Disclaimer: No, no, no! I don't own Escaflowne. Igo knowledge was obtained from Hikaru no Go. Poems were quoted from Ise Monogatari and Murasaki Shikibu's Diary. However, the Chinese version on my web site was translated by me. I swear that I am a Chinese and I am not a Japanese craze.

A/N: Minna San! (Waving) The long waited chapter Eight is out! ^@^ Sorry for the delay, but look, this is the longest chapter I've ever accomplished. It is about three times longer than my normal one. Firstly, my web site is almost set up in cooperation with my friend. She draws and I write. I'll post new chapters on the web site prior than fanfiction.net and introduce background music for each chapter. Most chapters were done under the inspiration of a specific piece. If you guys are interested in posting your stories on my web site, just check it out at http://www.geocities.com/lavendergc

Secondly, I hope you guys will understand that it is very hard to introduce Japanese food and igo game. The terminology with a blank explanation in the notes is just a strategy in igo game. Seriously I love Chinese food much better than Japanese food and I am a cooking maniac. I am sorry if the Japanese food described here doesn't fit your appetite. Later on in the story I'll introduce Chinese food. Some of the activities in this chapter are directly from Heian-kyou Japan such as poetizing and hunting. Hitomi's clothes is not a Heian-kyou style, but rather an edo-period style(kimono) for its simplicity. However, the court ladies do apply Heian-kyou style. I am totally broken after writing and footnoting this chapter. I don't even want to check my grammar.

Chapter Eight Departing Arrow

(Beware that there are many cultural references. Please read the notes at the end of the chapter)

"..." for speech

'...' for thought

As soon as Van catches a spellbound Dryden, his inner anger is roaring. His face glooms and promptly his glance bores into the careless adviser like a merciless arrow. What a waste of years of training! He cannot believe that Dryden actually left Hitomi alone outside Kari Sono. Though he is quite amazed by his own unnamed anxiety, he raises from the futon, with perfect calmness. Having politely declined King Goau's invitation for a game of igo, he swiftly walks towards the gate, ignoring everyone's greeting. Currently he is merely occupied by one thought: Hitomi... alone outside... danger... If only he had some time to cool down, he would erase this impulse. But the sight of Allen Schizar amplifies his temper. What's worse is that Allen is now conversing with Hitomi. It sends chills down to his spine and instantly his wild thought is tamed. Since when did he start to unnecessarily concern his captive? 'Right at the beginning.' A faint voice in his heart says. No, he is only upset about Dryden's irresponsibility and Allen's interference. He drops the troublesome topic. Even though Allen will know the existence of Hitomi Kanzaki sooner or later, less contact can still stabilize the situation in Fanelia. Settled by determination, he halts Allen.

Hitomi can easily feel the tension between the two. She has heard about their competition numerous times from Millerna. But today's confrontation reveals more than pure talent rivalry. The deeply locked gaze, the reflexive touch upon the weapons, the icy addressing all gush out years of private hatred. It is unpredictable that the Fanelian court is soaked in complexity. She patiently observes them, waiting for new development.

"I see." Allen masks his somberness, secretly reminding himself that it isn't the right time for action. "Then I'd like to escort the lady inside."

"That is not necessary." Van's dying fury is ignited again. He proudly moves in front of Hitomi. "She was invited by me. I'll take her in."

"Oh?" A hint of surprise sweeps past Allen's eyes, 'Van actually has a partner? It amazes me that we always aim for the same target. But then... the green eyes, the unfamiliar looking and the unbreakable haughtiness... so the rumor is true after all. Aren't we playing a game here? Hime no Kanza...' "Rather interesting. We shall conduct the business in the hunting forest. Do not forget to protect your partner well, Van." He turns toward the entrance. At the moment of passing Van's shoulder, a sardonic smile is displayed at the corner of his perfectly shaped lips: "Scherizard almost stepped on her just a moment ago. I assure you that my arrow is sharper than my horse."

"Are you injured?" Van gazes upon Hitomi gingerly. His tone is quite the opposite of before, though with a bit stiffness, yet fairly sincere. Under his scalding observation, Hitomi detects her own irregular heartbeat. She cannot help but let a surge of heat rise onto her cheeks. Kami Sama, is she actually flushing? She feels ridiculous. But the sheer moment in which she occupies his entire attention leads to a sense of security. In her opinion, Fanel was rude in his conversation with Allen Schizar, nevertheless she can perceive his straightforwardness. Allen Schizard somehow portrays the reverse. Within minutes of contact, she has already sensed a lurking treacherousness behind him, an unspoken bitter dark tale molten as years passing by. Reminding herself to take a note of this fathomless person, she then realizes that Van is waiting for her answer patiently.

"I am fine. He controlled his steed well." Hitomi pauses a little, avoiding eye contact with Van, "Is he also responsible for the plan of refugee camp?"

"Ah... yes." Van replies with reluctance, trying to change the topic. "I'll directly escort you to meet Heika Sama. He is in igotei. You can do whatever pleases you after the talk. Hunting starts as soon as the guests finish chuushoku. Usually mekyaku just watch the game. You can stay with Millerna."

Their steady footsteps echo soothing rhythms along the stone path as their sandals strike the pebbles. Like a narrator, the autumn wind brushes across the exuberant bamboo leaves, freshly filling the blank of silence. The evaporating fragrance of shoubu surrounds the illusion casted by dawn light, looming layers of mystic vail. Hitomi's eyes dwell on the whole scene: The harmonization of strength and softness has achieved its peak. There are not many people who still remember to use shoubu to dilute the bloody storm brought by hunting activities. The antique wooden cartwheel seasons in a pond of purling autumn water which is lightly scurrying through the gap of the age-old arch bridge. From time to time fast paces are heard from the deep corridors and relaxing laughter is sprayed through the opening of sliding doors.

As the number of bushi gradually increases, Hitomi knows that she is quite close to the destination. By instinct she slows down her pace. Having detected her uneasiness, Van picks up a shoubu on the way. Abruptly his lean and dark figure turns to face her, the agate eyes glistening with resolution. He looks at her intently before handing the flower to her: "Shoubu grows most beautifully in the cruelest environment. Its aura can erase all traces of hunting. Bear in mind that Heika Sama is a man of wisdom."

"Why do you speak of comforting words to me?" Hitomi casts her eyes upon the vital flower, her tone with a hint of doubt, "We are enemies, aren't we? I... hate you."

"Nothing more than fact." Van carelessly walks forward, but pauses after a few steps. "If you hadn't passed my expectation, you would never see Heika Sama in your life. Perhaps ending your life under my sword would be more fortunate. But you live... I have to admit that keeping a rival right beside me makes me alarmed."

"As you wish." Hitomi replies calmly, her spirit lifted. The war is about to begin...

The historical igotei is fully embraced in a sea of scarlet maple leaves like a mesmerized solemn battlefield. Four-side bamboo curtains are slightly raised, providing a delicate threshold for bloodstained leaves to dance with the wind, to drop onto goban paved with shiroko to kuroko, to display the unspoken struggle. The steam from ocha dissipates into air, following the players' thoughts into a weaponless slaughter.

"Hm... Damezumari is not enough? Then I've lost by two moku." King Goau strokes his beard. His eyebrow is deeply in lock. Extremely stalwart and brunette, with precious dark hair at his age, he creates another version of Van Fanel and only the wrinkles on his forehead due to concentration can reveal much more enriched experience. "What's Allen's opinion about this game?"

"It is quite impressive that Heika Sama was only two moku behind Balgus Gosei, and the difference began at yose. Of course, to outrun Gosei is not an easy task."

"General Schizar is always a pleasant company, isn't him?" Balgus has a rumbling voice. That deeply cut scar across his right eye leaves him ferocious yet calculating. His well-built muscles rippling under the clothes make it hard for people to believe that such a fiendish warrior can also be a master in the most delicate game. "Heika Sama seems to be occupied by something. Allow me to take a guess-did your Majesty end the game earlier purposely?"

"Ha, you never lose your keen blade, Balgus. Let's end this soul-seeking game, shall we? The person I am waiting for has arrived." King Goau lightly taps the goban using his sensu. His annatto eyes sharply scan over the two people entering the curtain.

Merely a split second of eye contact shakes Hitomi. She has expected to see cruelty and perverseness, but is greeted by a surging wave of depth and magnificence, free from ignorant hegemonism. She is frightened beyond any word description. This is the first time in her life that she desperately wants, but fails to read one's inner world.

Averting her sight, she finds Allen Schizar is toying with the porcelain teacup in his hand, a faint smile dangling at his lips. Instantly she realizes his amusement-Van has already bowed down to King Goau, yet she alone is still engrossed in gazing. Slightly embarrassed, she lowers her head gracefully.

"I am pleased to meet the only bloodline of Kanza here. Tell me, what do you see in me?" Goau's majestic voice resonates in the overly quiet igotei. The tone isn't colored by any berating or sarcasm indeed, but the omission of title calling does its entire job stabbing Hitomi profoundly. She is denied for the position as a Queen.

Holding down her anger, Hitomi replies coolly: "Forgive my imprudence, Heika Sama, but I am more than willing to learn your true side even though the mask is too thick for digestion."

And the air freezes. Hitomi can hear that everyone else has simultaneously sucked in a deep breath. Only the wind coyly sneaks inside, straying away the smoke rising from the heated tea, but failing miserably to lighten the tensed mood.

Goau's fingers sink into go-ke and twiddle the stones gingerly. He gradually closes his eyes into a meditation. His high cheekbones are gleaming of aureole in the golden daylight. A weak smile appears almost invisibly under his mustache. Ages seem to have passed till he finally speaks: "I prefer talking with Hitomi Hime, privately." Without a tinge of hesitation, Van, Allen and Balgus rise and leave igotei.

"Sit." Goau points to the futon that was previously occupied by Balgus. Hitomi crooks one eyebrow questioningly, but obliges the command nevertheless after lifting her arms to neatly arrange the wide kimono sleeves.

"How is it to play a game with me? You can use kuroko. Douzo." Goau's glimmering eyes focus solely on Hitomi's face. Neither stubborn like Van nor attractive like Allen, his calming voice is oozing unquestionable authority.

"Hai. Onegaishimas." She picks up the first stone after flipping open the lid. Securely pressing the stone between the slender forefinger and the middle finger, she taps it onto goban with confidence.

"Pachi!" Upper right corner kosumi... 'He is a farsighted thinker, not a simple warmonger.'

"Pachi!" Lower left hoshi... 'The solemn momentum, the ruling power, the heroic ambition, like a rigorous battlefield... Totally different from the feeling when I played Millerna.'

"Pachi!" Upper left hoshi... 'Such experienced and confident gesture. He must be a master.'

"Pachi!" Lower right hoshi... 'The four corners have been stabilized.'

"Pachi!" 5-3 kakari... 'But why did he choose igo to communicate with me?'

"Pachi!" 3-3 tsuke... 'Could it be?'

"Pachi!" 3-2 sagari... 'To read my heart?' Hitomi suddenly opens her eyes widely. What a formidable present. As far as she can recall, go used to associate with ancient spirit, a game of pattern searching, strength confronting, and spirit clashing. From the shape and path one draws, his or her personality can be revealed as one chooses to defend, to attack, or to explore in joy, in tears, in wrenching, in anger, and in desperate. Then how will she present herself?

"Pachi!" Hane... 'Should I win or should I lose?'

"Pachi!" Nobi... 'His fuseki is flawless. I'll have to wait and adjust myself in chuuban.'

"Pachi!" Goau's forceful imprint makes Hitomi grip her right fist tightly in go-ke. Unconsciously she pouts her mouth open, but doesn't enunciate anything. Her heartbeat is erratic: 'Maybe hasami is better, but he seems waiting for kosmi. Right, I'll just give you kosmi!'

The tapping sound of go stones ripples in the lonely feature of igotei, hinting the invisible sparks. When the elder locks his gaze with the youth, only the two of them can understand each other through the cautious defence, the beneficial assault, the sly plotting and the plucking heart cord. The flow between souls never needs a word being spoken.

"Makemashita." Hitomi wilts her head, solely focusing on goban where stones have been rearranged for territory counting. "A difference of roku moku."

"Arigatou-gozaimasu. You played well. The stones were lively and you were courageous in Chuuban. Your thought was deep for each step and you have mastered mokusan. The adjustment was done so naturally."

Goau's last compliment thunders in Hitomi's ears. Did he actually see through her effort? Shouldn't he be annoyed? Series of questions are circling in her mind and enticing her to peek at Goau carefully. He looks content and appreciative, but his true intention is hindered under his bottomless orbs. Goau clears his stones and claps his hands twice. Immediately a female servant comes in, bowing with respect.

"Lead our guest to the dining pavilion for chuushoku."

Her heart is pounding, too curious for the outcome of this meeting, but she restrains herself with years of court training. "Then I'll resign myself." Hitomi gets up fluidly; the friction between the silky kimono disperses an air of haughtiness.

Watching her fading shadow, Goau leisurely sips a little bit ocha, voicing only audibly to himself: "Hm... A difference of roku moku? This compensated for the disadvantage of my shiroku. You wanted to be treated equally, refusing taking advantage of the benefit of kuroko. Such pride... yet with perfection. I'll keep you under my eye for this moment and we shall see your fate later!"

"Pachi!" Goau strenuously puts down a black stone, recovering the previous kifu.

Sound and fury is drenching Hitomi as illusion. 'And this is the Fanalian court life.' She observes coolly, almost repulsively. After entering the dining pavilion, she is bombarded by shimmering colorful silks. Every court lady has chosen a unique shade for the occasion. Some of them are even bathed in several long robes to give an array of kaleidoscope at sleeves. Motifs such as leaves, flowers, or sea are delicately woven onto the dress, adorned by golden dust and mother of pearl. Hitomi's pale clothing bites back at the rich enchantment, releasing a touch of coldness into the steamy room. She shifts her sight between left and right and is disgusted by the thick make-up on their faces. 'Kami Sama, some of them are not even twelve!' she blinks. They all look the same as ningyou-powdered cheeks, darkened eyebrows, lifeless eyes and bloody mouths from which secretive murmur and playful taunt are turned into void. Among the entanglement of hair and ribbons, she spots a flash of pink. Millerna is lost at a corner, dully staring at the painting on the sliding screen.

"Why isn't Dryden accompanying you?" Crossing the pile of trains, Hitomi calmly sits beside Millerna. Some court ladies cast suspicious gaze on her, but she manages to ignore them, concentrating in her inquiry.

"Oh, it's you, Hitomi..." Millerna abruptly wakes up. The disappeared liveliness has fully recovered. Pouting her lips, she replies: "Dryden went with Van Sama for chuushoku. It is the tradition that we have to be separated before poetizing. Van Sama wasn't pleased somehow. Did something happen?"

"I don't know." The confrontation between Van and Allen flashes in Hitomi's mind. 'Better not to step in other people's business.' She reminds herself. Changing the topic, she asks: "What are you looking at?"

"That painting." Millerna points her finger at the sliding screen, admiration in her tone, "Kirei."

Hitomi turns her focus, also taken aback by its exquisite and poetic mood. A young man is sitting outside a country house, thinking of two maidens inside. His cloak printed by passionflowers is paved on the grassland, waiting for its host to write down a love poem.

"The scene was taken from Ise Monogatari. It said that a noble man called Narihira hiked to countryside and surprisingly met two beautiful maidens. He thus wrote a love poem on his cloak and sent it to the maidens. The poem went like this:

Young maiden-flowers of Kasuga, you dye my cloak;

And wildly like them grows,

This passion in my heart,

Abundantly, without end."

Millerna gapes at Hitomi as the poem rolls spontaneously at her lips. She is both curious and conquered by Hitomi's vast knowledge. At this moment, Hitomi has locked herself in an inaccessible world of mystery, standing out from the rest Fanalian court ladies. Millerna can't help but asks: "Then how did the two maidens reply?"

Hitomi smiles: "They wrote him back. But not many people remember it now. It went:

For whom has my heart,

Like the passionflower patterns of Michinoku

Been thrown into disarray,

All on account of you."

Hitomi is about to explain the meaning to Millerna when a sudden noise invades her senses. The sliding screen was pulled open and a pool of golden and orange enters the room. "Merle Sama..." All court ladies stand up obediently. 'Fanel's sister, who I argued with for my sword. Here comes the trouble that I should tolerate quietly today.' Hitomi sighs, following Millerna to bow down deeply.

Merle makes a gesture to order them to sit back. The golden bracelets on her wrist strike to produce a clear clink. She gathers her loose pink hair-and the action proves to disturb Hitomi greatly, making her secretly guess the source of that color. As lazy as a feline, she positions herself at the middle raised-dais. Her azure blue eyes reflect a tinge of boredom, but her curved lip corners betray her to announce a secret. "Bring up the lunch!" She raises her hand to stifle a yawn.

A group of servants flood in and place oshiki in front of each guest, brightening Hitomi's sight. She was greatly disappointed by the food in Prince Residency, but the chef in the palace apparently rejuvenate her appetite for Fanalian food. Bowls and plates glazed by golden tassels are arranged in an ordered geometric shape. Cedar hashi are embraced by leaf-shape chopstick holders. Freshly green spinach and yellow bonito serve as an appetizer. Smooth and delicate chicken mushroom soup dissipates its steam into the thin air. Walnuts, gingko nuts, kamaboko, burdocks, eggs and star-shaped carrots add a rich autumnal flavor into harvest rice. Pink butterfish adorned by oily green ginger shoots almost make people drool; braised chicken balls and turnips melt in the mouth. Soft yellow sweet potato balls twisted by tea cloth mingle with green tea powder as the desert. The warm Fanalian mitsusake are poured out of tokkuri, its fragrance hypnotizes one's senses.

Hitomi delightfully picks up the chopsticks and enjoys the first satisfactory meal ever since she came to Fanelia. Slowly biting into the delicious food, she glances at Millerna, who obviously can't resist the temptation either and pushes up the consumption speed without destroying her ladylike behaviour. Detecting Hitomi's side-glance, she coyly mops her lips and flashes an innocent smile: "Food doesn't taste this good back home..."

"Why didn't Fanel use any court chef?" Hitomi's curiosity kicks in, although she realizes that speaking during eating is quite improper.

"The on-going war has caused many wounded soldiers to lose their fighting ability. They weren't qualified for payment and provision anymore. Van Sama didn't like the idea that these men weren't taken care of after their service to the country, so he took them in. Some became servants, gardeners, or cooks. Naturally the food in Prince Residency doesn't taste great." Millerna's expression is grave, "Van Sama really is nice, surely you can put down the prejudice."

Hitomi lifts her cup and sips some sake. She is silent. Memories are playing tricks in her mind. Sometimes Fanel is bold and haughty, while other time he is quite gentle and thoughtful. Hitomi is shocked to find out that her early hatred towards him is a bit blurry now. As the warm sweet sake coats at her throat, her heart cord is plucked by an idea that if only she had met Fanel at another time at another place, they would probably become good friends. And that's when the word "if" rushes in and makes her heart sink. She chews on her lips: "I wish I could, Millerna. But we are destined to be enemies. We weren't given a choice at the beginning." 'But people make their opportunity.' Millerna thinks aside, deciding not to push the matter further.

After all the vessels are taken away, the ladies are called to gather at the raised-dais and kicho is drawn to divide the room into two parts. The flavor of sandalwood and apple rises from the incense burner in the shape of a brilliantly plumaged pheasant overglazed with enamels, expelling any food remanence. The sliding screen is again pulled open. Hitomi vaguely sees three people entering the room through kicho. She looks around and discovers that other court ladies are beaming with both excitement and nervousness. Some of them even let out a little giggle.

"Would Merle Sama pick out five ladies for poetizing across the curtain? Van Sama will choose his hunting company among them." Hitomi recognizes Dryden's voice at once. She turns to Millerna and sees her nodding understandingly. Hitomi tugs her long sleeve at ease. Merle didn't find out her at all and surely she is not going to make a scene. Her task was already fulfilled after the meeting with Goau. She will spend the rest of the time unnoticeably.

Merle is feeling rather languid right now to face the riot. She is quite impressed by the sensation aroused by her brother's popularity. In a Fanalian hunting competition, it is absolutely legal to shoot the opponent and his partner. Hunting means to be a test of horsemanship, archery, and defense. The court ladies don't even realize that they are bargaining their life with a fantasized romance. Scanning through all these flushed cheeks, hopeful eyes, and chattering lips, Merle randomly points to four ladies and announces their names. Her searching finally stops at a certain girl in white and she sneers to stress the name: "Hitomi." Greatly pleased to watch an expression changing from serenity to shock and then anger, Merle playfully flares her nose and poses a devilish smirk. As soon as her own gaze locks with Hitomi's, she can't help but puff herself up. She has spotted Hitomi right from the beginning. It's her duty as a princess to be familiar with each court member. Obviously someone wearing white is not going to slip away effortlessly. She has guessed that Hitomi was invited by her brother, so doing her brother a favor isn't that bad. On a second thought, General Schizar isn't some one to play around with. His arrow mostly will hurt that beggar from Kanza if he is as ruthless as usual being her brother's opponent. 'You'll pay for taking my sword. Now come and try my sharp claws.' Unconsciously Merle licks her lips.

Detecting the jealousy glare throwing at her from other ladies, Hitomi winces inside. She bites down the urge to scowl in front of Merle and moves forward to the futon behind kicho.

At the other side of kicho, Van gulps down his surprise. He knows too well that his sister is spoiled and mischievous, but this time she is testing his limit. He narrows his eyes, deciding it's still too early for Merle to play tricks on him. He finds Allen Schizar is smirking disturbingly and he has to oppress the impulse to shoot down his rival without considering the felicity of all Fanalian women. Gathering his muse, he clears his throat and twirls a poem over the tongue:

"How sad for him who stands the whole night long,

Knocking on your cedar door,

Tap-tap-tap like the cry of the kuina bird."

As soon as the last syllable disappears, a sigh of sympathy is generated among all ladies. Van's poem seems plain and neutral, but digging deeper reveals a tugging disappointment that can melt everyone's heart. The flow of emotion is almost sensual. Hitomi tightens her eyebrows. So far she has perceived Fanel as a stubborn individual who is not capable of refinement. Apparently she is wrong. She reminds herself not to be pointed by him, causing more troubles than what she has already been involving. Brainstorming for a moment, she has plotted a way out. She patiently waits for her chance to come and forges her intention into the poem:

"Sadder for her who had answered the kuina's tap,

For it was no innocent bird,

Who stood there knocking on the door."

The room is ashily dead. Hitomi raises her sleeve to stifle a laugh as various astonishment and pity cast on her. She totally grabs their thought-how could a nobody dare to defy the heir to the throne, to beckon death in a careless manner? Being with Fanel for more than one month, Hitomi believes that she knows more about Fanel than most of them do. He is too proud to take the poem seriously, too self-reliant to spill his wrath upon a female in public. And he is too agile to miss her refusal.

Van takes in a deep breath, playing with Hitomi's crystal words in his mind. Suddenly he grins mischievously. Kanzaki Hitomi's teeth are nowhere blunter than a month ago. It was not his original intention to expose her in front of the court, but now he has changed his plan-any other court lady only bores him to no end and he'd like to go for a challenge. "Tsk, what a sharp tongue, lady Hitomi! I hope you'll keep the same blade in hunting." His tone is rather of amusement, enticing ripples at the other side of the curtain. Now the choice has been made.

Hitomi grits her teeth, smearing away a sheer volume of perspiration on her forehead. She can imagine her lips are pretty much swollen by now. Easing away the heat caused by agitation, she goes across kicho and stares nonchalantly at Van. The blazing green eyes prickle on Van's stoical face, looking for an answer: "Could anything possible to stop you?" Her question is vocalized in a feebly low tone, but her rage is lucid.

"Won't you regard it as an opportunity to know each other better?" Van boldly pulls Hitomi to his side under Allen and Dryden's attention, leaving her breathless. He rarely acts rashly, but declaring his possession in front of Allen gives him a pleasant sensation. Besides, seeing Hitomi's blushing cheeks and puzzled eyes is quite enjoyable, as if a glimpse of her innocence under her haughty mask. He admits that he has become a lot more childish lately.

Allen silently keeps the interaction between the two in his heart, repressing his astonishment. The relationship has been pushed to a position of delicacy. No, the icy cold Van is trapped without realization. Although Allen is not sure about Hitomi's attitude, he vaguely senses her waver. 'The situation is indeed unpredictable.' He indulges in his thoughts, 'I have to revise the plan. Whoever in love is bind, Van. I have waited six years for your weakness and now is the time.' His gaze accidentally pauses at the painting on the screen. Supporting his chin with two fingers, he gains the idea for poetizing.

"I'd like to do something different from before..." His smoothly mesmerizing tone arouses some chuckles behind the curtain. The segregation serves well to manufacture an illusion. "I'll pick out one poem from some literature and whoever replies correctly first will be my partner. Do you hold any objection, Hime Sama?"

"It sounds all right. Do as you prefer." Merle's high pitch permeates through kicho.

"Then I shall start." Allen closes his eyes and dips into the world of poetry.

"Young maiden-flowers of Kasuga, you dye my cloak;

And wildly like them grows,

This passion in my heart,

Abundantly, without end."

As soon as his voice drops, a sweet and delicate reply is delivered from the other side, quivering with hesitation and coyness:

"For whom has my heart,

Like the passionflower patterns of Michinoku

Been thrown into disarray,

All on account of you."

Hitomi sighs. She can't mistake the voice for another-no doubt it is Millerna. Luck has descended from heaven that Allen Schizar picked a poem explained previously by her. Gingerly she turns to Dryden and is instantly engulfed by his overflow of shock, regret and agony. Beads of sweat are condensed at his eyebrows, shadowing his void black orbs that seem to almost burn down the curtain. With his usual calculating and casual attitude gone, he bites down his lips hard that they nearly bleed. His knuckles turn white at his fastened fists.

Millerna's feathery voice used to bring him great joy, but now it burdens him like a solid load. He feels numb and there is only one thought hovering in his mind, or rather a painful moan: Kami Sama! She got it right." He cares least whether she answered correctly or whether she has the chance to be with Schizar. It is actually Millerna's palpable excitement that has hurt him the most. He has always been deceiving himself that Millerna's infatuation with Allen Schizar is merely a young girl's fantasy of curiosity and admiration, but now he realizes that he is the dreaming fool. All he desires now is to cut Schizar into half. Yes, it will be a relief. His hand uncontrollably gropes for the sword at his waist, yet his eyes meet with Van's concerning gaze. Suddenly he is cooled and ashamed. How could he forfeit the promise to Folken Sama? He swore his allegiance to Van Sama at that fateful night. He would and he will sacrifice anything for Van Sama. As a puppet without soul, he watches Millerna across the curtain and mechanically follows Van without a word spoken.

Hitomi simply stares at the shiny black steed in awe. "Escaflowne? You really have a strange name..." The raven horse snorts, eyeing her back skeptically. "Kirei, can I touch you?" Her slender fingers tentatively reach out to stroke its ridge, but Van's warning booms at her ear: "If I were you, I would not put myself in this risk. Escaflowne doesn't like being touched by strangers and one kick is enough to blow you away. War horses are wild."

Hitomi hesitates for a moment and obeys him. Abruptly Van's powerful arms snake around her waist and lift her up. Her heart almost leaps out her throat. Burning deep red, she squeaks: "What are you doing, Fanel? Put me down!"

"Relax. Just put you onto the horse back." Van's expression is stern, but somehow Hitomi detects a tinge of teasing in his statement. She is positioned securely on the saddle and within a blink of second Van flings himself on agilely. At the contact both of them are electrified, and the pleasurable sensation is enhanced by the friction between their clothes. Waves of heat are transmitted from his firm abdomen to her sensitive spine, providing a reliable lock.

"I... I do know how to ride. There is no need..." Her throat is extremely dry, making her unable to finish the sentence. Van lightly chuckles, his warm breath tickling at Hitomi's soft neck, hypnotizing her: "But unfortunately, you are not wearing a bushi suit today. So listen to my instruction, or else just get shot by Schizar."

Van's sizzling words resonate at her side, alluring her to slip out of control. Finally gathering her thought, she recriminates: "It is you who should be careful. Millerna is General Schizar's partner. You won't try to shoot her down, will you? What a disadvantage!" While striving to calm down the involuntary shivering, Hitomi squirms to adjust her position-sidesaddle is definitely not comfortable. This proves to be more troublesome for Van. He emits a low growl: "Firstly, don't move without permission; secondly, hold on tight to the rein." Taking over the quiver and the bow that were handed into him, his gloved hands carefully caress each arrow carved with his name and confidently catapults the bow, driving out whooshing sound.

"All right. Open the gate!" At his majestic command, the servant opens the stable. Van briskly whistles and instantly Escaflowne dashes toward the forest. Accompanied by the robust gallop, two of them are flying like whirlwind. Their bodies clash from time to time, further stimulating the exchange of thermal. The towering sugiura back away swiftly. The head-on autumn wind graciously tucks Hitomi's jasmine-like body fragrance under Van's nostrils. 'A perfect match... A blessing...' Heedlessly Van holds the rein, almost neglecting an arrow speeding toward him. It ends up at a tree right behind him. "Kuso!" He curses, regretting his distraction, "Lower down your body! Take a hold on the rein! Schizar is close."

"You are absolutely right, Van. That one was just a warning. The next one is for real. Now protect Lady Hitomi well. I won't break the promise I made at the front gate." Allen Schizar scurries from the left side of the forest riding snowy Scherizard. Millerna's petit body is hardly seen under his golden cape. His previous clear ocean eyes are now darkened with clouds, emitting killing instinct.

"Bring it on, Allen." Van arrogantly twitches his mouth, but inside he is more than worried. Hitomi was right. He can't take the risk of shooting down Millerna. His arrows are meant for boars. The only way of winning this match is to hunt down the boar first. Just at the right time, Hitomi's weak but crystal voice rings in front of his chest: "Take the right path ahead. I've just seen the footprints." "What?" Though he doubts it, there is no time to lose. He lashes on Escaflowne to run at the right direction.

Turning his bridle, Allen whistles to Scherizard to follow Escaflowne. "Running away? Not so fast! Now look carefully where my arrow is going." He swiftly positions the second arrow on the bow, pointing precisely at Van's right shoulder. Hastily pressing the horse's stomach, Van firmly locks Hitomi's slim waist. His adrenaline is pumping. "Down!" Eyebrows knitted, face clouded, he daintily escapes from the swishing second arrow.

"How far is the target?" His senses are alarmed. The dripping green of matsu, the blinding glory of the sun, the clarity of the wind, the musk smell of the old soil, all thrash at him, blurring into mush. "The spacing between its pace is reducing and the prints are shallower. It should be within hundred steps. You should slow down Escaflowne." Hitomi sharpens her sight, cautiously calculating. From his previous experience, Van knows too well that boars like to hide in bushes. Continually turning the bridle, he scans the surrounding and sees Allen coming from behind. Silently he curses. If they start the fight again, the boar will take the chance to escape.

Suddenly Hitomi points at the front. Shiny paleness is extremely obvious in the sunlight-there is the pair of protruding teeth of the boar. "Ima!" Her calling is tender but determined. Keeping steady, Van proficiently clips an arrow on the bow. With his left hand's forefinger and middle finger stabilizing the tip, his right arm easily expands the bow to the fullest. While closing his right eye, his left eye is dancing with crimson fire.

Allen Schizar displays a cruelly sweet smile-he has caught his rival's most vulnerable moment. He detachedly grips the third arrow and the sound of departing quakes in the air. When the iron weapon leaps and rotates across the distance, it is met by an unexpected collision. "Dong!" The vibration startles everyone, including hundreds of nesting birds winging into the sky. Hundred steps away, the heavy trunk of the boar is twitching in dust. Saliva and blood are seeping from its hideous mouth. Between the two steeds, Allen Schizar's arrow is rooted into the ground. A tiny little white stone lies not so far away from it.

"Shiroko as a weapon?" Allen hisses. His azure eyes focus on Hitomi and never loosen. Gilded by light, her apathetic feature is just profound.


1) Igo: as mentioned in previous chapters, it is an Asian board game played with 181 black pieces and 180 white pieces. Ancient Chinese used white stones(shiroko) to go first. After 1956 China concurred with Japan to use black stones(kuroko) as first move.

2)Igotei: a garden pavilion where people play igo.

3)Chuushoku: lunch.

4)Mekyaku: female guest.

5)Shoubu: a kind of flower, like cattails. It actually blooms in summer in Japan. Sorry about the flaw in season, but I need its metaphorical meaning.

6)Goban: igo board. The best ones are made of kaya, a kind of tree. Goban is carved by black lines (19x19) into grids. Unlike chess, go stones are placed at the intersections of the lines, not in the grids. There are 9 darkened dots/intersections on goban, called stars(hoshi). The middle one among them has a special name called "tengen".

7)Shiroko to kuroko: white stones and black stones.

8)Ocha: green tea.


10)Moku: one empty intersection surrounded by either all black stones or all white stones. Moku is a measurement of "chi", land. The player who gains more land (more moku) wins the game. Since black goes first, it does have some advantage. To offset the advantage, bonus points are given to white at the end and it used to be 5.5 moku(go-moku-han) and recently it is set to be 6.5 moku. The half moku is to avoid even hand. This rule is called komi. But in the story I didn't use komi because it didn't exist in ancient China or Japan.

11)Yose: the end part of the game.

12)Gosei: master of "go".

13)Go-ke: the container for go stones, made of wood or rattan.

14)Hai: yes. Words like "douzo", "onegaishimas" are standard greeting in a go match. People bow to each other when saying these words, but Goau omitted the bowing ritual since he was a king.

15)Pachi: the sound of placing stones onto the board.


17)Hoshi: star.

18)Mokusan: the process of calculating how much territory each player controls.






24)Fuseki: the opening of the game.

25)Chuuban: the middle of the game.


27)Makemashita: I lost.

28)Roku: six.

29)Kifu: record of steps.

30)Ningyou: puppet.

31)Kirei: pretty.

32)Ise Monogatari: One of the diary literature in Heian Kyou Japan. The famous Genji Monogatari was also one of many, written by Murasaki Shikibu.

33)The first and the second poem were quoted and translated from Ise Monogatari. I do have the Japanese version and I translated it into Chinese in a quite elegant way. If any one wants to read it, you can go to my web site. Kusaga and Michinoku were place names.

34)Oshiki: tray.

35)Hashi: chopsticks.

36)Tokkuri: sake bottle.

37)The food presented here is a traditional harvest-time meal(Kaiseki Ryouri). The key things about traditional kaiseki dishes are season(kisetsu), vessel(ki), occasion(kikai). Unlike Chinese people, Japanese are very concerned about the harmony of vessels, food, decoration and season. A wrong combination of shape and color will kill some rigorous people(^_~ not literally). Chinese are more concerned with taste, nutrition, then color and fragrance. Vessels are less important. The six dishes applied in my story are(in order): Horenso no ohitashi; Tori sasami to shimeji no suma shijiru; Aki no takikomi-gohan; Sudori-shoga; Tori dango to kabu no nimono; Satsuma-imo no chakin shibori.

38)Kicho: curtain.

39)The third and fourth poems were quoted and translated from Murasaki Shikibu's Diary. In fact, the third poem was written by the most powerful regency, Fujiwara no Michinaga who tried to advance on Murasaki Shikibu one night outside her window. Murasaki Shikibu refused him by returning the fourth poem.

40)Sugiura: fir.

41)Kuso: cursing word.

42)Matsu: pine.

43)Ima: now.