Chances Are
Pairing - Ashia and Karin
Note - I don't own any of the characters or the show. Just a little one shot that came to mind after watching season 1 and 2 and the ova. Now onward with the story.
Karin sighed they had just defeated the three cho sisters and the stupid singing and dancing act. Soon everybody would be packing up and moving out once more to head to the home villages and etc. The little bratty princess and her servant had already left thank god. They people that where really left where Ashia and her little group and her own army.
Speaking on the beautiful black haired bandit hunter, Karin turned her gaze to the girl setting at the table a few chairs down and felt her heart beat quickly in her chest. She didn't know what it was about this girl, but whenever she was around she felt herself get easily distracted from her thoughts, other women didn't seem to hold interest anymore like they used to, and oh how her heart ached whenever she left.
Getting up she deiced to give it one more try, one more try to get this girl to love her. Wait what Karin paused in her steps when had her thoughts went from just getting the girl into her bed to making her fall in love with her.
Shaking her head she just smiled, the girl had done something to her without even trying. Walking over to Ashia she tapped her shoulder getting the girls attention, leaning in she whispered to her "Follow me please i need to talk to you about something please". Walking out of the tent and waiting Ashia soon came out to meet her leading the girl away from prying eyes and ears she sat down on a log and patted it for the girl to set beside her.
Once Ashia sat she pondered her chances at making the girl see the truth. Clearing her throat she began to speak "Chances are, when i tell you the truth you probabbly run away as usually but heres to hoping you wont,.....Ashia I..I Love you".
She was surprised when she felt soft lips meet her own instead of the girl running away at a break neck speed. She was even more surprised when Ashia told her she loved her to but wouldn't share a bed with a woman that couldn't stay Loyal to only one woman. As Ashia was about to leave she grabbed her arm and said "I...I can be loyal just give me a chance I Promise I Will only have you in my bed...i swear" Karin pleaded she knew it was true because she would give Ashia whatever she wanted.
Ashia sat down once more and nodded "Okay Karin...but only one, I can't deal with anymore heart break in my life then I have already suffered" Karin nodded and held the other girls hand before saying "wait here for a moment" running to the tent she gathered all of her female subordinates and told them "I will sleep with none of you anymore, i will only have one woman in my bed now understood, Also anyone trying to ruin this for me will feel my wraith, now be happy for me because i am in love"
Running back out she sat down beside Ashia and smiled "Would you like to watch the stars with me tonight and we can talk about your group leaving in the morning and how this will effect our love" Ashia just nodded and cuddled up to Karin to watch the stars go bye.