me the happiest man on Earth Baby Girl.' He said and pulled away. 'Now to make you the happiest woman on Earth.'

'I already am.'

'Na uh.' He said and got down on one knee, pulling a box out of his back pocket he looked her dead in eyes. 'Penelope, will you do me the honour and marry me?'

Penelope didn't know if it was hormones or otherwise but right at that moment she wanted to burst out and cry, she began to nod her head and the nodding increased until her lips spoke the words they were meant to. 'Yes.' She said and he jumped up, pushing the ring on her finger all the while pulling her closer and closer to him.

As Derek held Penelope close he knew his life was on the right path, that all the upset and heart ache they'd suffered was meant to be, as Penelope always said, everything happens for a reason and how could he doubt that when he had a fiancée and a child on the way.

Torturing their hearts only strengthened what they knew and now he knew he had everything he's heart desired. 'I'm taking you to bed mamma. You, me and our child.' He said and led her to their bedroom.


A/N: There's the epilogue everyone seemed to want! Hope you liked and thanks for all the reviews! =)