The Gourmet and his Family


speed and write

Chapter 1:

The Phone Call of Destiny


For Pierre cooking was his life, well that is until he married Natalie. Now, they're both expecting a child soon, but something will get in the way... Will Pierre make the right decision or not?


I do not own Harvest Moon...

Author's Notes:

Okay, so this is my very first Harvest Moon fanfic. This is based on Island of Happiness. It was hard for me to type this all out cause I only have the game Sunshine Islands. I had to watch vids from YouTube to figure out what will happen. So this fic will be a mix of Island of Happiness and Sunshine Islands and a bit of MFoMT Please forgive me... and please Read and Review!

It was a bright and quiet morning.

Then a knock on a door on a house with a purple roof with a spoon and fork engraved in front, broke the silence.

A girl with a red bandana, and chestnut brown hair, continued to knock on the door. She stopped when the door was opened by a girl with pink messy hair, in her pjs, and has a big bulge in her stomach. She said, "Oh, Morning Chelsea, what brings you here so early in the morning?"

Chelsea replied, "Morning too Natalie! Actually I was going to talk to Pierre."

Natalie wondered, "Why?"

Chelsea continued, "Well, a phone call woke me up this morning. I answered it and it was the Gourmet from Mineral Town, he wants to talk to Pierre." Pierre heard his name and stopped his cooking, "Something about getting the professional title of Gourmet and..."

Pierre quickly rushed to the door and interrupted, "What? The Gourmet from Mineral Town said that?"

Chelsea was surprised by Pierre's sudden appearance, "Uhh... Yeah, he's on the phone in my house right now and..."

Pierre said to Natalie while interrupting Chelsea's dialogue, "I'm sorry dear Natalie, but I have to get this phone call. I'll be right back as soon as I can." And he raced off to Chelsea's house.

"Whoa, that was fast..." Chelsea said as Pierre ran. She chuckled facing her sister-in-law, "That's your husband for you, right Natalie?"

Natalie chuckled as well, "You got that right sis..."

"By the way... Natalie, can I ask," As her sister-in-law stopped in her chuckles, "How's life getting you with Pierre and your soon-to-be child?"

Natalie replied, "Oh, it's going well, sis. There were some small fights from here and there, but overall, it's still going well. So..." Natalie continued with a question in an intrigued manner, "How about you and my brother Elliot? It seems like your marriage has gotten really well."

Chelsea humbled, "'s really nothing. He's just a great husband and all..."

Natalie was curious, "Really?"

"Well..."Chelsea blushed, "He does screw up a lot in the farm, but he doesn't give up. He's sooo sweet in his words. He's become so manly as well. He's just... he's just so... can't find any words to describe it. I just love him so much..."

Natalie started to laugh, "Hahaha!! I can't believe you, of all people, that find my brother attractive." Chelsea was a bit annoyed, "Well, you're not exactly the person I would think to marry Pierre either."

Natalie was surprised but she laughed as well, "But, I really do love Pierre... I guess that makes us even."

Both of them continued to laugh, as they knew what each other meant by falling in love.

"Well, I better go back home." Chelsea said as she stops her laughter, "Elliot is going to wonder where I went. 'kay. See ya" She waved at Natalie.

Back at the Ranch, Pierre continued talking to the Gourmet on the phone, "Yeah... Of course, I'm ready! So, when is it?" As the Gourmet told him the date, his eyes widened in shock, "Really?! A-are you sure? Is there any way to change it?" The Gourmet continued to talk about the rules, and Pierre became worried, "I understand, okay, Good bye." He placed the receiver back on the phone.

Then a voice asked and startled him, "What's wrong Pierre?"

Pierre turned around and saw his brother-in-law, Elliot greeting him, "Are you okay Pierre, oh, and good morning!" "Good morning to you too, Elliot." Pierre greeted back, he continued, "You see, actually..."

Elliot had a feeling that this is not going to turn out good.

Chelsea approached her door and heard noises, "Oh, it seems like Elliot and Pierre are talking," She leaned close to the door and said quietly, "I'll take a peek to see what it is..." She opened the door slowly.

"WHAT!!!???" Elliot said shockingly.

But the only thing she saw and heard was Elliot's shock, and Pierre's worried look...

Author's Notes: I'm still working on the title. Anyways, so there's an ElliotXChelsea thing here as well. I'm gonna marry him soon in Sunshine Islands as well. XD If there are any problems here please tell me and no flames please...and please Read and Review! By the way, I changed a some parts of the story. I just realized that while I was typing up the 2nd chapter...