Hey everyone! This is my newest fic, it's a series of unrelated one-shots. Some will be really short, and some longer, this one is pretty short. One of my first HP fics, and first multi-chapter one.

Please please please please review!!!!!

Thanks a ton and hope you enjoy :)

"Hannah? Hannah, I want to take you to meet some people today" Neville said lightly shaking the woman who slept besides him.

"Hhmm who?" she said waking up.

"You'll see, get dressed" Neville said walking away to let Hannah get dressed. Neville and Hannah had been dating for about a year now, and he really loved her. She had slept over last night, as she had been doing the last few nights.

"Nev, I'm ready" Hannah said walking out of the room.

"Great, we're not taking Floo, hope you don't mind if we Apparate" Neville said.

"It's not a problem, where to?" Hannah asked.

"St. Mungo's" Neville said

"St. Mungo's? Merlin's beard Neville, why are we going there, is your grandma alright?"

"Yes she's fine, I told you we were going to meet some people, you've met my Gran" Neville said.

"Sorry, just paranoid, let's go" Hannah said and she Apparated out of the room with a Crack, Neville followed. Neville walked up to the dummy who just nodded and let them in. The greeter at the front desk cracked a smile when they got there.

"Hello Neville, haven't seen you this week, how are you?" the greeter asked.

"I'm good Teresa, thank you, we'll just be heading up" Neville said.

"Oh of course" Teresa said and Neville led Hannah to the familiar elevator.

"Level 4" Neville said and the elevator started going.

"Neville, why are we going to there? That's for irreversible curses, hexes, etc." Hannah asked.

"I know" Neville said, the elevator stopped and they stepped off and walked into the ward. The first person there they encountered was none other than Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Hello mate, I've seen you here before, how would you like an autograph? Would you like one for your lovely friend too?" Lockhart asked.

"Professor Lockhart" Hannah said.

"Professor? Someone told me that before" Lockhart said.

"What happened to him?" Hannah asked.

"Remember Ron Weasley's wand second year?" Neville asked, Hannah nodded with a grimace.

"Lockhart tried to wipe Ron and Harry's memories with Ron's wand, it backfired on him and permanently erased all his memory"

"I always wondered why he left, is this who you wanted me to meet?" Hannah asked, Neville shook his head and led him back farther to the almost back of the ward. His mum walked forward and placed a candy wrapper in his hand.

"Thanks mum" Neville said, then he turned to Hannah, "Hannah, I'd like you to meet my parents Frank and Alice Longbottom"

Hannah stood there, shocked, she didn't know what to say.

"Do you know why Bellatrix Lestrange was put in Azakaban?" Neville asked, Hannah shook her head.

"For torturing my parents into insanity through the Cruciatus Curse" Neville said, Hannah gasped, then Frank came over and touched Neville.

"Hi dad, Gran's not here today" Neville said.

"Did Bellatrix just do it for fun or something?" Hannah asked.

"They were Aurors, pretty good ones too, also members of the Order of the Phoenix" Neville told Hannah, then he turned to his parents.

"Mum, dad, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Hannah Abbott, she was in Hufflepuff"

Alice reached out and touched Hannah, and looked her in the eyes. There was almost nothing there. How could someone be so cruel and do this to a person? It was basically like a Dementor's Kiss, but almost worst since they had a little bit of their soul left. Hannah felt like she was about to cry.

"Let's go Hannah" Neville said leading her out of St. Mungo's.

"You must be so proud of them" Hannah said, "They gave everything they had to the war"

"I am" Neville said.

"And they would be so proud of you, you fought, you gave it everything you could"

"It isn't enough though, if it was enough, they wouldn't be incapacitated like that"

"It's not your fault Nev, you were how old?" Hannah asked

"One" Neville replied, Hannah inwardly gasped, he'd never even gotten to know them.

"It's not your fault Nev" Hannah said adamantly.

"Let's go home" Neville said Apparating out with a Crack. Hannah silently followed, soaking in everything she learned today about the man she loved.

Hope you enjoyed it :)

Again please please please please please review!!!!

The next chapter should be up pretty soon!
