After watching the episode on January 29th, 2010, I just had to write a new story.

I hope you guys like it!


Chapter One



"Meaning, we have to stay away from each other starting right now," Noah said; not even turning in Luke's direction. Luke felt like he had been kicked in the stomach. Where was he supposed to go with this? He ran his hand through the hair at the base of his neck. "Luke? Are you there?"

"Yeah. I heard you. Um…I'm, ah, I'm gonna check on my mom. I'm happy for you, really. I'll ah, nevermind," Luke said in an almost shaky voice. He had to get out of there. He turned and walked towards his mom's room. Leaving Noah standing in the hallway. Noah heard Luke's steps as he walked away and breathed a sigh of relief. Luke had left without too much of fight. The next sound he heard was Maddie coming up behind him.



"Are you ready to go home?" Maddie asked as she put her hand on Noah's arm. Noah felt a pang in his chest after Luke walked away. He knew that this would be hard for Luke, but what else was he supposed to do? This was the only way that Dr. Reid would agree to do the surgery. What other choice could he make?

"Yeah, but can we go somewhere for a little while? I don't know, Al's or Java,"

"Ah, sure. I can always use a good caffeine fix," Maddie said cheerfully and they walked towards the elevators.

Luke took a deep breath and then entered his mom's hospital room. He didn't want her to see him that he was upset about Noah. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to be right now. Should he be hurt that Noah was breaking up with him again? Or should he be furious with Dr. Reid for inserting himself in his relationship with Noah? He realized now, whether he liked it or not, he and Noah were over. As he sat down next to his sleeping mother he had a sad realization, did he care?

Luke slipped his hand into his mom's and lightly squeezed it. He suddenly felt very lost. Lily stirred slightly and opened her eyes. She turned her head and saw her oldest son sitting next to her. The genuine smile she wore helped break up some of Luke's sadness.

"Hey mom,"

"Hi sweetheart. What are you doing here?"

"Dad called me and told me you were here. Are you ok?"

"Yeah," she said as she started to sit up. Luke got to his feet and helped her. "I fell and hit my head when Damian ran from the house,"

"Yeah, he left Oakdale. He left my Grimaldi Shipping,"

"He what?"

"Yeah. He told me that he was leaving and that he didn't know when he'd see me again. Mom, what happened?" She looked up and saw tears coming from her son's eyes. She knew that he and Damian had grown quite close in the past year. On some level she was glad for it. He was able to meet the man that she fell in love with, but that wasn't the real Damian. The real Damian had finally made himself known in the last few months. She was glad that Luke did not have to see that.

"Oh honey," Lily said as she brushed Luke bangs out of his face. And she told him. She told him everything that Damian had done. From hiding the fact that Holden was alive to making it appear that Meg was trying to hurt Damian. That Damian tried to get Lily to leave him by threatening Holden. She tried to break all of this to him as softly as he could. Luke was bound to find out and she didn't want him to find out from someone else.

Luke felt like all of the air was rushing out of his body, like he was drowning. He didn't know what was up or down anymore. Everything he knew right now was wrong. A nurse came in and started to check Lily's vitals.

"I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over,"

"OK. Um, I'll see you later ok mom,"

"I'll be fine. They're just keeping overnight as a precaution,"

"Ok, talk to you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Night baby," Lily said as Luke leaned forward and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek. He got up and walked into the hallway. How could this day get any worse? He was about to find out.

Luke zipped his coat up and started to walk through the hospital lobby. He was almost to the door when he heard someone call him name. He knew that voice. He stopped and let out a breath in frustration while he closed his eyes. He felt like he was about to witness his own execution.

"Mr. Snyder. Looking for me again?" Dr. Oliver said as he pulled his jacket on.

"For your information I wasn't. I was not looking for you or wanting to. Just so you know, not everything in my life revolves around you. If you need to know, my mom is up on the fourth floor. Now I am going to go and you won't see me anymore,"

"What's wrong with her?" he asked with actual concern.

"What do you care?" Luke said quickly and turned to walk away.

"Oh, don't run on my account,"

"Oh, I'm not! I'm doing it for Noah. That's what you wanted isn't? Noah broke up with me. Just, just take good care of him. Please," Luke said and finally left without turning to look back at Reid. Reid stood in the door and watched Luke pull his coat closer to his body while he walked to his car. Luke sat for a minute or two before he started his car and turned to go home. Reid watched him drive away and felt a small twinge of regret. He looked so defeated, not like the guy he met a few days before. Reid closed up his own jacket and walked to where a cab was waiting.

Luke walked into the house and saw how empty it seemed. There wasn't the usually hustle and bustle that was typical of a Snyder house. No kids running around, no abandoned TV playing somewhere, no one the kitchen making a snack. The house just seemed different, almost sad. Luke had to make sure that he had his stuff and out before Noah got back.

He quickly ran upstairs, taking them two at a time and into his bedroom. He reached into the closet and grabbed his duffle bag. Luke grabbed some jeans and t-shirt, made sure he grabbed a few sweatshirts and some stuff from his bathroom. He brought his bag downstairs and grabbed some foundation paperwork from coffee table and slid that into his bag. He was almost out the door when he realized that he didn't have his laptop. He checked the dining table, the kitchen, and the den. It was nowhere to be found. He left his bag on the chair and ran back upstairs to check his room again.

Noah opened the door and Maddie followed in behind him. She helped him hang up his coat and they settled in on the couch.

"Was there anything else? I really need to get my "First Edition". I have to update my vlog tonight,"

"No, Maddie. You can go. Thanks for everything today. I really appreciate it,"

"Whatever you need you know that," she said as she gave Noah a quick peck on the cheek. Luke stood just inside the door and watched them. He wasn't eavesdropping; he just wanted to sneak out of the house without seeing anyone. It hurt him to see Noah and Maddie so close, considering him and Luke weren't anything anymore. He watched Maddie leave and waited a minute, maybe he could slip out without Noah knowing it. He watched Noah lean back into the couch and set his cane aside. He looked like he was going to go to sleep.

Luke held his laptop close to him and softly walked toward the chair. If it wasn't for unfortunate floor board, he might have gotten out. His step squeaked and revealed that he was there. Luke winced as if the board hurt him in some way. Noah sat up quick and turned slightly on the couch.

"Hello? Is someone there?" Noah asked. Luke couldn't hide now.

"It's just me,"

"Luke what are you doing?" Noah asked as he stood up. He turned toward Luke and Luke did not look up. He didn't want to look at him right now. He might just start to cry.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna be out of here in a minute. I just forgot my laptop,"


"Well, that's what you wanted, isn't? Me out of your way,"

"Luke I never said…,"

"You said that we needed to stay away from each other from now on. That's what I'm doing," still not looking at Noah. He shoved his laptop into his bag and went for his coat.

"Luke, you don't have to leave,"

"Really! Let's face it Noah, you've wanted me gone for quite awhile and I can't be here anymore," Luke's voice was cracking, he was fighting the need to cry. "I finally got it. We're done,"

"Luke! Where are you going to go?" Noah asked. He heard Luke let out slight laugh.

"What does it matter?" Luke answered in a quiet voice and slammed the door. Noah couldn't move. He had been telling Luke for months to leave him alone and stop trying to control everything. He wanted Luke to just leave him alone.

Well, he got his wish.

And he suddenly felt much worse.

Well, whatt think?

Let me know!

I hope to keep updating as I can!


Stay Tuned!