Darkness had consumed the sky and everything was still. The stars illuminate the night sky along with the full moon.

There they sat on the dirty ground, feeling dirt stain their clothes, and feeling dirt brush against their skin.

Shea was used to these conditions considering he practically lived in the wild, while on the other hand Chelsea was not so used to these conditions. Sure she was used to being outside since she was a farmer, but she never had any experiences like this.

The female brunette had forgotten her rucksack and Chelsea bit her lip nervously just thinking about it. She had no hair brush, no soap, no tools, no more clean clothes, no more of her goods, no technology, and she had no money on her.

Nothing, she had absolutely nothing, she thought.

Chelsea knew she was way stronger than this, although at the moment fear was consuming her. She has no idea how long she's going to stay in this place with Shea and the very thought of no one taking care of her animals back on her farm brought great horror to her mind.

In order to save the islands, she must collect the sunstones, which Chelsea is successfully collecting so far, and now a certain person is trying to assassinate her because she's the only one who could obtain them. Her life could merely end in a second if she kept her guard down.

All of these negative thoughts kept swirling around in Chelsea's mind and she hugged her legs tightly as she tried not to tremble. She looked into the fire that Shea had made a few inches away from her and bit her lip nervously.

Both Shea and Chelsea were sitting on the ground across from each other in silence.

At the moment, Shea was cooking some fish he had caught a few minutes ago, and he placed all of the fishes on sticks.

He averted his eyes onto Chelsea, seeing her entire body shake, and was puzzled.

"Chelsea, what wrong?" Shea questioned in concern, breaking the silence.

"I-It's nothing, Shea…" Chelsea whispered that lie nervously and continued to only look into her lap.

He wasn't very convinced.

Shea scooted closer towards Chelsea and sat next to her.

Her eyes widened as she felt Shea's palm placed gently on her forehead.

"You dizzy again?" Shea asked slowly, still keeping his hand placed onto her forehead, and Chelsea felt her face grow slightly crimson red.

"No, I'm fine, Shea. Thanks though," Chelsea told him calmly and still didn't look at him.

He took his hand off of her forehead and frowned.

"Why you look sad then?" Shea asked persistently.

Chelsea couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't keep everything locked inside her, and her lip started to quiver. Her entire body started to tremble as she felt tears escape her eyes and she still refused to look at Shea.

"I-I'm so scared, S-Shea! M-My farm is g-going to be a wreck if I-I don't get back there soon a-and everyone is going to h-hate me since I'm not m-making any m-money to support the rest of them a-and I-I could die at any moment b-because of that p-person hunting me d-down!" Chelsea sobbed and she abruptly threw herself at Shea, starting to cry into his chest.

Shea felt very awkward considering he had no idea what to do; however, after a few seconds he started to hold her.

"Anyone can die at any moment. I will not let you die. I will protect you. None should hate Chelsea and farm will be fine. I a strong warrior and I protect you with my life!" Shea comforted Chelsea as he gently strokes her back.

"O-Oh Shea, thank you!" Chelsea stuttered loudly and sobbed harder.

Shea didn't like to see Chelsea like this. She was never like this. The farmer was always so confidant, cheerful, hard working, and so intelligent. She was the very first woman he has ever seen in his entire life and he thought she was so beautiful.

Although, at first he thought she was a threat since he had never seen a woman before, so Shea tried to capture her. His father Wada had stopped him though and punished him immensely.

Ever since that day, Chelsea had visited Shea everyday and brought him fish. Whenever Wada had visited Shea, she brought him fish too.

They got along rather well and Chelsea would often hang with Shea. Most of the time Chelsea would leave Shea in astonishment in so many ways, like how strong she was or her wise words towards him or how she simply always kept him interested.

But then…her visits towards Shea had slowly decreased as a new villager moved in.


He was always keeping Chelsea so busy by asking her so many questions about the farm and that's what Chelsea told Shea. Shea thought that Mark was Chelsea's man, although Shea never really asked her, and for some reason he was scared too.

As memories of Chelsea swirled through his mind, he went into a daze, and Chelsea looked up at him.


"Sorry. Was thinking…." Shea murmured and felt his cheeks slightly turn pink.

Chelsea sat up, getting out of his arms, and wiped away her tears.

"About?" Chelsea asked quickly, sounding casual, and tried her best to smile.

Shea didn't want to answer her question, so he took one of the cooked fish off of the stick, and placed it in front of Chelsea's face.


Author Note: Sorry it's short.

Oh, and thank you to those that reviewed. It means SO much to me.

Well, I'll update when I can and please review, tell me your thoughts.

Thank you.