Hey, I know it's been a while since I updated... I'm sorry! Thanks to everyone who reviewed!!!!!

Disclaimer: Don't own anything, never will, never will want to. (Doesn't Masashi Kishimoto ever get tired of working on Naruto?)

Enjoy the best you can! =]

After Tenten and Ino got their stuff from their homes, they drove over to Hinata's house.

Tenten said, "Ino, do you like anybody?"

Ino blushed slightly and said, "No! I'm not liking anybody this year!"

Hinata said, "You're Ino! You have to like somebody! And besides, you're blushing, meaning you like somebody, but won't admit it."

Ino sighed, "Why do my friends have to know me so well?"

"Just answer the question," said Tenten impatiently.

"Fine! I do! I'll tell you later when Temari and Sakura are with us," said Ino.

"You better," said Hinata.

Temari and Sakura were already there, talking to Hanabi.

"How's school been going, Hanabi?" asked Temari.

"So far, okay. What about you?" said Hanabi.

"Good, good," said Sakura.

"Yeah, what she said," said Tema.

"Oh, hey," said Sakura when she saw Hinata walk in the kitchen with Ino and Tenten.

Ino said, "Hanaaaa!" Ino was obsessed with Hanabi. They loved talking to each other and Ino liked dressing Hanabi up.

"Hi, Ino!" said Hanabi.

After talking for a bit, they went upstairs to put their stuff up. Hikari ordered pizza for them. They had their pizza and they went upstairs. Hanabi had to go to her piano lesson the next morning, so she went to bed early.

"Hina, lets prank call somebody!" suggested Tema excitedly.

"Okay, who?" said Hinata.

Sakura said, "Sasuke!"

Tenten said, "Yeah!"

"Alright," said Ino, reaching for the phone. "You got his number?"

Sakura said, "Yep, it's in my phone, I got it from Kiba. But Sasuke doesn't have my number… Lets prank text him, too!"

Temari said, "Okay, but we have to make sure it seems like there's only one of us. He knows we're having a sleepover now."

"Yeah," said Sakura. "Text or call first?"

"Call," said Hinata. "He's probably still awake; nobody sleeps early on Saturday except for Hanabi."

"'Kay, I'm on it," said Ino. "What's his number?"

Tenten took Sakura phone and said, "Don't forget to put *67."

"Yeah, already did that," said Ino impatiently.

Tenten read out, "657-3654."

Ino dialed the number.

"Hello?" Sasuke answered the phone.

"I have a complaint," said Ino. She lowered her voice so she didn't sound like herself.

"Who are you?" He sounded annoyed.

"I found hair in my apple juice!"


"Hair. In. My. Apple. Juice. And why do you always smell like that? Is it because you bathe in cranberry sauce?"

Sasuke hung up on her.

They burst into laughter.

"Wow," said Hinata. "Hair in my apple juice? Nice."

"I couldn't think of anything else!" said Ino.

"Of course," said Sakura.

"Let's text him next," said Hinata.

"Okay, I wanna do it first!" said Temari.

She took the phone and started texting him.

"What are you saying," asked Tenten.

"Hold on," said Tema. "I'll tell you what happens."


Sakura: i told u i had a complaint.

Sasuke: stop stalkin me

Sakura: im not stlkin u. ily.

Sasuke: wtf? who r u?

Sakura: y do u smell like cranberi saus?

Sasuke: again, wtf? who r u?

Sakura: im… idk who i iz.

Sasuke: … stop stalkin me

Sakura: I LOVE YOU!

Sasuke: WHO R U?!

Sasuke: hello

Sasuke: u dere?


They were all laughing at what Temari texted.

Sakura said, "He's probably gonna suspect us, but who cares?"

Hinata laughed, "Yeah."

"C'mon, guys, let's go outside," said Tenten.

"At eleven at night?" Ino asked.

"Sure," said Temari.

"Why not?" said Hinata.

"It's cool with me," said Sakura.

"Fine," said Ino. "But if we're kidnapped, I swear, I'm gonna murder you guys."

They crept outside of the house silently, without waking up Hanabi or Hikari.

"Take a key, just in case," said Tenten, softly.

"Okay," said Hinata.

She tip-toed over to her purse and pulled out the house key.

"Got it," whispered Hinata.

They silently walked outside and into the street.

"Did anybody bring their phone?" asked Ino. "I did."

They all had brought the phones with them.

"That's where Shino lives," said Hinata pointing to a dark house on the corner of the street. "He lives with his dad and doesn't have any other siblings."

"I never talked to him much," said Sakura. "He always seemed kinda… creepy."

"I know what you mean," said Tenten. "He always says a question before talking. "How did I know that? Because I used my awesome insect book." Nah, I'm just kidding."

Ino said, "But it's true!"

"Yeah," said Temari. "Talk to him a lot, Hina?"

"No, not really," said Hinata. "I remember once in like kindergarten or something, I went over to his house for a "play date". Shino took me to his room and showed me his insect collection… It was kinda gross. Then he put a spider on my arm!" She shuddered. "I never talked to him much after that."

Ino looked disgusted. "Ew, I feel bad for five-year-old Hina!"

"Yeah, same," said Sakura.

"Anyways, moving on to a different subject," said Temari. "What's your answer, Hina?"

"Answer to what?"

"Naruto's question," said Tennie.

"Um… I don't know. I really actually do want to, but I might make a fool of myself in front of everybody. In front of Naruto," admitted Hinata.

Sakura said, "Man, Hina, you should've seen Naruto's face when he saw you singing. His mouth was hanging down by his knees!"

"You've got talent, Hina," said Ino. "You just gotta show it more. This could be your chance."

"Yeah," said Temari. "What Ino said is true."

"And since you want to do it, you should!" added Tenten.

Hinata sighed and thought for a moment. This really could be my chance… Maybe Naruto will notice me a little more… And I do love singing.

"Okay," said Hinata. "I'll do it. For you guys."

Sakura squealed, "Yay! I'm not the only girl in the band anymore! Thanks, Hina, you're not gonna regret this choice!"

Hinata smiled.

Ino said, "C'mon go ahead and call Naruto."

"Now?" asked Hinata, nervously.

"Yeah!" said Temari.

Tenten said, "Go for it, girl."

"Okay," said Hinata. "Call or text?"

The other girls said, "Call!"

Tema said, "Put the phone on speaker!" Hinata did as she was told.

Hinata looked in her phone and saw Naruto's name in her contacts. She called him.

"Hello?" the voice was energetic.

"Naruto?" She was kinda nervous.

"Oh, Hinata! Hey!"


"What's up? Thought you were with the girls or something."

"Yeah, I am. And, um… I just wanted to say, I… I'll join your band."


"Um, yeah, it's okay if you don't want me to anymore…"

"No! It's not that! This is great! Thank you so much, Hina! You won't regret this!"

Hina?! He just called me "Hina"! That's my nickname only my close friends use on me!

"Hina? HINATA? You there?"

"Uh, um, yeah!"

"Great!" said Naruto. "So, um… I was just wondering…"

Hinata was confused, "Yeah?" Why does he sound nervous?

"Um, never mind!" he said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'll… Um, I'll ask you later."


"Yeah, uh, well… Um, I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the art exhibit?"

"Yeah," said Hinata. "You will."

"Cool! Well, bye, I guess."

"Good night, Naruto."

"G'night, Hina."

She turned off the phone and said, "I'm officially a part of the band."

"That was so cute!" exclaimed Ino.

"What?" said Hina.

"He was obviously gonna ask you out!" said Tema.

"But then he probably heard us whispering in the background…" said Tennie.

"Yeah," said Sakura. "Sorry about that."

"We almost got twenty from Hinata!" exclaimed Tenten.

"Oh, yeah!" said Ino. "And he called her our nickname for her!"

"Isn't that just downright adorable?" said Sakura.

"Shut up! He was probably used to you guys calling me that!" said Hinata.

"Sure," said Tema. "Whatever you say."

"What?! Naruto's texting me!" exclaimed Hinata.

"Ooh! What does it say?" asked Sakura, eagerly.


Naruto: r u awake?

Hinata: ya, its only been a min. since we talked!

Naruto: ya, but still… idk.

Hinata: lol

Naruto: so r da otha grls awake?

Hinata: ya y?

Naruto: oh, just wonderin.

Hinata: ok…?

Naruto: can u txt me when ther sleepin? or do u fall asleep b4 dem?

Hinata: uh, okay, ill txt ya l8r.

Naruto: wait, r u showin dis 2 dem?

Hinata: no i just told dem im txtin u.

Naruto: o ok gud i dont want them looking at our txts.

Hinata: k i wont show them

Naruto: thx txt me wheneva u can bye

Hinata: k byee


"Why can't you tell us what he said?" whined Temari.

"Because he asked me not to tell you!" said Hinata

Tenten said, "Did he ask you out?!"


"Jeez, it was just a question…"

"Sorry," said Hinata. "If he does ask me out, I'll give you all twenty each. I swear!"

"Fine," said Sakura.

"Let's go back," said Ino. "It's getting cold!"

They went back to Hina's house and finally fell asleep.

All of them except Hinata…


Hinata: ther asleep r u awake?

Naruto: kwl ya

Hinata: so wht u want 2 say 2 me?

Naruto: i 4got

Hinata: sure u did

Naruto: u dont belev me?

Hinata: no :P

Naruto: i did I swear

Hinata: k whteva u say

Naruto: :P

Hinata: lol so ill cya 2moro. Gtg b4 sum1 notices im txting byee 3

Naruto: k cya l8r bye


Hinata texted a heart to me! She's so pretty… And so sweet… I wish I had the guts to ask her out… Man, she's too cute! Ah…

Naruto fell asleep thinking about Hinata.