Previously there were chapters where content had been missing.
The chapters were, "The Beginning of the End" and "When Love and Reality Collide". I have updated these chapters so they are now complete.
That being said, I have something to say.
Many of you have been supportive and I really do appreciate that.
Some of you (a fair number actually) have taken exception to my absence. Let me be clear, I really don't give a fuck.
This is fanfiction, it is a hobby.
If I lose my job it will not pay the bills.
If I divorce it will not keep me warm at night.
If the fandom disappoints me and or abandones me, it will not share a pint of Ben & Jerry's with me.
If this attitude disappoints you, you do not have to continue to read and or support this story.
We ALL have lives outside fanfiction, readers and writers alike. The difference is, if a reader takes a break to take care of personal business no one really takes offense to that.
I leave you with this.
I promise you that The Impasse will be completed.
I promise you that I don't give a fuck about anyone's opinion regarding how quickly that happens.
I promise you that I appreciate and covet all of the support I have received.
Most of all . . . .
I promise you that my life outside this virtual world will always take presidence.
Thank you everyone for your support and for sticking with me all this time. It has been trying, stressfull and continues to be challenging and at times heart wrenching but this experience has been a welcome escape for my mind, I hope it is the same for you.