Not even the soft, silk hangings of my bed could distract from what had been on my mind for years and years. I ran a hand through my long, dark hair as I sat up, my head giving a small spin from where I'd been lying there for so long, trying to catch sleep that kept running away.

I couldn't close my eyes and feel peaceful anymore. I was restless- but not panicked. I would destroy that foolish Prince before my life faded away and…

An image of a great, looming shadow crossed my thoughts. It had two, curved horns on it's head and glowing eyes in it's dark pit of a face that was never seen, but feared. It's large, hulking frame intimidated all, as did the whip it's hand.

I shuddered but told myself I didn't fear it. I didn't have too, yet… I knew it was coming for me. The guardian of the time line: the Dahaka.