Author's Note: What is this maddness? She finally updated! Omg I can't believe it. :)

"Come on Luke. It's over now and I need coffee." Lorelai said as she caught up with him outside Miss Patty's.

"I'm talking here, can't you see that?" Luke asked, pointing to Andrew.

"Did you see everything I did in there? I deserve an entire pot of coffee! I deserve coffee whenever I want it. I just took on the entire town that was out for blood. Taylor was particularly Taylor-ish tonight and Kirk was impossible as usual. Don't roll your eyes at me mister. If I had something in my mouth, I wouldn't be talking."

"Let's rectify that situation then." Luke said as he steered her across the street to the diner. "A town meeting has never lasted this long in the history of Stars Hollow."

"Well the Christopher business would have filled an entire meeting by itself. Everything else just added to the insanity."

"I was sensing that. Taylor was smart to keep you for last. It kept everyone from leaving during the recess we had." Luke said as they waked into the diner. Lorelai sat down at the counter. "Thanks Ceaser." Luke said to his cook who was gathering his coat and heading for the door.

"No problem Luke. I had a few customers but not many. I think everyone was at that town meeting. Jess and Rory stayed upstairs all night."

"See you Ceaser." Lorelai said as he was leaving.

"Do you think anything happened up there?" Luke asked.

"Though I haven't checked, I'm pretty sure sex is on the list of no-nos that Rory got from the doctor. We shouldn't have anything to worry about for a while." Lorelai told him.

"Good to know."

"Did your night just get less stressful?"

"It's one less thing I need to worry about." Luke said.

"You and me both, my friend. I had my rebellious teenager phase and we all know how well that turned out."

"Rory's not rebelling against anything."

"With her it's subtle. Add a motorcycle and Jess is the perfect bad boy. I mean come on; he wears a leather jacket for God sakes."

"I'm happy to know that I wasn't the only one worried about history repeating itself. Liz was really young when she had Jess too."

"Oh yeah, I didn't even think about that. They would be the perfect statistical example of what happens when you have kids young and the cycle and downward spiral and all that jazz."

"We never would have let that happen."

"I'm glad you have faith in our parenting skills, which is quite a reversal by the way. You know Luke, not too long ago I was coaching you telling you that this whole parenting thing was possible." Lorelai reminded him.

"I remember I was ready to pull my hair out after those first couple days. Thanks for saving my hair." He said as he leaned on his elbows on the counter in front of her. Lorelai smiled and stole his baseball cap.

"Yeah you wouldn't look good bald. You need a full head of hair." He snatched it back and placed it on his head.

"So, are you ready to tell Rory how it went?"

"I'd almost rather go to Hartford and spend time with my mother."

"It wasn't that bad." Luke reminded her.

"But she's going to be heartbroken that they were mean. Did you not see the restraining order? The only things missing were the signatures."

"That was a little over the top."

"Thank you for seeing the insanity."

"Any time." Luke smiled.

"Luke Danes, what has happened to your face? I thought it had frozen in that Mr. Grumpy Pants patented scowl. Yep, that one right there." she joked as he resumed his normal expression.

"I must have had a stroke."

"Well as long as it wasn't intentional."

"According to you it never could be."

"And as we've covered many a time, I'm always right. Let's go." Lorelai said walking towards the curtain that led upstairs. Luke held the curtain open for her.

"After you."

"Why thank you kind sir." Lorelai said with a horribly fake British accent.

"They better not be making out when we go in there."

"Make a lot of noise before you open the door." They paused at the top of the stairs. "Hey Luke, I wonder what Rory and Jess are doing?" Lorelai said loudly.

"I don't know let's go in and find out." Luke said normally.

"What? You don't want to play my game?"

"No I just want to go in there and see if I have a reason to wash my eyes." Luke opened the door before Lorelai could say anything.

"Look we had nothing to worry about." She pointed to Rory and Jess who'd fallen asleep on the couch in front of the TV. Rory still had her head on the pillow in Jess's lap and his hand was resting on her head.