Authors' Notification:

Hello everyone, I just wanted to let everyone who is following this story that I want to put this story under construction. I want to just take the same story, concept and plotline and clean it. Rewrite the hell out of it so it portrays my current writing capabilities. This story was written back in the day and rereading it for me is painful. I still enjoy the plot line so I do want to keep it up for you to enjoy but I just wanted to rewrite it.

If you look on my profile, I will have more information regarding this progress but I will also say it on here, it is very likely that I will not start updating until May. I will be writing in the mean time. For this story I have already started rewriting and I am on chapter 3 already but there is still a very long way to go.

Please send me a review or message with your feedback. Thank you very much for reading.