15: Parental Guidance and Ghostly Encounters
Maybe the necklace was more powerful than I'd originally gave it credit for. It wasn't just powerful, it was evil! It had called him to his death. It had almost killed him!
For a while, nobody spoke. The two adults in the room were dumbfounded. They were perhaps wondering how such a powerful and dangerous object had found its way into their son's possession. That was the least of my worries. Any moment now, James's parents were going to see me. Just how well would they react? Hopefully they wouldn't believe that I was a Death Eater's creation, like Sirius had first thought.
I watched with caution as Mr Potter took a step towards his son. For some reason, James took a hesitant step backwards. Maybe he'd had second thoughts? A small part of me was hoping so. That small part was wishing that James would laugh and tell his parents that this was an elaborate joke. Ha, he'd fooled them all! Sadly it wasn't. This was my life. This was my future.
Mr Potter held his hand out slowly. His eyes were gentle, somewhat pleading. Did he still think his son was crazy?
"Go on James," Sirius said. "Let's get this over with."
I watched as James closed his eyes and sighed. It was time. I had to face his parents, it was inevitable. I wasn't ready to give up my little solitude but I was ready for answers.
"It's okay, James," I murmured. "I'm ready as I'll ever be." He shot me a look that was a mixture of sorrow, gratitude and reassurance. His hand gripped the necklace a little tighter before relinquishing it into his father's hand.
I was expecting a cold sensation or something but I felt nothing. I did feel apprehension as I looked over at Mr Potter, however. His eyes had widened and his jaw had slackened in shock. Almost too quickly for me to follow, he had managed to shove James behind him and point his wand in my direction before any of us could say anything.
"Dad!" James shouted in protest. "Stop, it's okay!"
"What? What is it, Fleamont?" Mrs Potter asked, her voice betrayed how anxious she was. She gripped James's shoulder and removed her wand from her pocket.
"What part of this is okay, James?" Mr Potter said, he was bordering on hysterical.
Tired of being stared at, I spoke up.
"Hello," I said and gave an awkward wave. I was never good at being the centre of attention. I was even worse at being the centre of attention in a bad light. I don't know if Mr Potter could do any damage to me with his wand but I wasn't going to test my luck.
"Who are you!?" Mr Potter demanded. Instead of answering I looked at the confused Mrs Potter who was struggling to hold James back. Sirius, who'd stayed quiet, glanced at me but didn't say anything.
"I'm Lily Evans." I thought that there was no reason to lie to these people. James had been kind to me. He had to have got that kindness from somewhere, I just hoped that is was from his father. I braced myself for any further questions or attacks but they never came.
"Dad! We need to help her," James said as he wrestled out of his mother's grasp and stepped between his dad's wand and myself.
"How could you keep this a secret from us?" Mr Potter still kept his eyes on me as if waiting for me to attack.
"I didn't want to," James sounded miserable. "To tell you the truth, I thought I was going mad. Especially when you and mum couldn't see her. I've done my research, dad, she's telling the truth."
"Do you know what this is?" Mr Potter asked his son, gesturing to my necklace. James nodded an affirmative. "It's very powerful magic, James. You should have told us straight away."
"I haven't known about the time turner that long."
"And you think that makes it any better?" Mr Potter asked as he passed the necklace back to his wife. She reluctantly took hold of it.
"There's more," James said after a pause. "Lily had a vision when she held it."
"A Vision?" Mrs Potter spoke after getting over the shock of seeing me.
"Yeah, of two men discussing Voldemort."
"Oh, James, what have you got yourself into?" Mrs Potter bemoaned.
They all turned to me. If I could blush, I'd be bright red right now.
"So recap," I said. "I'm Lily Evans, I used to live here once. I drowned in the same lake that James almost drowned in yesterday and I've been like this ever since. Nobody but James and Sirius have been able to see me so far. Questions?" I probably shouldn't have mocked the adult Potters like that but humour had always been an outlet for me when I didn't know what to say.
"Yes, plenty," Mrs Potter said snappily "but tell us more about your vision."
That wasn't the first request I was expecting but I gladly explained the vision I'd had to the two oblivious Potters. I guess this whole scenario could have gone a lot worse. I'm just glad that I didn't have to find out if magic could harm a dead girl.
"We have to inform the Ministry," Mr Potter said in a resigned tone.
"No don't!" James cried in alarm. What would be so bad about the Ministry knowing? That sounded like a good way of finding answers to me.
"If Voldemort is involved then they have to be informed, James," Mrs Potter said.
"They wouldn't help, Lily," Sirius finally spoke. "They'd confiscate the time turner and find a way to get rid of her." Oh, that would be why James was so worried then? I definitely didn't like the sound of that. What now then? Back to square one?
"Then what do you suggest then, Sirius?" Mrs Potter looked expectantly at him. "Well?"
"I don't know! Just don't get the Ministry involved."
"Maybe it's time Lily moved on?" Mrs Potter suggested, not unkindly but I didn't like that suggestion either way.
"I am here, you know," I said indignantly. "I need to move on! I need to me fixed."
"Oh love," Mrs Potter looked at me with pity. "You can't fix the dead."
"But she's more than dead," James said as he studied me. "She was eleven when she died. I've see the newspaper article. Does she look like an eleven year old to you?"
"People mature early these days," Mrs Potter said half-heartedly almost as if she didn't believe her own words.
"It's more than that, mum. She's been ageing. There was a picture in the paper, she's definitely aged."
"How can a ghost age?" Mr Potter said whilst taking a step closer to me, scrutinising me.
"Exactly!" James said as he gestured at me. "How can a ghost age?"
"Maybe the Ministry doesn't need to be informed yet," Mr Potter said. He sighed before adding, "But we do need help."
"Help from who?" James asks and I'm wondering the same question. The Ministry is the magical world's version of a government, who else but the government could help?
"Dumbledore," Mr and Mrs Potter reply simultaneously. Dumble...door? What's a Dumbledore?
"You really think Dumbledore can help me?" I asked meekly. Maybe revealing myself to the Potter's was the best thing I could have ever done.
"If anyone can solve what's happened to you, Dumbledore can," James said with confidence. I trusted his judgement above everyone else's in this room. It was time to see Dumbledore. Hopefully he wouldn't banish me away forever.
A/N: As many of you have already guessed, I'm terrible at updates but I do try my best. Inspiration just doesn't come easily to me any more. I'm much better at reading fanfictions than writing them. Anyway, here's chapter 15. Please enjoy etc.